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Created November 15, 2011 23:41
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  • Save blork/1368771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blork/1368771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"value": 331
"end_location": {
"lat": 53.38311,
"lng": -1.46471
"html_instructions": "At Park Square<\/b>, take the 4th<\/b> exit onto Commercial St\/A621<\/b> Continue to follow A621<\/div>",
"polyline": {
"start_location": {
"lat": 53.38275,
"lng": -1.4592
"travel_mode": "WALKING"
"distance": {
"text": "0.1 km",
"value": 102
"duration": {
"text": "2 mins",
"value": 99
"end_location": {
"lat": 53.38281,
"lng": -1.46603
"html_instructions": "Slight right<\/b> onto High St\/A621<\/b> Continue to follow A621<\/div>",
"polyline": {
"points": "mkydIla}GAN?N@nB?NDPDLR`@LRLP"
"start_location": {
"lat": 53.38311,
"lng": -1.46471
"travel_mode": "WALKING"
"distance": {
"text": "0.2 km",
"value": 181
"duration": {
"text": "2 mins",
"value": 146
"end_location": {
"lat": 53.38252,
"lng": -1.46853
"html_instructions": "Turn right<\/b> onto High St<\/b>",
"polyline": {
"points": "qiydIti}GK^CLGVER?P?NDb@Hf@D`@Jx@Jf@BNDPFVDRFXH~@"
"start_location": {
"lat": 53.38281,
"lng": -1.46603
"travel_mode": "WALKING"
"distance": {
"text": "0.2 km",
"value": 220
"duration": {
"text": "3 mins",
"value": 182
"end_location": {
"lat": 53.38235,
"lng": -1.47179
"html_instructions": "Continue onto Church St<\/b>",
"polyline": {
"points": "wgydIhy}GBh@?f@?tB?P?r@?~C@l@@f@?^?HBPHd@FRBP"
"start_location": {
"lat": 53.38252,
"lng": -1.46853
"travel_mode": "WALKING"
"distance": {
"text": "0.3 km",
"value": 314
"duration": {
"text": "4 mins",
"value": 250
"end_location": {
"lat": 53.38162,
"lng": -1.4762
"html_instructions": "Turn right<\/b> onto Trippet Ln<\/b>",
"polyline": {
"points": "ufydItm~GKVCPCRHr@PfABRLr@DPLp@D\\@R@BFf@D\\V~@^dBFb@@V@T@PDdD"
"start_location": {
"lat": 53.38235,
"lng": -1.47179
"travel_mode": "WALKING"
"distance": {
"text": "0.1 km",
"value": 110
"duration": {
"text": "2 mins",
"value": 98
"end_location": {
"lat": 53.38149,
"lng": -1.47785
"html_instructions": "Continue onto Portobello St<\/b>",
"polyline": {
"points": "cbydIfi_HHnCFbCFt@"
"start_location": {
"lat": 53.38162,
"lng": -1.4762
"travel_mode": "WALKING"
"via_waypoint": [
"overview_polyline": {
"points": "sqsdIh_vGeAqF_@]uAl@MNq@xBqAoBe@O]@{DnBg@iEcG~CuB~@gDxAqCn@o@De@BUVe@DUBG?aA|@oDxG}CvFiJzPsJjQyD`HqA~BYb@sDnDYXo@j@sM~LuDhDkD`Ds@dA_A~A{@nBkA`DiAtDcKfZk@pAYf@iChDkBtBi@f@y@`Aa@f@sEzEcC`C{@r@eDhCcBvAU\\GTEl@AVFP^~A^bBBPC\\Gv@QZ_@`@Of@If@GdAEnBI`B_@hDItBDt@Ab@@~BD`@Xn@Zd@Ol@Mj@?`@`@fD\\`BLl@LhB?bFBtGBZPx@BPKVGd@l@bERbAFp@Hj@D\\V~@f@hCBl@FvDPrGFt@"
"summary": "A6135",
"warnings": [
"Walking directions are in beta. Use caution \u2013 This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths."
"waypoint_order": [
"safescore": 43
"status": "OK"
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