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Last active April 30, 2019 18:14
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interface BloderComparable<T> {
fun customCompareTo(b: T) : Int
// O(1)
fun <T : BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.firstComparableIsEqualsTo(item: T) : Boolean = this[0].customCompareTo(item) == 0
// O(n)
fun <T : BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.containsComparable(item: T) : Boolean = this.firstOrNull {
it.customCompareTo(item) == 0
} != null
// O(n^2)
fun <T : BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.sorted() : List<T> = sortWith { x, y -> x.customCompareTo(y) == 1}
// O(n^2)
fun <T : BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.sortedDescending() : List<T> = this.sortWith { x, y -> x.customCompareTo(y) == - 1}
// O(n^2)
private fun <T : BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.sortWith(successComparation: (T, T) -> Boolean) : List<T> {
return toMutableList().apply {
for(x in 0 until this.size) {
for(y in x + 1 until this.size) {
if(successComparation(this[x], this[y])) this.swap(x, y)
// O(log n)
fun <T : BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.binarySearch(item: T) : Boolean {
if (this.isEmpty()) return false
val midIndex = this.size / 2
val midItem = this[midIndex]
return when {
item.customCompareTo(midItem) == 0 -> true
item.customCompareTo(midItem) == -1 -> this.subList(0, midIndex).binarySearch(item)
else -> this.subList(midIndex + 1, this.size).binarySearch(item)
// O(log n * n^2)
fun <T: BloderComparable<T>> List<T>.mergeSort() : List<T> {
if (this.size <= 1) return this
val midIndex = this.size / 2
val leftList = this.subList(0, midIndex).mergeSort()
val rightList = this.subList(midIndex, this.size).mergeSort()
// O(n)
fun <T> MutableList<T>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
val tmp = this[index1]
this[index1] = this[index2]
this[index2] = tmp
// O(n + nk)
fun <T : BloderComparable<T>, K> List<T>.groupedBy(keySelector: T.() -> K) : List<K> {
return mutableMapOf<K, Int>().apply {
for (x in 0 until this@groupedBy.size) {
val key = this@groupedBy[x].keySelector()
put(key, getOrDefault(key, 0) + 1)
// O(nk)
private fun <K> MutableMap<K, Int>.asList() : List<K> {
return mutableListOf<K>().apply {
this@asList.forEach { key, count ->
for(i in 1..count) add(key)
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