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Created May 30, 2011 17:59
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A custom model field to provide transparent encryption/decryption of U.S. Social Security Numbers, using PyCrypto
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import binascii
import re
ssn_re = re.compile(r"^\d{3}[-\ ]?\d{2}[-\ ]?\d{4}$")
class EncryptedSSNField(models.CharField):
description = _('Adds transparent encryption/decryption (AES256 using pyCrypto) for US Social Security Numbers in the database.')
__metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['max_length'] = 64
super(EncryptedSSNField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def to_python(self, value):
if value is u'' or '' or None:
return unicode(value)
encobj1 =[:32], AES.MODE_CBC, settings.SECRET_KEY[34:50])
encobj2 =[:32], AES.MODE_CBC, settings.SECRET_KEY[34:50])
dec1 = encobj1.decrypt(binascii.a2b_hex(value))
dec2 = encobj2.decrypt(binascii.a2b_hex(dec1))
return unicode(dec2.rstrip())
def get_prep_value(self, value):
encobj1 =[:32], AES.MODE_CBC, settings.SECRET_KEY[34:50])
encobj2 =[:32], AES.MODE_CBC, settings.SECRET_KEY[34:50])
match = re.match(ssn_re, value)
block_bytes = 16
while len(value) < block_bytes:
value += ' '
if match:
enc1 = binascii.b2a_hex(encobj1.encrypt(value))
enc2 = binascii.b2a_hex(encobj2.encrypt(enc1))
return unicode(enc2)
raise ValueError(_('Please enter a valid U.S. Social Security Number.'))
def get_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
if lookup_type == 'exact':
return self.get_prep_value(value)
elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
return value
raise TypeError('Lookup type %r not supported.' % lookup_type)
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I'm posting this for community review. Comments/contributions very, very welcome, especially on my crypto method choice. I'm considering a custom manager to go along with it to exclude the field from queries, to avoid the decryption overhead when it isn't needed, since that could get very troublesome with larger querysets.

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