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Last active May 3, 2020 21:34
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script that parses indented text into a tree structure
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.String as S
import System.IO
import System.Environment
-- Parses indented text into a tree structure, where each node is represented as a (content, children) tuple
-- Example invocation:
-- echo -e "a\n b\n c\n d\n d2\n e\nf\n g\n h\n i\n j\n k\nl\n" | ./parse_indents
-- a {b, c {d, d2}, e}, f {g {h {i}}, j, k}, l
-- Parsing functions
getIndent line =
let (spaces, content) = span (\c -> c == ' ') line
in (length(spaces), content)
data Node = Node { content :: String, children :: [Node] }
parse list = parseNodes $ map getIndent list
parseNodes :: [(Int, String)] -> [Node]
parseNodes [] = []
parseNodes ((_indent, ""):rest) = parseNodes rest
parseNodes ((indent, content):rest) =
-- the children of this node are indented further
let (childLines, siblingLines) = span (\(i,c) -> i > indent) rest
children = parseNodes childLines
siblings = parseNodes siblingLines
in (Node content children:siblings)
-- Display functions
join :: String -> [String] -> String
join d [s] = s
join d (h:t) = h ++ d ++ join d t
format :: String -> [Node] -> [String]
format indent [] = []
format indent (node:nodes) =
let nodeLine = indent ++ (content node)
childLines = format (" " ++ indent) (children node)
sibLines = format indent nodes
in concat [[nodeLine], childLines, sibLines]
terseFmt :: [Node] -> String
terseFmt [] = ""
terseFmt (node:nodes) =
let nodeLine = content node
childLines = case terseFmt (children node) of
"" -> ""
c -> " {" ++ c ++ "}"
sibLines = case terseFmt nodes of
"" -> ""
c -> ", " ++ c
in nodeLine ++ childLines ++ sibLines
-- Entry point
main = do
content <- getContents
let tree = parse $ S.lines content
putStrLn ("Top nodes: " ++ (show (length tree)))
putStrLn (unlines $ format "" tree)
putStrLn $ terseFmt tree
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