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Last active May 27, 2018 17:56
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interface ProductsApi {
fun searchProducts(@Query("searchTerm") searchTerm: String, @Query("page") page: Int) : Call<ProductsResponse>
fun getPageOfResults(@Url nextPageUrl: String) : Call<ProductsResponse>
class ProductsDataSource constructor(private val productsApi: ProductsApi,
private val searchTerm: String) : PageKeyedDataSource<String, Product>() {
override fun loadInitial(params: LoadInitialParams<String>, callback: LoadInitialCallback<String, Product>) {
val productsResponse = productsApi.searchProducts(searchTerm, 1).execute()
val nextPageUrl = productsResponse.body()?.meta?.nextPageUrl ?: null
val products = productsResponse.body()?.products ?: listOf()
callback.onResult(products, null, nextPageUrl)
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<String>, callback: LoadCallback<String, Product>) {
val productsResponse = productsApi.getPageOfResults(params.key).execute()
val nextPageUrl = productsResponse.body()?.meta?.nextPageUrl ?: null
val products = productsResponse.body()?.products ?: listOf()
callback.onResult(products, nextPageUrl)
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<String>, callback: LoadCallback<String, Product>) {
val productsResponse = productsApi.getPageOfResults(params.key).execute()
val nextPageUrl = productsResponse.body()?.meta?.nextPageUrl ?: null
val products = productsResponse.body()?.products ?: listOf()
callback.onResult(products, nextPageUrl)
class ProductsDataSourceFactory @Inject constructor(private val productsApi: ProductsApi,
private val searchTerm: String) : DataSource.Factory<String, Product>() {
override fun create(): DataSource<String, Product> {
return ProductsDataSource(productsApi, searchTerm)
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