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Powershell `unzip.ps1` - unzip all in folder. `movebetween.ps1` - move files from folder with names matching contents of other folder. `movelonedirs.ps1` - move subdirs at upper level and remove empty subdirs
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for file in *; do
if [ -d "$file" ]; then
# Will not run if no directories are available
echo mv "$file" "${file//[ .()@$]/_}"
mv "$file" "${file//[ .()@$]/_}"
[CmdletBinding()] param () #
function Measure-StringDistance {
Compute the distance between two strings using the Levenshtein distance formula.
Compute the distance between two strings using the Levenshtein distance formula.
The source string.
The comparison string.
PS C:\> Measure-StringDistance -Source "Michael" -Compare "Micheal"
There are two characters that are different, "a" and "e".
PS C:\> Measure-StringDistance -Source "Michael" -Compare "Michal"
There is one character that is different, "e".
Michael West
param (
[string]$Source = "",
[string]$Compare = ""
$n = $Source.Length;
$m = $Compare.Length;
$d = New-Object 'int[,]' $($n+1),$($m+1)
if ($n -eq 0){
return $m
if ($m -eq 0){
return $n
for ([int]$i = 0; $i -le $n; $i++){
$d[$i, 0] = $i
for ([int]$j = 0; $j -le $m; $j++){
$d[0, $j] = $j
for ([int]$i = 1; $i -le $n; $i++){
for ([int]$j = 1; $j -le $m; $j++){
if ($Compare[$($j - 1)] -eq $Source[$($i - 1)]){
$cost = 0
$cost = 1
$d[$i, $j] = [Math]::Min([Math]::Min($($d[$($i-1), $j] + 1), $($d[$i, $($j-1)] + 1)),$($d[$($i-1), $($j-1)]+$cost))
return $d[$n, $m]
function Levenshtein-StringDistance {
# get-ld.ps1 (Levenshtein Distance)
# Levenshtein Distance is the # of edits it takes to get from 1 string to another
# This is one way of measuring the "similarity" of 2 strings
# Many useful purposes that can help in determining if 2 strings are similar possibly
# with different punctuation or misspellings/typos.
# Putting this as Source non comment or empty line declares the parameters
# the script accepts
param([string] $Source, [string] $Compare, [switch] $ignoreCase)
# No NULL check needed, why is that?
# PowerShell parameter handling converts Nulls into empty strings
# so we will never get a NULL string but we may get empty strings(length = 0)
$len1 = $Source.length
$len2 = $Compare.length
# If either string has length of zero, the # of edits/distance between them
# is simply the length of the other string
if($len1 -eq 0)
{ return $len2 }
if($len2 -eq 0)
{ return $len1 }
# make everything lowercase if ignoreCase flag is set
if($ignoreCase -eq $true)
$Source = $Source.tolowerinvariant()
$Compare = $Compare.tolowerinvariant()
# create 2d Array to store the "distances"
$dist = new-object -type 'int[,]' -arg ($len1+1),($len2+1)
# initialize the Source row and Source column which represent the 2
# strings we're comparing
for($i = 0; $i -le $len1; $i++)
{ $dist[$i,0] = $i }
for($j = 0; $j -le $len2; $j++)
{ $dist[0,$j] = $j }
$cost = 0
for($i = 1; $i -le $len1;$i++)
for($j = 1; $j -le $len2;$j++)
if($Compare[$j-1] -ceq $Source[$i-1])
$cost = 0
$cost = 1
# The value going into the cell is the min of 3 possibilities:
# 1. The cell immediately above plus 1
# 2. The cell immediately to the left plus 1
# 3. The cell diagonally above and to the left plus the 'cost'
# I had to add lots of parentheses to "help" the Powershell parser
# And I separated out the tempmin variable for readability
$tempmin = [System.Math]::Min(([int]$dist[($i-1),$j]+1) , ([int]$dist[$i,($j-1)]+1))
$dist[$i,$j] = [System.Math]::Min($tempmin, ([int]$dist[($i-1),($j-1)] + $cost))
# the actual distance is stored in the bottom right cell
return $dist[$len1, $len2];
function MergeDirsByDiff
[switch] $Recurse
$sourcePath = Join-Path "$sourcePath" ''
$destinationPath = Join-Path "$destinationPath" ''
#$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Recurse -Filter "*"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$files = @(
#$(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $sourcePath -Recurse | sort -Descending)
$(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $sourcePath | sort -Descending)
Write-Verbose "MergeDirsByDiff sourcePath=$sourcePath destinationPath=$destinationPath files=$files"
foreach($file in $files){
$sourcePathFile = $file.FullName
$destinationPathFile = $file.FullName.Replace($sourcePath, $destinationPath)
#destinationPath=G:\downloads\test\1\test1test\Новый текстовый документ.txt
#destinationPathFile=G:\downloads\test\1\test1test\Новый текстовый документ.txttest2test
$exists = Test-Path $destinationPathFile
$isFile = Test-Path -LiteralPath $sourcePathFile -PathType Leaf
$isFolder = Test-Path -LiteralPath $sourcePathFile -PathType Container
Write-Verbose "MergeDirsByDiff sourcePath=$sourcePath sourcePathFile=$sourcePathFile destinationPath=$destinationPath destinationPathFile=$destinationPathFile file.FullName=$sourcePathFile isFile=$isFile isFolder=$isFolder"
Write-Verbose "MergeDirsByDiff new path=$destinationPathFile"
$dir = Split-Path -parent $destinationPathFile
if (!(Test-Path($dir))) {
Write-Verbose "MergeDirsByDiff new dir=$dir"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
if ($isFolder) { # copy folder into new folder that did not exist before
if (!(Test-Path($destinationPathFile))) {
Write-Verbose "MergeDirsByDiff new dir=$dir"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $destinationPathFile -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
if ("$sourcePathFile" -eq "$sourcePath") {
throw "infinite recursion! $sourcePathFile == $sourcePath"
if ("$destinationPathFile" -eq "$destinationPath") {
throw "infinite recursion! $destinationPathFile == $destinationPath"
Write-Host "Merging folder sourcePathFile=$sourcePathFile into destinationPathFile=$destinationPathFile"
MergeDirsByDiff -sourcePath "$sourcePathFile" -destinationPath "$destinationPathFile" -Recurse
#Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$sourcePathFile/*" -Destination "$destinationPathFile" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
# without -Recurse
#[System.Collections.ArrayList]$toCopy = @(
# $(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $sourcePathFile | sort -Descending)
#Write-Host "MergeDirsByDiff toCopy=$toCopy from sourcePathFile=$sourcePathFile to #destinationPathFile=$destinationPathFile"
## override files and keep directory structure using "Copy-Item"
#$toCopy | Copy-Item -Destination "$destinationPathFile" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
Write-Host "MergeDirsByDiff copy file=$sourcePathFile into $destinationPathFile"
Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$sourcePathFile" -Destination $destinationPathFile -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
#$destinationPathItem = (Get-Item -LiteralPath "$destinationPathFile")
#$different = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $sourcePathFile) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $destinationPathFile)
#if(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $sourcePathFile) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $destinationPathFile))
# Write-Verbose "MergeDirsByDiff different file=$destinationPathFile"
# $dir = Split-Path -parent $destinationPathFile
# if (!(Test-Path($dir)))
# {
# New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
# }
# Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$sourcePathFile" -Destination $destinationPathFile -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
#} else {
# Write-Warning "MergeDirsByDiff skip, same diff of file=$destinationPathFile"
Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$sourcePathFile" -Destination $destinationPathFile -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
if ($isFolder) { # copy folder into new folder that existed before
if ("$sourcePathFile" -eq "$sourcePath") {
throw "infinite recursion! $sourcePathFile == $sourcePath"
if ("$destinationPathFile" -eq "$destinationPath") {
throw "infinite recursion! $destinationPathFile == $destinationPath"
Write-Host "Merging folder sourcePathFile=$sourcePathFile into destinationPathFile=$destinationPathFile"
MergeDirsByDiff -sourcePath "$sourcePathFile" -destinationPath "$destinationPathFile" -Recurse
#function MergeDirsByDiffRecursion
# [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
# Param(
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
# [string]$sourcePath,
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
# [string]$destinationPath,
# [switch] $removeEmptyFolders
# )
# #
# $sourcePath = Join-Path "$($sourcePath)" ''
# $destinationPath = Join-Path "$($destinationPath)" ''
# [System.Collections.ArrayList]$folderStructure = @(
# $(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $sourcePath -Directory -Recurse | sort -Descending)
# )
# Write-Host "MergeDirsByDiffRecursion sourcePath=$sourcePath destinationPath=$destinationPath #folderStructure=$folderStructure"
# foreach ($childDirectory in $folderStructure)
# {
# $dest = $childDirectory.FullName.Replace($sourcePath, $destinationPath)
# Write-Host "MergeDirsByDiffRecursion childDirectory=$($childDirectory.FullName) dest=$dest"
# MergeDirsByDiff -sourcePath $($childDirectory.FullName) -destinationPath $dest -Recurse
# }
# MergeDirsByDiff -sourcePath $sourcePath -destinationPath $destinationPath -Recurse
# $currentChildren = Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $sourcePath -ErrorAction Continue
# if ($removeEmptyFolders -eq $true)
# {
# $isEmpty = $currentChildren -eq $null
# if ($isEmpty) {
# # remove empty folders
# Write-Host "Remove-Item=$sourcePath"
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath $sourcePath
# }
# }
function MergeSimilarSubdirs {
param([string] $inputFolder, [string[]] $inDirs)
if ($inDirs.Count -eq 0) {
return 0
$mergedC = 0
$inputDirs = $inDirs | % { Get-Item -LiteralPath "$_" } | sort
Write-Host "inputDirs=$inputDirs"
for($index = 0; $index -lt $inputDirs.Count - 1; $index++)
$curr = $index
$next = $index+1
$sourceStr = $inputDirs[$curr].Name.ToLower()
$otherStr = $inputDirs[$next].Name.ToLower()
$lenMax = [Math]::Max($sourceStr.length,$otherStr.length)
if ($lenMax -lt 3) {
# skip short names
} else {
$dist = Levenshtein-StringDistance -Source $sourceStr -Compare $otherStr
$diffPct = $dist / $lenMax
Write-Verbose "DeiffEdits=$dist/$lenMax diffPct=$diffPct sourceStr=$sourceStr otherStr=$otherStr sourceStr.length=$($sourceStr.length)"
$reqPct = 0.12
if ($lenMax -gt 5) {
$reqPct = 0.23
if ($lenMax -gt 20) {
$reqPct = 0.34
if ($diffPct -le $reqPct) { # similar
$mergedC = $mergedC + 1
Write-Host "Merging similar folder names StringDistance=$dist diffPct=$diffPct sourceStr=$sourceStr otherStr=$otherStr"
# override files and keep directory structure using "Copy-Item"
#Get-ChildItem -Path "$($inputDirs[$next].FullName)/" | Copy-Item -Destination $targetDir -Recurse -Container -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Continue
# NOTE: Move-Item fails to move folder contents if folder with same name exists in destination,
# so had to use Copy-Item above
#Move-Item -Path "$($inputDirs[$next].FullName)/*" -Destination "$($inputDirs[$curr].FullName)/" -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable $moveItemError
MergeDirsByDiff -sourcePath "$($inputDirs[$next].FullName)" -destinationPath "$($inputDirs[$curr].FullName)" -Recurse
#if ($moveItemError) {
# Write-Warning "Warning, failed to move $($inputDirs[$next].FullName)/* into $($inputDirs#[$curr].FullName)/"
#} else {
# Write-Host "removing $($inputDirs[$next].FullName)"
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($inputDirs[$next].FullName)" -Recurse
Write-Host "removing $($inputDirs[$next].FullName)"
Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($inputDirs[$next].FullName)" -Recurse
#$index = $index + 1 # folder with $next does not exist anymore
# dir does not exist enymore, remove from array
[array] $newInputDirs = $inputDirs | Where { "$($_.FullName)" -ne "$($inputDirs[$next].FullName)" } | sort #| Where-Object { [array]::IndexOf($inputDirs, $_) -ne $next }
# re-run with new array data
$inFolders = $newInputDirs | % { $_.FullName } | sort
MergeSimilarSubdirs -inputFolder $inputFolder -inDirs $inFolders
if($mergedC -le 0) {
Write-Host "final inputDirs=$inputDirs"
return $mergedC
$inputFolder = "$($pwd.Path)"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$inputDirs = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Path $inputFolder -Directory)
if ($inputDirs.Count -eq 0) {
exit 0
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $inputFolder -PathType container)) {
throw "'$inputFolder' not found"
# NOTE: sort Ascending to move into folder with shorter name
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$inputDirs = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Path $inputFolder -Directory | sort)
$inFolders = $inputDirs | % { $_.FullName } | sort
#Write-Host "inFolders=$inFolders"
MergeSimilarSubdirs -inputFolder $inputFolder -inDirs $inFolders
#Write-Host "inputDirs=$($inputDirs)"
#exit 0
#$attempt = 0
#$attemptsMax = 1#$inputDirs.Count / 2 + 1
#while ($attempt -lt $attemptsMax)
# Write-Host "attempt=$attempt attemptsMax=$attemptsMax"
# $attempt = $attempt + 1
# $mergedC = MergeSimilarSubdirs -inputFolder $inputFolder
# if($mergedC -le 0) {
# break
# }
# Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -value 1
# set-executionpolicy unrestricted
$inputFolder = "$($pwd.Path)"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $inputFolder -PathType container)) {
throw "'$inputFolder' not found"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$inputFiles = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Path $inputFolder)
Write-Host "inputFiles=$($inputFiles)"
$filterFolder = 'D:\bitl\\Compresed\SKILLSHARE\'
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $filterFolder -PathType container)) {
throw "'$filterFolder' not found"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$filterFiles = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Path $filterFolder)
Write-Host "filterFiles=$($filterFiles)"
$outputFolder = 'D:\bitl\\Compresed\tmp2\'
If(!(test-path -PathType container $outputFolder))
# You can ignore errors in PowerShell with the
# -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue parameter (you can shorten this to -ea 0).
New-Item $outputFolder -ItemType Directory -ea 0
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $outputFolder -PathType container)) {
throw "'$outputFolder' not found"
foreach ($infile in $inputFiles)
if ($infile.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".ps1")) {
Write-Host "Extension=$($infile.FullName.ToLower())"
#If(!(test-path -PathType container $infile))
#Write-Host "not folder=$($infile.Name.ToLower())"
Write-Host "infile=$($infile.Name.ToLower())"
foreach ($filterfile in $filterFiles)
if ($filterfile.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".ps1")) {
Write-Host "Extension=$($filterfile.FullName.ToLower())"
if ($infile.BaseName.ToLower().Contains("$($filterfile.BaseName.ToLower())")) {
Write-Host "filterfile=$($filterfile.Name.ToLower())"
$destination = "$($outputFolder)$($infile.Name)"
Write-Host "Destination=$($destination)"
Move-Item -Path "$($infile.FullName)" -Destination "$($destination)" -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Stop
#if ($infile.DirectoryName.Name.ToLower().StartsWith($exclusion.Name.ToLower()))
# $exclude = $true
# Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -value 1
# set-executionpolicy unrestricted
$inputFolder = "$($pwd.Path)"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $inputFolder -PathType container)) {
throw "'$inputFolder' not found"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$inputFiles = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Path $inputFolder)
Write-Host "inputFiles=$($inputFiles)"
# A script block (anonymous function) that will remove empty folders
# under a root folder, using tail-recursion to ensure that it only
# walks the folder tree once. -Force is used to be able to process
# hidden files/folders as well.
$tailRecursion = {
foreach ($childDirectory in Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path -Directory) {
& $tailRecursion -Path $childDirectory.FullName
$currentChildren = Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path
$isEmpty = $currentChildren -eq $null
if ($isEmpty) {
Write-Verbose "Removing empty folder at path '${Path}'." -Verbose
Remove-Item -Verbose -Force -LiteralPath $Path
# 10 is max subfodler depth
for ($i=1; $i -le 10; $i++) {
foreach ($infile in $inputFiles)
if ($infile.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".ps1")) {
#Write-Host "Extension=$($infile.FullName.ToLower())"
If(!(Test-Path -Path "$($infile.FullName)" -PathType Container))
Write-Host "not folder=$($infile.Name.ToLower())"
#Write-Host "infile=$($infile.Name.ToLower())"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$filterFiles = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Path $infile)
#Write-Host "filterFiles=$($filterFiles)"
#Please note that you have to use -gt instead of > in your if condition. #PowerShell uses the following comparison operators to compare values and test conditions:
#-eq = equals (==)
#-ne = not equals (!=)
#-lt = less than (<)
#-gt = greater than (>)
#-le = less than or equals (<=)
#-ge = greater than or equals (>=)
#if ($filterFiles.length -gt 2) {
# Write-Host "length -gt 2"
# continue
#$hasAnySubdir = (Get-ChildItem -Force -Directory $infile).Count -gt 0
$hasNoFiles = !((Get-ChildItem -Force -File $infile).Count -gt 0)
if (($filterFiles.length -gt 2) -And ($hasNoFiles)) {
Write-Host "length -gt 2 & !hasAnyFile"
# skip dirs that consist only of (many) subfolders
$hasTwoFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Force -File $infile).Count -gt 1
if (($filterFiles.length -gt 2) -And ($hasTwoFiles)) {
Write-Host "length -gt 2 & hasTwoFiles"
# skip dirs with >= 2 files
foreach ($filterfile in $filterFiles)
if (($filterFiles.length -eq 1) -And ($hasNoFiles)) {
if ((Join-Path "$($inputFolder)" '') -ne (Join-Path "$($filterfile.Parent.FullName)" ''))
Write-Host "length -gt 2 & !hasAnyFile"
Write-Host "filterfile=$($filterfile.FullName)"
Write-Host "filterfile.Parent=$($filterfile.Parent.FullName)"
# move up subfolder data from dir that consists only of 1 subfolder
Move-Item -Path "$($filterfile.FullName)/*" -Destination "$($filterfile.Parent.FullName)/" -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Continue
#exit 0
if ($filterfile.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".ps1")) {
Write-Host "Extension=$($filterfile.FullName.ToLower())"
If(!(Test-Path -Path "$($filterfile.FullName)" -PathType Container))
Write-Host "not folder=$($filterfile.Name.ToLower())"
Write-Host "filterfile=$($filterfile.FullName)"
$destination = "$($infile.FullName)/"
Write-Host "Destination=$($destination)"
# -ErrorAction Stop
Move-Item -Path "$($filterfile.FullName)/*" -Destination "$($destination)" -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Continue
#Please note that you have to use -gt instead of > in your if condition. #PowerShell uses the following comparison operators to compare values and test conditions:
#-eq = equals (==)
#-ne = not equals (!=)
#-lt = less than (<)
#-gt = greater than (>)
#-le = less than or equals (<=)
#-ge = greater than or equals (>=)
if ($inputFolder.Length -gt 3) {
# delete empty folders
# remark that the code also removes the start folder if that winds up empty
& $tailRecursion -Path "$($inputFolder)"
# Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -value 1
# set-executionpolicy unrestricted
# A script block (anonymous function) that will remove empty folders
# under a root folder, using tail-recursion to ensure that it only
# walks the folder tree once. -Force is used to be able to process
# hidden files/folders as well.
function tailRecursion($Path)
foreach ($childDirectory in Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Directory) {
tailRecursion -Path $childDirectory.FullName
$currentChildren = Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$isEmpty = $currentChildren -eq $null
if ($isEmpty) {
#Write-Verbose "Removing empty folder at path '${Path}'." -Verbose
Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath $Path
function movelonedirs($inputFolder)
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$inputFiles = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Force -Path $inputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Host "inputFiles=$inputFiles"
# 10 is max subfodler depth
for ($i=1; $i -le 10; $i++) {
foreach ($infile in $inputFiles)
if ($infile.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".ps1")) {
#Write-Host "Extension=$($infile.FullName.ToLower())"
If(!(Test-Path -Path "$($infile.FullName)" -PathType Container))
#Write-Host "not folder=$($infile.Name.ToLower())"
#Write-Host "infile=$($infile.Name.ToLower())"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$filterFiles = @(
$(Get-ChildItem -Force -Path $infile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
#Write-Host "filterFiles=$($filterFiles)"
#Please note that you have to use -gt instead of > in your if condition. #PowerShell uses the following comparison operators to compare values and test conditions:
#-eq = equals (==)
#-ne = not equals (!=)
#-lt = less than (<)
#-gt = greater than (>)
#-le = less than or equals (<=)
#-ge = greater than or equals (>=)
#if ($filterFiles.length -gt 2) {
# Write-Host "length -gt 2"
# continue
#$hasAnySubdir = (Get-ChildItem -Force -Directory $infile).Count -gt 0
$hasNoFiles = !((Get-ChildItem -Force -File $infile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -gt 0)
if (($filterFiles.length -gt 2) -And ($hasNoFiles)) {
#Write-Host "length -gt 2 & !hasAnyFile"
# skip dirs that consist only of subfolders
$hasTwoFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Force -File $infile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -gt 1
if (($filterFiles.length -gt 2) -And ($hasTwoFiles)) {
#Write-Host "length -gt 2 & hasTwoFiles"
# skip dirs with >= 2 files
foreach ($filterfile in $filterFiles)
if ($filterfile.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".ps1")) {
#Write-Host "Extension=$($filterfile.FullName.ToLower())"
If(!(Test-Path -Path "$($filterfile.FullName)" -PathType Container))
#Write-Host "not folder=$($filterfile.Name.ToLower())"
#Write-Host "filterfile=$($filterfile.FullName)"
$destination = "$($infile.FullName)/"
#Write-Host "Destination=$($destination)"
# -ErrorAction Stop
Move-Item -Path "$($filterfile.FullName)/*" -Destination "$destination" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #-Verbose
#Please note that you have to use -gt instead of > in your if condition. #PowerShell uses the following comparison operators to compare values and test conditions:
#-eq = equals (==)
#-ne = not equals (!=)
#-lt = less than (<)
#-gt = greater than (>)
#-le = less than or equals (<=)
#-ge = greater than or equals (>=)
if ($inputFolder.Length -gt 3) {
# delete empty folders
# remark that the code also removes the start folder if that winds up empty
tailRecursion -Path "$inputFolder"
function run7zbypath($arInputFolder,
write-host "arInputFolder=$arInputFolder"
write-host "arInclude=$arInclude"
write-host "passwords=$passwords"
#$WinRar = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe"
#if (-not (Test-Path -Path $WinRar -PathType Leaf)) {
# throw "file '$WinRar' not found"
#$UnRAR = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe"
#if (-not (Test-Path -Path $UnRAR -PathType Leaf)) {
# throw "file '$UnRAR' not found"
# 7-Zip Extra: standalone console version, 7z DLL, Plugin for Far Manager
$SZexe = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SZexe -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "file '$SZexe' not found"
$zFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $arInputFolder -Include $arInclude -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host "zFiles=$zFiles"
#exit 0
foreach ($zFile in $zFiles)
$outPutFolder = "$($zFile.DirectoryName)"
Write-Host "arInputFolder=$arInputFolder"
$isFile = Test-Path -LiteralPath $zFile -PathType Leaf
Write-Host "not file=$zFile"
$zDir = $zFile.Directory.FullName
Write-Host "Directory=$zDir"
$isFolder = Test-Path -LiteralPath $zDir -PathType Container
Write-Host "not folder=$zDir"
$outPutSubFolder = ""
if ((Join-Path "$arInputFolder" '') -eq (Join-Path "$zDir" '')) {
$outPutSubFolder = "$($zFile.BaseName -replace '\.part\d*$')\"
#$outPutFolderExtended = $outPutFolder + "\" + $zFile.BaseName
# Use regex to remove the ‘part#’ part.
$outPutFolderExtended = "$outPutFolder\$($outPutSubFolder.subString(0, [System.Math]::Min(50, $outPutSubFolder.Length)) -replace "\W")"
$exists = Test-Path $outPutFolderExtended
Write-Host "will extract into already existing folder=$outPutFolderExtended"
#Expand-Archive -Path "$($zFile.FullName)" -DestinationPath $outPutFolderExtended
foreach ($password in $passwords)
Write-Host $password
if ($password) {
&$SZexe "t" "$($zFile.FullName)" "-p$password" ;
if (-Not $?)
Write-Host "$password is not the password."
} else {
Write-Host "$password is the password."
# Call 7zip. Provide password as an argument.
#&$SZexe x "$($zFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" -y "-p$($password)" ;
$arguments=@("x", """$($zFile.FullName)""", """-o$outPutFolderExtended""", "-y", "-p$password");
$ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($zFile.FullName)"
#rmdir -Path "$($zFile.FullName)" -Force
Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($zFile.FullName)"
} else {
Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $($zFile.FullName)"
if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
movelonedirs -inputFolder "$outPutFolderExtended"
break # password found
} else {
#&$SZexe x "$($zFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" -y ;
#if (-Not $?)
# Write-Host "empty password string failed"
#} else {
# break # password found
$arguments=@("x", """$($zFile.FullName)""", """-o$outPutFolderExtended""", "-y", "");
$ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($zFile.FullName)"
#rmdir -Path "$($zFile.FullName)" -Force
Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($zFile.FullName)"
} else {
Write-Host "empty password string failed"
Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $($zFile.FullName)"
if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
movelonedirs -inputFolder "$outPutFolderExtended"
break # password found
# Last try is no password at all
# NOTE: usually any password will succeed if archive password is empty
$passwords = @("", "", "bitdownload", "", "p30download", "", "bitdownload", "bitdl", "", "", "@udemyking1", "", "@MDiscordBot", "@redbluehit", "XDJ", "", "whocares", "brute force", "dfghgfh", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "p30forum", "", "", "sharewood", "SW.BAND", "", "TonyPart4Four", "", "", "", "", "", "", "d3G#0N9JO*", "v1H8s38ouj9Sg9Y9rtI", "")
$arInclude = @("*.rar", "*.zip", "*.iso")
#& $run7zbypath -arInputFolder "$($pwd.Path)" -arInclude $arInclude -passwords $passwords
#run7zbypath("$($pwd.Path)", $arInclude, $passwords)
# 3 is max iterations (attempts)
for ($i=1; $i -le 3; $i++) {
run7zbypath -arInputFolder "$($pwd.Path)" -arInclude $arInclude -passwords $passwords
movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($pwd.Path)"
#$zFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $arInputFolder -Include ("*.zip") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#$rarFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $arInputFolder -Include ("*.rar") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #, "*.r[0-9]", "*.r[0-9][0-9]", "*.r[0-9][0-9][0-9]")
#$isoFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $arInputFolder -Include ("*.iso") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#$password = ""
# foreach ($zFile in $zFiles)
# {
# $outPutFolder = "$($zFile.DirectoryName)"
# Write-Host "arInputFolder=$($arInputFolder)"
# Write-Host "Directory=$((get-item $zFile).Directory.FullName)"
# $outPutSubFolder = ""
# #
# if ((Join-Path "$($arInputFolder)" '') -eq (Join-Path "$((get-item # $zFile).Directory.FullName)" '')) {
# $outPutSubFolder = "$($zFile.BaseName -replace '\.part\d*$')\"
# }
# #$outPutFolderExtended = $outPutFolder + "\" + $zFile.BaseName
# # Use regex to remove the ‘part#’ part.
# $outPutFolderExtended = "$($outPutFolder)\$($outPutSubFolder.subString(0, # [System.Math]::Min(50, $outPutSubFolder.Length)))"
# #Expand-Archive -Path "$($zFile.FullName)" -DestinationPath # $outPutFolderExtended
# foreach ($password in $passwords)
# {
# Write-Host $password
# if ($password) {
# &$SZexe "t" "$($zFile.FullName)" "-p$($password)" ;
# if (-Not $?)
# {
# Write-Host "$($password) is not the password."
# } else {
# Write-Host "$($password) is the password."
# # Call 7zip. Provide password as an argument.
# #&$SZexe x "$($zFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" # -y "-p$($password)" ;
# $arguments=@("x", """$($zFile.FullName)""", """-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "-p$($password)");
# $ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
# {
# write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($zFile.# FullName)"
# #rmdir -Path "$($zFile.FullName)" -Force
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($zFile.FullName)"
# } else {
# Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $# ($zFile.FullName)"
# }
# if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
# & $movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($outPutFolderExtended)"
# }
# break # password found
# }
# } else {
# #&$SZexe x "$($zFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" -y ;
# #if (-Not $?)
# #{
# # Write-Host "empty password string failed"
# #} else {
# # break # password found
# #}
# $arguments=@("x", """$($zFile.FullName)""", """-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "");
# $ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
# {
# write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($zFile.FullName)# "
# #rmdir -Path "$($zFile.FullName)" -Force
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($zFile.FullName)"
# } else {
# Write-Host "empty password string failed"
# Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $# ($zFile.FullName)"
# }
# if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
# & $movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($outPutFolderExtended)"
# }
# break # password found
# }
# }
# }
# foreach ($isoFile in $isoFiles)
# {
# $outPutFolder = "$($isoFile.DirectoryName)"
# Write-Host "arInputFolder=$($arInputFolder)"
# Write-Host "Directory=$((get-item $isoFile).Directory.FullName)"
# $outPutSubFolder = ""
# #
# if ((Join-Path "$($arInputFolder)" '') -eq (Join-Path "$((get-item # $isoFile).Directory.FullName)" '')) {
# $outPutSubFolder = "$($isoFile.BaseName -replace '\.part\d*$')\"
# }
# #$outPutFolderExtended = $outPutFolder + "\" + $isoFile.BaseName
# # Use regex to remove the ‘part#’ part.
# $outPutFolderExtended = "$($outPutFolder)\$($outPutSubFolder.subString(0, # [System.Math]::Min(50, $outPutSubFolder.Length)))"
# #Expand-Archive -Path "$($isoFile.FullName)" -DestinationPath # $outPutFolderExtended
# foreach ($password in $passwords)
# {
# Write-Host $password
# if ($password) {
# &$SZexe "t" "$($isoFile.FullName)" "-p$($password)" ;
# #&$UnRAR "t" "-p$($password)" "$($isoFile.FullName)" ;
# if (-Not $?)
# {
# Write-Host "$($password) is not the password."
# } else {
# Write-Host "$($password) is the password."
# # Call 7zip. Provide password as an argument.
# #&$SZexe x -tiso "$($isoFile.FullName)" "-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)" -y "-p$($password)" ;
# #&$UnRAR x -o- "$($isoFile.FullName)" $outPutFolderExtended -y # "-p$($password)" ;
# #&$SZexe x "$($isoFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" # -y "-p$($password)" ;
# $arguments=@("x", """$($isoFile.FullName)""", """-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "-p$($password)");
# $ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
# {
# write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($isoFile.# FullName)"
# #rmdir -Path "$($isoFile.FullName)" -Force
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($isoFile.FullName)"
# } else {
# Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $# ($isoFile.FullName)"
# }
# if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
# & $movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($outPutFolderExtended)"
# }
# break # password found
# }
# } else {
# #&$SZexe x "$($isoFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" -y ;
# $arguments=@("x", """$($isoFile.FullName)""", """-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "");
# $ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
# {
# write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($isoFile.FullName)# "
# #rmdir -Path "$($isoFile.FullName)" -Force
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($isoFile.FullName)"
# } else {
# Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $# ($isoFile.FullName)"
# Write-Host "empty password string failed"
# }
# if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
# & $movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($outPutFolderExtended)"
# }
# break # password found
# #&$SZexe x -tiso "$($isoFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)# " -y ;
# #&$UnRAR x -o- "$($isoFile.FullName)" $outPutFolderExtended -y "-p$# ($password)" ;
# #if (-Not $?)
# #{
# # Write-Host "empty password string failed"
# #} else {
# # break
# #}
# }
# }
# }
# foreach ($rarFile in $rarFiles)
# {
# $outPutFolder = "$($rarFile.DirectoryName)"
# Write-Host "arInputFolder=$($arInputFolder)"
# Write-Host "Directory=$((get-item $rarFile).Directory.FullName)"
# $outPutSubFolder = ""
# #
# if ((Join-Path "$($arInputFolder)" '') -eq (Join-Path "$((get-item # $rarFile).Directory.FullName)" '')) {
# $outPutSubFolder = "$($rarFile.BaseName -replace '\.part\d*$')\"
# }
# #$outPutFolderExtended = $outPutFolder + "\" + $rarFile.BaseName
# # Use regex to remove the ‘part#’ part.
# $outPutFolderExtended = "$($outPutFolder)\$($outPutSubFolder.subString(0, # [System.Math]::Min(50, $outPutSubFolder.Length)))"
# foreach ($password in $passwords)
# {
# if ($password) {
# Write-Host $password
# #&$UnRAR "lb" $($rarFile.FullName) "-p$($password)" -y
# #&$UnRAR "t" "-p$($password)" "$($rarFile.FullName)" ;
# #if (-Not $?)
# #{
# # Write-Host "$($password) is not the password."
# #} else {
# # Write-Host "$($password) is the password."
# # # UnRAR the files. -y responds Yes to any queries UnRAR may # #have.
# # #
# # &$UnRAR x -o- "$($rarFile.FullName)" $outPutFolderExtended -y # #"-p$($password)" ;
# # #&$WinRar x -o- "$($rarFile.FullName)" $outPutFolderExtended # -y "-p$($password)" ;
# # break # password found
# #}
# #&$SZexe "t" "$($rarFile.FullName)" "-p$($password)" ;
# &$UnRAR "t" "-p$($password)" "$($rarFile.FullName)" ;
# if (-Not $?)
# {
# Write-Host "$($password) is not the password."
# } else {
# Write-Host "$($password) is the password."
# # Call 7zip. Provide password as an argument.
# #&$SZexe x -tiso "$($rarFile.FullName)" "-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)" -y "-p$($password)" ;
# #&$UnRAR x -o- "$($rarFile.FullName)" $outPutFolderExtended -y # "-p$($password)" ;
# #&$SZexe x "$($rarFile.FullName)" "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" # -y "-p$($password)" ;
# # source/html/HELPSwitches.htm
# #$arguments=@("x", "-o-", """$($rarFile.FullName)""", """$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "-p$($password)");
# #$ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$UnRAR""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# $arguments=@("x", """$($rarFile.FullName)""", """-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "-p$($password)");
# $ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
# {
# write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($rarFile.# FullName)"
# #rmdir -Path "$($rarFile.FullName)" -Force
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($rarFile.FullName)"
# } else {
# Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $# ($rarFile.FullName)"
# }
# if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
# & $movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($outPutFolderExtended)"
# }
# break # password found
# }
# } else {
# #&$UnRAR x -o- "$($rarFile.FullName)" $outPutFolderExtended -y ;
# #if (-Not $?)
# #{
# # Write-Host "empty password string failed"
# #} else {
# # break # password found
# #}
# # html/HELPSwitches.htm
# #$arguments=@("x", "-o-", """$($rarFile.FullName)""", """$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "");
# #$ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$UnRAR""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# $arguments=@("x", """$($rarFile.FullName)""", """-o$# ($outPutFolderExtended)""", "-y", "");
# $ex = start-process -NoNewWindow -FilePath """$SZexe""" # -ArgumentList $arguments -wait -PassThru;
# if( $ex.ExitCode -eq 0)
# {
# write-host "Extraction successful, deleting $($rarFile.FullName)# "
# #rmdir -Path "$($rarFile.FullName)" -Force
# Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "$($rarFile.FullName)"
# } else {
# Write-Host "empty password string failed"
# Write-Host "Extraction failed with $($ex.ExitCode) of $# ($rarFile.FullName)"
# }
# if( $outPutSubFolder.Length -ge 0) {
# & $movelonedirs -inputFolder "$($outPutFolderExtended)"
# }
# break # password found
# }
# }
# #
# # "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe" x -ad -c- -cfg- -inul -o+ -y "C:\Temp\*.# rar" "C:\Temp\Extracted\"
# # Call 7zip. Provide password as an argument.
# #&$SZexe x $rarFile "-o$($outPutFolderExtended)" -y "-p$($password)" ;
# }
Copy link

blockspacer commented Mar 12, 2023

find . -type f |  egrep -o "\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" | sort -u | LC_ALL=C xargs -I '%' find . -type f -name "*%" -exec du -ch {} + -exec echo % \; | egrep "^\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$|total$" | uniq | paste - - >> files_stats

cat files_stats

.docx   1.0K    total
.exe    52M     total
.gitignore      436K    total
.ini    13K     total
.js     36K     total
.mp4    600K    total
.part   42M     total
.patch  360K    total
.png    16K     total
.ps1    8.0K    total
.tar    0       total
.tmp    240K    total
.ts     13K     total
.txt    2.0K    total
.zip    285M    total

For subdirs:

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && find . -type f |  egrep -o "\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" | sort -u | LC_ALL=C xargs -I '%' find . -type f -name "*%" -exec du -ch {} + -exec echo % \; | egrep "^\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$|total$" | uniq | paste - - >> files_stats ); done

Copy link

blockspacer commented Mar 12, 2023

Speedup: git fsck (as per one of the comments) then git gc

For subdirs:

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && git fsck && git gc ); done

Copy link

blockspacer commented Mar 13, 2023

LIst files without extraction:

&"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l -ba | Out-File all_files.txt -Append

Copy link

blockspacer commented Mar 22, 2023

git add "*CMakeLists.txt" 
git add "*.js" 
git add "*.cpp" 
git add "*.c" 
git add "*.cc" 
git add "*.cxx" 
git add "*.hpp" 
git add "*.h" 
git add "*.hxx" 
git add "*.ipp" 
git add "*.md" 
git add "*.inl" 
git add "*.inc" 
git add "*.cs" 
git add "*.kt" 
git add "*.ts" 
git add "*.as3" 
git add "*.py" 
git add "*.java" 
git add "*.glsl" 
git add "*.hlsl" 
git add "*.frag" 
git add "*.vert" 
git add "*.cmake" 
git add "*.lua" 
git add "*.sh" 
git add "*.bash" 
git add "*.bat" 
git add "*.go" 
git add "*.rs" 
git add "*.rst" 
git add "*.jsx" 
git add "*.css" 
git add "*.scss" 
git add "*.pcss" 
git add "*.ydb" 
git add "*.sql" 
git add "*.yaml" 
git add "*.yml" 
git add "*.xml" 
git add "*.pb" 
git add "*.fb" 
git add "*.ipynb" 
git add "*.make" 
git add "*.conf" 
git add "*.d" 
git add "*.ycssjs" 
git add "*.doc" 
git add "*.docs" 
git add "*.config" 
git add "*.settings" 
git add "*.xaml"
git add "*.xml"
git add "*.json" 
git add "*README"
git add "files_stats"
git add "Makefile" 
git add "Dockerfile" 

find . -size +500k | sed 's|^\./||g' | cat >> .gitignore
find . -size +500k -exec git rm --cached {} \;

git commit -m "first commit"
git push --all origin --no-verify

Copy link

find . -size +49M -exec git rm --cached {} \;

Copy link

Can deleted .git be restored?

git init
git remote add origin <repo_address>
git reset --soft bd43a274a5293bf95bbf1c5bcf75703bd24d
git branch main
git pull origin main
git add .
find . -size +30M -exec git rm --cached {} \;
git commit -m "first commit"
git push --all origin

Copy link

blockspacer commented Mar 29, 2023

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" &&  git add "*.js" && git add "*.cpp" && git add "*.c" && git add "*.cc" && git add "*.cxx" && git add "*.hpp" && git add "*.h" && git add "*.hxx" && git add "*.ipp" && git add "*.md" && git add "*.inl" && git add "*.inc" && git add "*.cs" && git add "*.kt" && git add "*.ts" && git add "*.as3" && git add "*.py" && git add "*.java" && git add "*.glsl" && git add "*.hlsl" && git add "*.frag" && git add "*.vert" && git add "*.cmake" && git add "*.lua" && git add "*.sh" && git add "*.bash" && git add "*.bat" && git add "*.go" && git add "*.rs" && git add "*.rst" && git add "*.jsx" && git add "*.css" && git add "*.scss" && git add "*.pcss" && git add "*.ydb" && git add "*.sql" && git add "*.yaml" && git add "*.yml" && git add "*.xml" && git add "*.pb" && git add "*.fb" && git add "*.ipynb" && git add "*.make" && git add "*.conf" && git add "*.d" && git add "*.ycssjs" && git add "*.doc" && git add "*.docs" && git add "Makefile" && git add "Dockerfile" ); done

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && git commit -m "first commit" ); done

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && echo $PWD && git push --all origin ); done

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && git add . ); done

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && git commit -m "first commit" ); done

for dir in ./*/ ; do (cd "$dir" && echo $PWD && git push --all origin ); done

Copy link

Copy link

blockspacer commented Apr 7, 2023

How do I clone all remote branches?

git config --global alias.clone-branches '! git branch -a | sed -n "/\/HEAD /d; /\/master$/d; /remotes/p;" | xargs -L1 git checkout -t'
git clone-branches

# install gh
export gh_userName=blockspacer
export oldpath=`pwd`
gh auth login
git config --global alias.clone-branches '! git branch -a | sed -n "/\/HEAD /d; /\/master$/d; /remotes/p;" | xargs -L1 git checkout -t'
gh repo list $gh_userName --limit 99999 --visibility private --json name --jq ".[]|.name" \
  | xargs -i  sh -c 'echo "{}" ; gh repo clone "{}" ; echo "$oldpath/{}" ; sleep 1; cd "$oldpath/{}" ; git fetch --all ; git pull --all ; git clone-branches || true ; cd "$oldpath" '

Copy link

we-141 - delete packing_addr
we-148 - add to 20 produceaddr
bizerba checkway shtrih (but aclas, digi - Michail)
21 -
24 25
22 23
scales-gm 3.12

Copy link

we-141 - delete packing_addr
we-148 - add to 20 produceaddr
bizerba checkway shtrih (but aclas, digi - Michail)
21 -
24 25
22 23
scales-gm 3.12

Copy link

blockspacer commented May 29, 2024

find . -type f -size +30M -printf '%s\t%h/%f\n'
# dirs
find . -name ".svn" -type d -exec rm -r {} +
find . -name "il2cppOutput" -type d -exec rm -r {} +
find . -name "IL2CPP" -type d -exec rm -r {} +
find . -name "DevPatchCDN" -type d -exec rm -r {} +
# files
find . -name "MCPrime" -type f -delete
find . -name "transactions.db" -type f -delete
find . -name "ArtifactDB" -type f -delete
find . -name "MCCharon" -type f -delete
find . -name "SourceAssetDB" -type f -delete
find . -name "ispc" -type f -delete
find . -name "LocalisedText.JSON" -type f -delete
# files
find . -name "*.srcaar" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.dat" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.uasset" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.csv" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.pak" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.umap" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.msi" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.bank" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.dsym" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.dylib" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.debug" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.svn-base" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.bak" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.log" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.bin" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.BIN" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.apk" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.asmdef" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.digestcache" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.cache" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.eab" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.dsp" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.dsw" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.eps" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.exr" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.old" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.os4" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.otf" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.u3d" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.bundle" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.catalog" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.sha1" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.bytes" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.prefab" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.pom" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.raw" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.S" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.SIC" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.strings" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.sub" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.sum" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.suo" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.swatch" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.tests" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.TGA" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.tgt" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.unity3d" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.unitypackage" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.wad" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.wpj" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.wrap" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.asset" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.anim" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.aar" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.ac" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.am" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.api" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.bp" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.build" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.buildreport" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.CVS" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.hg" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.idea" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.svn" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.slo" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.lo" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.o" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.obj" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.gch" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.pch" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.so" -type f -delete
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find . -name "*.slo" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.lo" -type f -delete
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find . -name "*.la" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.lai" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.so" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.so.*" -type f -delete
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find . -name "*_wpftmp.csproj" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.vspscc" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.vssscc" -type f -delete
find . -name ".builds" -type f -delete
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find . -name "*.sdf" -type f -delete
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find . -name "*.VC.db" -type f -delete
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find . -name "*.sap" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.e2e" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.dmg" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.jar" -type f -delete

Copy link

unrar l "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/stage200.rar" > "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt"

cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.js$" | cat >> js_files_list.js
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.cpp$" | cat >> cpp_files_list.cpp
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.c$" | cat >> c_files_list.c
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.cc$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.cxx$" | cat >> cxx_files_list.cxx
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.hpp$" | cat >> hpp_files_list.hpp
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.h$" | cat >> h_files_list.h
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.hxx$" | cat >> hxx_files_list.hxx
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.ipp$" | cat >> ipp_files_list.ipp
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.md$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.inl$" | cat >> inl_files_list.inl
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.inc$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.cs$" | cat >> cs_files_list.cs
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.kt$" | cat >> kt_files_list.kt
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.ts$" | cat >> ts_files_list.ts
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.as3$" | cat >> as3_files_list.as3
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.py$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.java$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.glsl$" | cat >> glsl_files_list.glsl
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.hlsl$" | cat >> hlsl_files_list.hlsl
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.frag$" | cat >> frag_files_list.frag
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.vert$" | cat >> vert_files_list.vert
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.cmake$" | cat >> cmake_files_list.cmake
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.lua$" | cat >> lua_files_list.lua
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.sh$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.bash$" | cat >> bash_files_list.bash
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.bat$" | cat >> bat_files_list.bat
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.go$" | cat >> go_files_list.go
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.rs$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.rst$" | cat >> rst_files_list.rst
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.jsx$" | cat >> jsx_files_list.jsx
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.css$" | cat >> css_files_list.css
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.scss$" | cat >> scss_files_list.scss
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.pcss$" | cat >> pcss_files_list.pcss
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.ydb$" | cat >> ydb_files_list.ydb
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.sql$" | cat >> sql_files_list.sql
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.yaml$" | cat >> yaml_files_list.yaml
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.yml$" | cat >> yml_files_list.yml
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.xml$" | cat >> xml_files_list.xml
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.pb$" | cat >> pb_files_list.pb
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.fb$" | cat >> fb_files_list.fb
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.ipynb$" | cat >> ipynb_files_list.ipynb
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.make$" | cat >> make_files_list.make
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.conf$" | cat >> conf_files_list.conf
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.d$" | cat >> d_files_list.d
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.ycssjs$" | cat >> ycssjs_files_list.ycssjs
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.doc$" | cat >> doc_files_list.doc
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "*\.docs$" | cat >>
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "Makefile$" | cat >> Makefile_files_list.Makefile
cat "/hdd4tb/torrents/ReadyOrNot/inside.stage200.rar.txt" | egrep "Dockerfile$" | cat >> Dockerfile_files_list.Dockerfile

Copy link

for i in */; do zip -0 -r "${i%/}.zip" "$i" & done; wait

Copy link

blockspacer commented May 30, 2024

git ls-files -z --others --exclude-standard | tr '\0' '\n' | head -n 50000 | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -L1 -I '$' git add '$' -v ; git commit -m "first commit" ; git push --all origin --no-verify


git status --porcelain --untracked-files -z | tr '\0' '\n' | grep '??' | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $2))}' | head -n 50000 | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -L1 -I '$' git add '$' -v ; git commit -m "first commit" ; git push --all origin --no-verify

readarray -d '' files_array < <(git status --porcelain --untracked-files -z) ; for f in "${files_array[@]}" ; do x=$(echo "$f" | grep '??' | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $2))}' ) ; echo $x ; y=$(echo "$x" | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -L1 -I '$' git add '$' -v ) ; echo $y ; done

git ls-files -z --others --exclude-standard | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -L1 -I '$' git add '$' -v

git status --porcelain --untracked-files | head -n 50000 | grep '??' | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $2))}' | xargs git add

git add $(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | head -n 50000) ; git commit -m "first commit" ; git push -u origin main

git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | sed "s/^/'/;s/$/'/" | head -n 50000 | xargs git add ; git commit -m "first commit" ; git push -u origin main

infile.txt tail -n +"$X" | head -n "$((Y - X))"

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