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Last active December 14, 2015 10:39
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Save bluespore/5073827 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Interacts with AJAX Templates set up in ExpressionEngine. Functionality can obviously be changed to allow Lazy Loading, but this is the basic set up for future referencing.
$('body').delegate('.load-more', 'click', function(e){
me = $(this),
target = me.attr('href'),
split = target.split('/'),
offset = split[split.length-1],
new_target = '',
container = me.attr('data-container'),
request = $.ajax({url: target});
If no container has been set, we don't know
where to place the retrieved content, so fire
an error to remind us to do that!
if( container == null || container == undefined || container == '' || !$(container) > 0 ){
alert('Target container either not found or not defined.');
return false;
//Spin it round
request.done(function(response) {
//Has articles
if(response.match(/<TAG_TO_LOOK_FOR>/g) != null){
new_target = target.substring(0, target.length - offset.length) + (parseInt(offset) + 8);
me.attr('href', new_target);
//Standard load in
//Doesn't have articles
me.before('<p>No more results</p>').remove();
//No more spinny
//Failed, textStatus) {
alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus );
return false;
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