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ipfs - commands
Ipfs init
ipfs id
ipfs cat <ipfs_path/ref> : Displays the IPFS object data from the path
ipfs add <file_name> : Adds a file to IPFS
ipfs add -r <directory_name> : Adds all the files in the directory
ipfs get <ref> : Downloads the IPFS objects
ipfs ls <ref> : Lists the links from an object
ipfs refs <ref>
ipfs pin add <ipfs-path>
ipfs pin rm <ipfs-path>
ipfs pin ls
ipfs daemon
ipfs version
ipfs files ls
initializes ipfs in your system(need to run only once)
Show ipfs node id info
Lists the hashes of links from an object
Pin objects to local storage
Remove pinned objects from local storage
Lists all the objects of the files/folder pinned to your repo
Run a network-connected IPFS node
Returns current version of ipfs
List directories in the local mutable namespace.
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