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Last active November 9, 2022 20:36
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Manjaro (Arch Linux) on MacBook Pro (early 2011) post install notes

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” -- Mark Twain


64-bit, 2-core, 4-thread, 8G 1333MHz DDR3 2-channel, 2.3 ~ 2.9 GHz, GPU 650 MHz ~ 1.3 GHz dual monitor

Post Manjaro install

  • linux4 - kernel, headers, broadcom-wl
  • system-config-printer
  • git
  • nodejs, npm
  • virtualbox, vagrant, docker, docker-compose
  • openssh, sshfs
  • nmap
  • i7z, perf
  • acetoneISO, dvdrip(transcode), winff(ffmpeg, xterm)

Install, Orphan list, Remove packages

sudo pacman -S <package>
pacman -Qdt
sudo packman -R <package>

Force upgrade everything

sudo pacman -Syu --force

See pacman troubleshooting here,


Change cpu freq profile

cpupower frequency-info | grep governor
sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance

Need to permanently set in /etc/default/cpupower and enable a service to change at boot:

systemctl enable cpupower

Reset hostname

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname my-pretty-cow

Fix virtualbox using dkms

dkms autoinstall

Or just install the *-host-modules package.

Access System Info

  • inxi -F
  • pstree
  • lsmod, lscpu
  • uname -a

Sort git tags by date

git tag | xargs -I@ git log --format=format:"%ai @%n" -1 @ | sort -r | awk '{print $4}' | head -5

Search for available services

nmap -p 80 -sT 192.168.1.*

Access Mac Shared Folder using sshfs

sshfs Tim@mac-mini-server:/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD2/Shared/ ~/Videos/remote

fusermount -u ~/Videos/remote

Socks5 proxy tun for FireFox/Chrome

ssh -D 8123 -CnNqf (localhost:8123, SOCKS v5, Remote-DNS) See lsof -i or netstat -lptun for pid to kill.

Hibernate still not working

Hibernate will restart the machine atm... (resume Hook and swap uuid correctly setup)25

Recover from zoom-in

Alt-mousewheel (2-finger rotate)

Disable touchpad while typing

See Mouse & Touchpad configure -- locking delay <= 0.5s (50ms - 450ms)

Recover from vncserver (local login issue)

rm ~/.Xauthority

Copy link

It is very important that you have extended your MacBook Pro memory to 8GB+. Please check with Intel on the maximum memory your CPU supports, although x86-64bits conceptually supports 16EB, current ones equip enough transistors to only address 48-bit which gives you a maximum of 256TB. Early 64bits CPU addresses even less...

On an early 2011 MacBook Pro, the Intel CPU inside can only address 8GB. So go get a pair of 8G 1333MHz DDR3 2-channel SODIMM and change the CPU governor to performance if want to use Manjaro. (A virtualbox vm, terminal, firfox and chrome will give you around 3~4GB less of the total memory)

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