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Last active June 8, 2023 19:24
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Monte Carlo tree search agent for
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os
import gym
import sys
import random
import itertools
from time import time
from copy import copy
from math import sqrt, log
def moving_average(v, n):
n = min(len(v), n)
ret = [.0]*(len(v)-n+1)
ret[0] = float(sum(v[:n]))/n
for i in range(len(v)-n):
ret[i+1] = ret[i] + float(v[n+i] - v[i])/n
return ret
def ucb(node):
return node.value / node.visits + sqrt(log(node.parent.visits)/node.visits)
def combinations(space):
if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
return range(space.n)
elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple):
return itertools.product(*[combinations(s) for s in space.spaces])
raise NotImplementedError
class Node:
def __init__(self, parent, action):
self.parent = parent
self.action = action
self.children = []
self.explored_children = 0
self.visits = 0
self.value = 0
class Runner:
def __init__(self, rec_dir, env_name, loops=300, max_depth=1000, playouts=10000):
self.env_name = env_name
self.dir = rec_dir+'/'+env_name
self.loops = loops
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.playouts = playouts
def print_stats(self, loop, score, avg_time):
sys.stdout.write('\r%3d score:%10.3f avg_time:%4.1f s' % (loop, score, avg_time))
def run(self):
best_rewards = []
start_time = time()
env = gym.make(self.env_name)
print self.env_name
for loop in xrange(self.loops):
root = Node(None, None)
best_actions = []
best_reward = float("-inf")
for _ in xrange(self.playouts):
state = copy(env)
del state._monitor
sum_reward = 0
node = root
terminal = False
actions = []
# selection
while node.children:
if node.explored_children < len(node.children):
child = node.children[node.explored_children]
node.explored_children += 1
node = child
node = max(node.children, key=ucb)
_, reward, terminal, _ = state.step(node.action)
sum_reward += reward
# expansion
if not terminal:
node.children = [Node(node, a) for a in combinations(state.action_space)]
# playout
while not terminal:
action = state.action_space.sample()
_, reward, terminal, _ = state.step(action)
sum_reward += reward
if len(actions) > self.max_depth:
sum_reward -= 100
# remember best
if best_reward < sum_reward:
best_reward = sum_reward
best_actions = actions
# backpropagate
while node:
node.visits += 1
node.value += sum_reward
node = node.parent
# fix monitors not being garbage collected
del state._monitor
sum_reward = 0
for action in best_actions:
_, reward, terminal, _ = env.step(action)
sum_reward += reward
if terminal:
score = max(moving_average(best_rewards, 100))
avg_time = (time()-start_time)/(loop+1)
self.print_stats(loop+1, score, avg_time)
def main():
# get rec_dir
if not os.path.exists('rec'):
next_dir = 0
next_dir = max([int(f) for f in os.listdir('rec')+["0"] if f.isdigit()])+1
rec_dir = 'rec/'+str(next_dir)
print "rec_dir:", rec_dir
# Toy text
Runner(rec_dir, 'Taxi-v1', loops=100, playouts=4000, max_depth=50).run()
Runner(rec_dir, 'NChain-v0', loops=100, playouts=3000, max_depth=50).run()
# Algorithmic
Runner(rec_dir, 'Copy-v0').run()
Runner(rec_dir, 'RepeatCopy-v0').run()
Runner(rec_dir, 'DuplicatedInput-v0').run()
Runner(rec_dir, 'ReversedAddition-v0').run()
Runner(rec_dir, 'ReversedAddition3-v0').run()
Runner(rec_dir, 'Reverse-v0').run()
if __name__ == "__main__":


This agent solves some of the Algorithmic and Toy text environments using MCTS, which is a searching algorithm. I haven't tried it on any other environments because I couldn't get them to work on windows, and I suspect it wouldn't work anyway.

How it works

Essentially we create an environment:

env = gym.make("Taxi-v1")

Take some copies of it:

from copy import copy
state = copy(env)

Do some playouts on those copies to find some good moves, and then replay those moves on the real environment.

for move in good_moves:

Running it


And with the script from you can then upload the results:

./ -b rec/0 -a mcts -w
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