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Created December 4, 2014 23:02
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import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import heapq
from collections import defaultdict
def distance(u, v):
return np.sum((u - v)**2)
class KDTree(object):
def __init__(self, data, index=None, depth=0):
Creates a recursive space partitioning DataStructure where each node
splits the dimension at the median of that axis. Similar to a BST,
provides O(n log n) creation and O(log n) queries.
data (np.array): dataset with shape n, k (n obs, k dim).
index (np.array): Index corresponding to each node in data
if left empty, the data is zero indexed.
depth (int) : This determines the axis in which to first
partition on e.g 0 -> x, 1 -> y, 2 -> z
# Build index at top level
if type(index) == type(None):
index = np.arange(data.shape[0])
self.n = None
self.k = None
self.idx = None
self.node = None
self.axis = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.children = None
self._build(data, index, depth)
def _build(self, data, index, depth):
"""Recursively builds the child nodes of the KDTree"""
# If there is data to partition create nodes
if data[index].size:
# Store the dimensions of the data and the axis to partition on
self.n, self.k = data[index].shape
self.axis = (self.k + depth) % self.k
# list of nodes beneath this node
self.children = index
# Find the index of the data sorted on the current axis
# and the midpoint in which to partition
idx_data = np.column_stack((data[index], index))
sort_ax = idx_data[np.argsort(idx_data[:, self.axis]), -1].astype(int)
partition = sort_ax.size / 2
# Node index and data
self.idx = sort_ax[partition]
self.node = data[self.idx]
# Build the branches, partitioning on the next axis
self.left = KDTree(data, sort_ax[ : partition], depth+1)
self.right = KDTree(data, sort_ax[partition+1:], depth+1)
def near_branch(self, point):
"""Returns the branch nearest the input point"""
if point[self.axis] < self.node[self.axis]:
return self.left
return self.right
def far_branch(self, point):
"""Returns the branch furthest the input point"""
if self.near_branch(point) == self.left:
return self.right
return self.left
def orthogonal_dist(self, point):
"""computes the distance from a point to the partition"""
orth_point = np.copy(point)
orth_point[self.axis] = self.node[self.axis]
return distance(point, self.node)
def query(self, point, best=None):
"""Find the nearest neighbor of point in KDTree"""
# Dead end backtrack up the tree
if self.node is None:
return best
# Initialize best
if best is None:
best = (self.idx, self.node)
# check if current node is closer than best
if distance(self.node, point) < distance(best[1], point):
best = (self.idx, self.node)
# continue traversing the tree
best = self.near_branch(point).query(point, best)
# traverse the away branch if the orthogonal distance is less than best
if self.orthogonal_dist(point) < distance(best[1], point):
best = self.far_branch(point).query(point, best)
return best
def query_subset(self, point, subset):
"""Find the nearest neighbor of point in subset"""
subset_vec = np.zeros(self.n)
subset_vec[subset] = 1
return self._query_subset(point, subset_vec, None)
def _query_subset(self, point, subset, best=None):
"""Recursively implements constrained nearest neighbor search"""
# Dead end backtrack up the tree
if np.all(self.node == None):
return best
# Initialize node vectors
idx_vec = np.empty_like(subset)
child_vec = np.empty_like(subset)
idx_vec[:] = child_vec[:] = 0
idx_vec[self.idx] = child_vec[self.children] = 1
# if point in subset, try to update best
if, subset) != 0:
# if closer than current best, or best is none update
# is_closer is a thunk to prevent '__getitem__' error
is_closer = lambda: distance(self.node, point) < distance(best[1], point)
if np.all(best == None) or is_closer():
best = (self.idx, self.node)
near = self.near_branch(point)
far = self.far_branch(point)
# check the near branch, if its nodes intersect with the queried subset
# otherwise move to the away branch
if, subset) > 0:
best = near._query_subset(point, subset, best)
best = far._query_subset(point, subset, best)
# validate best, by ensuring closer point doesn't exist just beyond
# partition if best still has yet to be found also look
# into this further branch
if (np.all(best != None) and self.orthogonal_dist(point) <
distance(best[1], point)) or np.all(best == None):
best = far._query_subset(point, subset, best)
return best
class PriorityQueue(object):
def __init__(self):
Queue implementing highest-priority-in first-out.
Priority is cost based, therefore smaller values are prioritized
over larger values.
self._queue = []
self._index = 0
def push(self, item, priority):
Push an item into the queue.
item (obj): Item to be stored in the queue
priority (Num): Priority in which item will be retrieved from the queue
heapq.heappush(self._queue, (priority, self._index, item))
self._index += 1
def pop(self):
Removes the highest priority item from the queue
obj: item with highest priority
return heapq.heappop(self._queue)[-1]
def merge(self, other):
Given another queue, consumes each item in it
and pushes the item and its priority into its own queue
other (PriorityQueue): Queue to be merged
while other._queue:
priority,i,item = heapq.heappop(other._queue)
self.push(item, priority)
def top(self):
Allows peek at top item in the queue without removing it
obj: if the queue is not empty otherwise None
return self._queue[0][-1]
return None
def bvka_mst_edges(G, assume_connected=False, pos='coords'):
V = set(G.nodes(data=False))
pos = np.row_stack(nx.get_node_attributes(G, pos).values())
kdtree = KDTree(pos)
subgraphs = nx.utils.UnionFind()
# This could be swapped for a defaultdict if preferred
queues = defaultdict(PriorityQueue)
for v in V:
# Todo restrict this further to connected edges
vm, _ = kdtree.query_subset(pos[v], list(V - {v}))
dm = distance(pos[v], pos[vm])
root = subgraphs[v]
queues[root].push((v, vm), dm)
Et = []
while len(Et) != len(V) - 1:
Ep = PriorityQueue()
for C in set(map(subgraphs.__getitem__, subgraphs.parents.values())):
(v, vm) = queues[C].top()
component_set = [child for child, parent
in subgraphs.parents.iteritems()
if parent == C]
disjoint_nodes = list(V - set(component_set))
while vm in component_set:
um, _ = kdtree.query_subset(pos[v], disjoint_nodes)
dm = distance(pos[v], pos[vm])
queues[C].push((v, um), dm)
(v, vm) = queues[C].top()
dm = distance(pos[v], pos[vm])
Ep.push((v, vm, dm), dm)
while Ep._queue:
(um, vm, dm) = Ep.pop()
component_i, component_j = subgraphs[um], subgraphs[vm]
if component_i != component_j:
# add the edge and merge the queues
Et += [(um, vm)]
subgraphs.union(um, vm)
if component_i == subgraphs[um]:
major, minor = component_i, component_j
minor, major = component_i, component_j
return Et
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blogle commented Jul 8, 2020

5 years later I am stumbling across this message :(
To you and anyone else coming across this gist, please feel free to use the above code as you wish

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