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Last active April 3, 2019 02:43
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COMP30024 2019 S1 Project A: Sequence Visualizer (β)
  • A sequence visualizer for COMP30024 2019 S1 Project A in UniMelb.
  • Written in Python.
  • Works in all ANSI compatible terminals.


Pipe the move sequence into stdin and the path to board description JSON as the first argument.

Things you might want to adjust

SPEED = 1.5  # number of seconds per frame
DEBUG = False  # for a larger board drawing that includes the coordinates inside each hex



import re
import time
import json
import sys
SPEED = 1.5 # number of seconds per frame
DEBUG = False # for a larger board drawing that includes the coordinates inside each hex
def print_board(board_dict, message="", **kwargs):
Helper function to print a drawing of a hexagonal board's contents.
* `board_dict` -- dictionary with tuples for keys and anything printable
for values. The tuple keys are interpreted as hexagonal coordinates (using
the axial coordinate system outlined in the project specification) and the
values are formatted as strings and placed in the drawing at the corres-
ponding location (only the first 5 characters of each string are used, to
keep the drawings small). Coordinates with missing values are left blank.
Keyword arguments:
* `message` -- an optional message to include on the first line of the
drawing (above the board) -- default `""` (resulting in a blank message).
* `debug` -- for a larger board drawing that includes the coordinates
inside each hex, set this to `True` -- default `False`.
* Or, any other keyword arguments! They will be forwarded to `print()`.
# Set up the board template:
if not DEBUG:
# Use the normal board template (smaller, not showing coordinates)
# 16
template = """# {0}
# .-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-.
# |{16:}|{23:}|{29:}|{34:}|
# .-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-.
# |{10:}|{17:}|{24:}|{30:}|{35:}|
# .-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-.
# |{05:}|{11:}|{18:}|{25:}|{31:}|{36:}|
# .-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-.
# |{01:}|{06:}|{12:}|{19:}|{26:}|{32:}|{37:}|
# '-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'
# |{02:}|{07:}|{13:}|{20:}|{27:}|{33:}|
# '-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'
# |{03:}|{08:}|{14:}|{21:}|{28:}|
# '-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'
# |{04:}|{09:}|{15:}|{22:}|
# '-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'-._.-'"""
# Use the debug board template (larger, showing coordinates)
# 23
template = """# {0}
# ,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-.
# | {16:} | {23:} | {29:} | {34:} |
# | 0,-3 | 1,-3 | 2,-3 | 3,-3 |
# ,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-.
# | {10:} | {17:} | {24:} | {30:} | {35:} |
# | -1,-2 | 0,-2 | 1,-2 | 2,-2 | 3,-2 |
# ,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-.
# | {05:} | {11:} | {18:} | {25:} | {31:} | {36:} |
# | -2,-1 | -1,-1 | 0,-1 | 1,-1 | 2,-1 | 3,-1 |
# ,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-.
# | {01:} | {06:} | {12:} | {19:} | {26:} | {32:} | {37:} |
# | -3, 0 | -2, 0 | -1, 0 | 0, 0 | 1, 0 | 2, 0 | 3, 0 |
# `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-'
# | {02:} | {07:} | {13:} | {20:} | {27:} | {33:} |
# | -3, 1 | -2, 1 | -1, 1 | 0, 1 | 1, 1 | 2, 1 |
# `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-'
# | {03:} | {08:} | {14:} | {21:} | {28:} |
# | -3, 2 | -2, 2 | -1, 2 | 0, 2 | 1, 2 | key:
# `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' ,-' `-.
# | {04:} | {09:} | {15:} | {22:} | | input |
# | -3, 3 | -2, 3 | -1, 3 | 0, 3 | | q, r |
# `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-'"""
# prepare the provided board contents as strings, formatted to size.
ran = range(-3, +3+1)
cells = []
for qr in [(q, r) for q in ran for r in ran if -q-r in ran]:
if qr in board_dict:
val = board_dict[qr]
cell = val[0] + str(val[1]).center(5) + val[2]
cell = " " # 5 spaces will fill a cell
# fill in the template to create the board drawing, then print!
board = template.format(message, *cells)
print(board, **kwargs)
seq = []
while True:
l = input()
if l and l[0] == "#":
rt = re.findall(r"\((\+?-?\d+), ?(\+?-?\d+)\)", l)
src = tuple(map(int, rt[0]))
if "EXIT" in l:
dest = None
dest = tuple(map(int, rt[1]))
seq.append((src, dest, l))
except EOFError:
RESET = "\x1b[0m"
BLOCK = "\x1b[7m"
"red": ("\x1b[31m", "\x1b[1m\x1b[7m\x1b[31;1m"),
"green": ("\x1b[32m", "\x1b[1m\x1b[7m\x1b[32;1m"),
"blue": ("\x1b[34m", "\x1b[1m\x1b[7m\x1b[34;1m")
def move_up(n): return f"\x1b[{n}A"
height = 23 if DEBUG else 16
d = {}
with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
data = json.load(file)
board = dict()
color = COLOR[data['colour']]
for i in data['pieces']:
board[tuple(i)] = (color[0], "(" + data['colour'][0] + ")", RESET)
for i in data['blocks']:
board[tuple(i)] = (BLOCK, "", RESET)
print_board(board, "Starting")
for idx, i in enumerate(seq):
src, des, cmd = i
if des:
board[des] = (color[1], board[src][1], RESET)
board[src] = ("", board[src][1][1], "")
print_board(board, "{}/{}: {:<50}".format(idx + 1, len(seq), cmd))
if des:
board[des] = (color[0], board[des][1], RESET)
board[src] = ("", "", "")
print_board(board, "Final board".ljust(50))
for i in board.values():
if any(j in i[1] for j in ('r', 'g', 'b')):
print("# " + COLOR["red"][1] + "This sequence is not complete." + RESET)
print("# " + COLOR["green"][1] + "This sequence is complete." + RESET)
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