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Unconditional Branch/Jump to Itself

Unconditional Branch/Jump to Itself

In reverse engineering we often need an executable binary to mapped in memory, stopped at a certain address. One approach is to modify the executable binary temporarily to jump at its own address. I have written a very small c code and compile it with optimization level 2.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)

    return 0;

NOTE If we use for(;;) instead of while(1), we would get the same result.

In x86 (both in 64-bit and 32 bit), you can use these two bytes : 0xEB 0xFE. While writing in assembly we can use jmp $ for the very same purpose.

In AARCH64 we can use 0x14000000. In aarch64 assembly it is equivalent to b .. b instruction means unconditional branch

In ARM we can use 0xeafffffe.

Below you can find PoC code and objdump output for x86_64, x86_32, AARCH64 and ARM


Compile with gcc -Wall -O2 loop.c -o loop

$ objdump -d -M intel loop-x86_64

<snipped for brevity>

0000000000001020 <main>:
    1020:       eb fe                   jmp    1020 <main>
    1022:       66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00    cs nop WORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
    1029:       00 00 00
    102c:       0f 1f 40 00             nop    DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]

<snipped for brevity>

For 32-bit executable compile with gcc -m32 -Wall -O2 loop.c -o loop-x86_32

$ objdump -d -M intel loop-x86_32

<snipped for brevity>

Disassembly of section .text:

00001050 <main>:
    1050:       eb fe                   jmp    1050 <main>

<snipped for brevity>

Instead of GCC we can use ML64 on x64 Windows systems. Then we can use dumpbin to inspect disassembly code:

dumpbin /disasm Jump2Itself2.exe
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.36.32532.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file Jump2Itself2.exe


  0000000140001000: EB FE              jmp         0000000140001000
  0000000140001002: C3                 ret


        1000 .rdata
        1000 .text


On my x86_64 ArchLinux platform I have compiled with : aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -Wall -O2 loop.c -o loop-aarch64

$ aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump -d loop-aarch64

<snipped for brevity>

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000600 <main>:
 600:   14000000        b       600 <main>

<snipped for brevity>


On my x86_64 ArchLinux platform I have compiled with : arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Wall -O2 loop.c -o loop-arm

$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-objdump -d loop-arm

<snipped for brevity>

Disassembly of section .text:

000003d0 <main>:
 3d0:   eafffffe        b       3d0 <main>

<snipped for brevity>
/* _______________________________________________________________________
| ______ __ ,.' __.'.__ . ______ ___ |
| | | | /b` '-. .-' d\| ; | | |
| | __ | | .5h /.'.\ =5| _ \ | | |
| |. 1 \| | (0=h ' ' =C) 1\ \ .--:. | |
| | 1_/| | ?3==, .==7| | \ \ |__| | |
| |. | .-- -.-----{=`==oo____oo==`=}| | |.----.-- -.--:. | |
| |. __ | | V | ^__|'"o58888888888,; |. | || ^_| V | |. | |
| |: 1 \|_|____|_____| `?88P^\,?88^\P |. | / |____|\___|__|: |___ |
| |: 1_/ / C8?\__d88\_/' |: 1/ / . |: 1 | |
| |::.. . / `8o8888/\88P |::.. . / |::.. . | |
| `-------' '7oo88oo8P `------' `-------' |
| Cooo##~\/\/\/~====> |
| / Freedom, doesn't come from \ |
| \ second-hand thoughts / |
| @author : Blue DeviL <> |
| @tester : ErrorInside <> |
| @IDE : ViM <Vi iMproved> |
| @template : Blue DeviL |
| @date : 07/06/2023 |
| @license : AGPLv3 |
| |
| Linux AARCH64 Assembly Work With GNU Assembler |
| AARCH64 Code Writes To STDOUT and Branches to Itself |
.arch armv8-a
.section .data
.string "[!] Unconditional branch to itself AARCH64\n"
len = . - mystr // dynamically calc string size
.section .text
.global _start
/* syscall write(unsigned int fd, const char *buf, size_t count) */
mov x0, #1 // fd = STDOUT
ldr x1, =mystr // buf = mystr
mov x2, #len // count = len
mov x8, #64 // write = 64
svc #1 // sistem çağrısı yap
b . // unconditional branch to itself
/* syscall exit(int error_code) */
mov x0, #0 // exit status = 0
mov x8, #93 // exit = 93
svc #1 // sistem çağrısı yap
/* _______________________________________________________________________
| ______ __ ,.' __.'.__ . ______ ___ |
| | | | /b` '-. .-' d\| ; | | |
| | __ | | .5h /.'.\ =5| _ \ | | |
| |. 1 \| | (0=h ' ' =C) 1\ \ .--:. | |
| | 1_/| | ?3==, .==7| | \ \ |__| | |
| |. | .-- -.-----{=`==oo____oo==`=}| | |.----.-- -.--:. | |
| |. __ | | V | ^__|'"o58888888888,; |. | || ^_| V | |. | |
| |: 1 \|_|____|_____| `?88P^\,?88^\P |. | / |____|\___|__|: |___ |
| |: 1_/ / C8?\__d88\_/' |: 1/ / . |: 1 | |
| |::.. . / `8o8888/\88P |::.. . / |::.. . | |
| `-------' '7oo88oo8P `------' `-------' |
| Cooo##~\/\/\/~====> |
| / Freedom, doesn't come from \ |
| \ second-hand thoughts / |
| @author : Blue DeviL <> |
| @tester : ErrorInside <> |
| @IDE : ViM <Vi iMproved> |
| @template : Blue DeviL |
| @date : 07/06/2023 |
| @license : AGPLv3 |
| |
| Linux ARM32 Assembly Work With GNU Assembler |
| ARM32 Code Writes To STDOUT and Branches to Itself |
.section .data
.asciz "[!] Unconditional branch to itself ARM32\n"
len = . - mystr
.section .text
.global _start
// syscall write(unsigned int fd, const char *buf, size_t count)
mov r0, #1 // fd = STDOUT
ldr r1, =mystr // buf = mystr
mov r2, #len // count = len
mov r7, #4 // write = 4
svc #0 /* syscall'u çağır */
b . // unconditional branch to itself
/* syscall exit(int status) */
mov r0, #0 // exit status = 0
mov r7, #1 // exit = 1
svc #0 // syscall'u çağır
; _______________________________________________________________________
; | ______ __ ,.' __.'.__ . ______ ___ |
; | | | | /b` '-. .-' d\| ; | | |
; | | __ | | .5h /.'.\ =5| _ \ | | |
; | |. 1 \| | (0=h ' ' =C) 1\ \ .--:. | |
; | | 1_/| | ?3==, .==7| | \ \ |__| | |
; | |. | .-- -.-----{=`==oo____oo==`=}| | |.----.-- -.--:. | |
; | |. __ | | V | ^__|'"o58888888888,; |. | || ^_| V | |. | |
; | |: 1 \|_|____|_____| `?88P^\,?88^\P |. | / |____|\___|__|: |___ |
; | |: 1_/ / C8?\__d88\_/' |: 1/ / . |: 1 | |
; | |::.. . / `8o8888/\88P |::.. . / |::.. . | |
; | `-------' '7oo88oo8P `------' `-------' |
; | Cooo##~\/\/\/~====> |
; | |
; | Freedom doesn't come from second-hand thoughts. |
; |_______________________________________________________________________|
; | @author : Blue DeviL <> |
; | @tester : ErrorInside <> |
; | @IDE : RadASM v2.2.2.4 |
; | @template : Blue DeviL |
; | @date : 08/06/2023 |
; | @license : AGPLv3 |
; |_______________________________________________________________________|
; | |
; | MASM64 Programming Console Code Sniplet |
; | Branch to Itself |
; \_______________________________________________________________________/
OPTION DOTNAME ; required for macro files
option casemap:none ; case sensitive
mainCRTStartup proc
jmp $
mainCRTStartup endp
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