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Created November 22, 2018 13:57
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A Kotlin implementation of Huffman Encoding
import java.util.PriorityQueue
// node class is the basic structure
// of each node present in the huffman - tree.
class HuffmanNode : Comparable<HuffmanNode> {
var freq = 0
var chr = ' '
var left: HuffmanNode? = null
var right: HuffmanNode? = null
companion object {
// recursive function to print the
// huffman-code through the tree traversal.
// Here s is the huffman - code generated.
fun printCode(root: HuffmanNode) = printCode(root, "")
fun encode(charArray: CharArray, charFreq: IntArray): HuffmanNode? {
val numCharacters = charArray.size
// makes a min-priority queue(min-heap)
val pQueue = PriorityQueue(numCharacters, HuffmanNode::compareTo)
for (i in 0 until numCharacters) {
val huffNode = HuffmanNode()
huffNode.chr = charArray[i]
huffNode.freq = charFreq[i]
huffNode.left = null
huffNode.right = null
var rootNode: HuffmanNode? = null
// Here we will extract the two minimum value
// from the heap each time until
// its size reduces to 1, extract until
// all the nodes are extracted.
while (pQueue.size > 1) {
val first = pQueue.poll()
val second = pQueue.poll()
val newHuffNode = HuffmanNode()
newHuffNode.freq = first.freq + second.freq
newHuffNode.chr = '-'
newHuffNode.left = first
newHuffNode.right = second
rootNode = newHuffNode
return rootNode
private fun printCode(root: HuffmanNode, s: String) {
// base case; if the left and right are null
// then its a leaf node and we print
// the code s generated by traversing the tree.
if (root.left == null
&& root.right == null
&& Character.isLetter(root.chr)
) {
// if we go to left then add "0" to the code.
// if we go to the right add"1" to the code.
// recursive calls for left and
// right sub-tree of the generated tree.
printCode(root.left!!, "${s}0")
printCode(root.right!!, "${s}1")
override fun compareTo(other: HuffmanNode) =
this.freq - other.freq
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val charArray = charArrayOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')
val charFreq = intArrayOf(5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 45)
val rootNode: HuffmanNode? = HuffmanNode.encode(charArray, charFreq)
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