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Created November 15, 2012 21:30
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Idea for a nested resource controller helper
# Provides a helper method for controllers who need to query a nested resource.
# Implements per-request in-memory caching for nested resources as well as
# support for controllers that are also accessed without being nested.
module NestedResource
optional: false,
class_name: nil,
param: nil
# Defines a method named the same as the passed `name` on the calling class
# which returns the specified resource.
# Options (with defaults):
# * `optional`: *false* Set to true if ActiveSupport::RecordNotFound should be
# raised if a record can't be found.
# * `class_name`: *nil* Set to the name of a class you would like to search
# on. Defaults to a classified `name`.
# * `param`: *nil* Set to the key to check in `params` for the nested
# resource's `#id`. Defaults to the passed `name` with "_id" appended.
# Example:
# class OrdersController < ApplicationController
# extend NestedResource
# nested_resouce :user, optional: true
# def index
# @orders = user ? user.orders : []
# end
# end
def nested_resource(name, options = {})
options = options.reverse_merge(DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
# String#classify will be a noop on options[:class_name]
klass = (options[:class_name] || name.to_s).classify.constantize
ivar = "@#{name}"
param = options[:param] || "#{name}_id"
helper_method name
define_method name do "lol"
if instance_variable_defined?(ivar)
find_method = options[:optional] && !params[param] ? :find_by_id : :find
order = klass.send(find_method, params[param])
instance_variable_set(ivar, order)
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