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Last active September 2, 2015 18:37
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Snippet to allow using thread in Unity3d. This snippet including dependency, where should threading code be, and editor events detection to kill thread.


using System.Threading;
using UnityEditor;

Declare classes

Above the public class ScriptFileName : MonoBehaviour.

public enum PlayModeState

public class EditorPlayMode
	private static PlayModeState _currentState = PlayModeState.Stopped;
	static EditorPlayMode()
		EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged = OnUnityPlayModeChanged;
	public static event Action<PlayModeState, PlayModeState> PlayModeChanged;
	public static void Play()
		EditorApplication.isPlaying = true;
	public static void Pause()
		EditorApplication.isPaused = true;
	public static void Stop()
		EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
	private static void OnPlayModeChanged(PlayModeState currentState, PlayModeState changedState)
		if (PlayModeChanged != null)
			PlayModeChanged(currentState, changedState);
	private static void OnUnityPlayModeChanged()
		var changedState = PlayModeState.Stopped;
		switch (_currentState)
		case PlayModeState.Stopped:
			if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
				changedState = PlayModeState.Playing;
		case PlayModeState.Playing:
			if (EditorApplication.isPaused)
				changedState = PlayModeState.Paused;
				changedState = PlayModeState.Stopped;
		case PlayModeState.Paused:
			if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
				changedState = PlayModeState.Playing;
				changedState = PlayModeState.Stopped;
			throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
		// Fire PlayModeChanged event.
		OnPlayModeChanged(_currentState, changedState);
		// Set current state.
		_currentState = changedState;

Inside the public class ScriptFileName : MonoBehaviour as fisrt class.

	public class SingleEntryPoint
		static SingleEntryPoint()
			Debug.Log("SingleEntryPoint. Up and running");
			EditorPlayMode.PlayModeChanged += OnPlayModeChanged;

		private static void OnPlayModeChanged(PlayModeState currentMode, PlayModeState changedMode)
			if(currentMode == PlayModeState.Playing && changedMode == PlayModeState.Stopped)
				Debug.Log("Thread is killed! - Playing to Stopped");
				threadFlag = false;
			if(currentMode == PlayModeState.Playing && changedMode == PlayModeState.Paused)
				Debug.Log("Editor is paused.");
			if(currentMode == PlayModeState.Stopped && changedMode == PlayModeState.Playing)
				Debug.Log("Start playing");
			if(currentMode == PlayModeState.Paused && changedMode == PlayModeState.Playing)
				Debug.Log("Back to play again!");
			if(currentMode == PlayModeState.Paused && changedMode == PlayModeState.Stopped)
				Debug.Log("Thread is killed! - Pause to Stopped");
				threadFlag = false;

Inside the public class ScriptFileName : MonoBehaviour as last class.

void OnApplicationQuit()
		threadFlag = false;
		Debug.Log("2 "+threadFlag);

Using thread

Declare threadFlag.

private static bool threadFlag = true;

Create method to run in another thread. This method will run endlessly until threadFlag is set to false.

private float needPosition;
private float finalPosition;

void doSomething()
			needPosition = Sensor.readPosition();
			finalPosition = (needPosition * 1024)/18;

It is fine to call thread from start now!

void Start()
		Thread readPosThread = new Thread(doSomething);
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