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Forked from BenjaminFraser/
Created August 17, 2022 15:21
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Python implementation of a Decision Tree using numpy.
class DecisionTree():
""" Form a basic decision tree """
def __init__(self, x, y, idxs=None, oob_idxs=None,
min_leaf=5, feat_proportion=1.0):
if idxs is None:
idxs = np.arange(len(y))
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.idxs = idxs
self.oob_idxs = oob_idxs
self.min_leaf = min_leaf
self.feat_proportion = feat_proportion
self.rows = len(idxs)
self.cols = self.x.shape[1]
self.val = np.mean(y[idxs])
self.score = float('inf')
def __repr__(self):
""" String reputation of our decision tree """
text = f'n: {self.rows}, val: {self.val}'
if not self.is_leaf:
text += f', score: {self.score}, split: {self.split}, var: {self.split_name}'
return text
def binary_split(self):
""" find best feature and level to split at to produce greatest
reduction in variance """
# randomly select sub-sample of features
num_feat = int(np.ceil(self.cols*self.feat_proportion))
col_idxs = range(self.cols)
feature_subset = np.random.permutation(col_idxs)[:num_feat]
# iteratively split each col and find best
for i in feature_subset:
# if leaf node stop
if self.score == float('inf'):
# get split col and idxs for lhs and rhs splits
x = self.split_col_values
lhs = np.nonzero(x <= self.split)[0]
rhs = np.nonzero(x > self.split)[0]
# create new decision trees for each split
self.left_split = DecisionTree(self.x, self.y, self.idxs[lhs])
self.right_split = DecisionTree(self.x, self.y, self.idxs[rhs])
def best_binary_split(self, feat_idx):
""" Find best binary split for the given feature """
x = self.x.values[self.idxs, feat_idx]
y = self.y[self.idxs]
# sort our data
sorted_ind = np.argsort(x)
sorted_x = x[sorted_ind]
sorted_y = y[sorted_ind]
# get count, sum and square sum of lhs and rhs
lhs_count = 0
rhs_count = self.rows
lhs_sum = 0.0
rhs_sum = sorted_y.sum()
lhs_sum2 = 0.0
rhs_sum2 = np.square(sorted_y).sum()
# iterate through all values of selected feature - eval score
for i in range(0, self.rows - self.min_leaf):
x_i = sorted_x[i]
y_i = sorted_y[i]
# update count and sums
lhs_count += 1
rhs_count -= 1
lhs_sum += y_i
rhs_sum -= y_i
lhs_sum2 += y_i**2
rhs_sum2 -= y_i**2
# if less than min leaf or dup value - skip
if i < self.min_leaf - 1 or x_i == sorted_x[i + 1]:
# find standard deviations of left and right sides
lhs_std = self.standard_deviation(lhs_count, lhs_sum, lhs_sum2)
rhs_std = self.standard_deviation(rhs_count, rhs_sum, rhs_sum2)
# find weighted score
current_score = (lhs_count*lhs_std) + (rhs_count*rhs_std)
# if score lower (better) than previous, update
if current_score < self.score:
self.feat_idx = feat_idx
self.score = current_score
self.split = x_i
def standard_deviation(self, n, summed_vals, summed_vals_squared):
""" Standard deviation using summed vals, sum of squares, and data size """
return np.sqrt((summed_vals_squared / n) - np.square(summed_vals / n))
def predict(self, x):
""" Find and return predictions for all the samples in x """
return np.array([self.predict_sample(x_i) for x_i in x])
def predict_sample(self, x_i):
""" Take a sample x_i and return the predicted value using recursion """
# if leaf node - return mean value
if self.is_leaf:
return self.val
# if value less than tree split value lhs, else rhs
elif x_i[self.feat_idx] <= self.split:
tree = self.left_split
tree = self.right_split
# recursively continue through the tree with x_i until leaf node
return tree.predict_sample(x_i)
def split_name(self):
""" return name of column we are splitting on """
return self.x.columns[self.feat_idx]
def split_col_values(self):
""" return values of column we have split on """
return self.x.values[self.idxs, self.feat_idx]
def is_leaf(self):
""" If leaf node, score will be infinity """
return self.score == float('inf')
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