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Last active April 12, 2016 15:40
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linux command
// connect remote server with ssh
ssh -p {port_number} {host_name(ip_address)}
// find file by last modified date(older than 30days ago).
find {target_directory} -mtime +30
// delete found files by find command
find ./ -name "{file_name}" -exec rm -rf {} \;
// replace part of file name(a to b)
// find . -type f -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do mv "$file" "${file/a/b}"; done
find . -type f | while read -r file; do mv "$file" "${file/a/b}"; done
-type f: find target is file
-r : disable escape with backSlash
// set shell variable
set {VALUE_NAME}=value
// copy confirm override and show file name
cp -iv {source} {target}
i: confirm override(interactive)
v: show file name(verbose)
// create new tar.gz file
tar zcvf {dest}.tar.gz {source}
// make multi directory
mkdir -p ${directory}/{sub_directory1,sub_directory2}
// install deb package
dpkg -i {package_name}.deb
i: install package
// change group temporary
newgrp {group_name}
// show userId, groupId
// file synchronization
rsync -avz {source} {dest}
// destruction result of command
{command} > /dev/null 2>&1
// output each directory created message
mkdir -v {directory_name}
// input file and delete \n and output file
tr -d "\n" < {input_file} > {output_file}
// get package list from server
apt-get update
// download public key
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys {key}
// set environment variable
setenv {environment_variable} {value}
// copy keep file attribute and directory structure as much as possible
copy -a {source} {dest}
// echo 11 to 20
echo `seq 11 20`
// show file list order by modified date
ls -alt
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