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Getting NordVPN WireGuard details


Instructions to obtain WireGuard details of your NordVPN account. These can be used to setup a WireGuard tunnel on your router to NordVPN.



If you have any linux machine, use that or install a vm if you don't have one.

Get their official linux app installed. Make sure you have wireguard installed too. And set the used technology to Nordlynx by running nordvpn set technology nordlynx

Fetching details

Connect to nordvpn with command: nordvpn connect (don't forget to login with nordvpn login --legacy).

Fetch (your) IP address

After successful connection run

ifconfig nordlynx

Fetch your private key


sudo wg show nordlynx private-key

Output of this command should be something like this:


The key above is just a random key for demo purposes.

Fetch your public key


sudo wg show nordlynx public-key

Output of this command should be something like this:


The key above is just a random key for demo purposes.

Fetch server details

Make sure you have curl and jq installed on your host/router. These are needed to be able to fetch the config of NordVPN Server. If not installed, go ahead and install

opkg install curl jq

After installation enter the command below to fetch the recommended server config:

curl -s "\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1"|jq -r '.[]|.hostname, .station, (.locations|.[]|.country|, (.locations|.[]|.country|.name), (.technologies|.[].metadata|.[].value), .load'

Output: #your endpoint host #its ip address
London #city
United Kingdom #country
K53l2wOIHU3262sX5N/5kAvCvt4r55lNui30EbvaDlE= #Server public key
10 #Server load at the time.

Or just visit the following url\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1 from your browser and look for the details manually.

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g-a-c commented Jan 28, 2023

The nordvpn login --legacy no longer appears to work; it could be because I enabled MFA on my account or it could just be fully deprecated now.

However, the Nord VPN account panel allows you to generate a token (I recommend doing a 30 day expiry since I don't believe you should need to repeat these instructions), and then you can do

nordvpn login --token <TOKEN>

I was also doing this on a remote headless Linux machine (because it was quicker than downloading an ISO to make a local VM) and found that as soon as it was connected to the VPN I lost all access - almost certainly because the default route changed so my mosh session was disrupted. I tried doing nordvpn set routing off to try and stop the Nord VPN client from doing dumb stuff with my routing table, but that didn't work. What did work was taking advantage of "shortest-route-wins" and adding a route for my source IP to use the existing gateway which took precedence over the new default route:

# find my default gateway
root@instance:~# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 enp0s3 UGH       0 0          0 enp0s3     U         0 0          0 docker0     U         0 0          0 br-1d9cab47c790 U         0 0          0 enp0s3 UH        0 0          0 enp0s3

# add a new route via the existing gateway, substitute your source IP for
# if you don't know your IP then from your client machine
root@instance:~# route add -host gw

# verify the route was added
root@instance:~# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 enp0s3 UGH       0 0          0 enp0s3 <<<<<<<<<<< UGH       0 0          0 enp0s3     U         0 0          0 docker0     U         0 0          0 br-1d9cab47c790 U         0 0          0 enp0s3 UH        0 0          0 enp0s3

Hope this helps someone stumbling across this gist...

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It's been quite difficult to get set up with a Linux VM on macOS to be able to do this. I've tried using Lima and well as a Docker image and hit dead ends in both cases. Lima doesn't work because as soon as you turn on the VPN you can no longer access the VM. Docker doesn't work because systemctl isn't supported in Docker images. If anyone has a simple and free way to get a Linux VM working on macOS where you can actually get the Nord Wireguard config, please share!

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g-a-c commented Feb 13, 2023

It's been quite difficult to get set up with a Linux VM on macOS to be able to do this. I've tried using Lima and well as a Docker image and hit dead ends in both cases. Lima doesn't work because as soon as you turn on the VPN you can no longer access the VM. Docker doesn't work because systemctl isn't supported in Docker images. If anyone has a simple and free way to get a Linux VM working on macOS where you can actually get the Nord Wireguard config, please share!

I would expect Virtualbox would work fine, since even if you lose network connectivity you still have the virtual console?

Otherwise it may be that you can use the same behaviour I posted above (shortest route wins in a routing table) to allow local traffic to not be disrupted within your VM. If you were to check the routing table on your Lima VM before starting, then add routes for, and via whatever the pre-existing gateway is, you may find that network access is retained.

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You can whitelist SSH ports to be able to access your box even when VPN is on (or use the console from your VPS hoster).

nordvpn whitelist add port 22 - Add a rule to whitelist a specified incoming port. You can also whitelist multiple ports — just separate their numbers with a space.
nordvpn whitelist remove port 22 - Remove the rule to whitelist a specified port.
nordvpn whitelist add subnet - Add a rule to whitelist a specified subnet.
nordvpn whitelist remove subnet - Remove the rule to whitelist a specified subnet.

as per

Or simpler; chain the commands ending with nordvpn disconnect

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benknight commented Feb 13, 2023

Beautiful! Running nordvpn whitelist add port 22 on my VM did the trick.

By the way, I think the public key should be the Wireguard server's public key as for example returned by the API rather than the output of sudo wg show nordlynx public-key which is a different value.

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darki73 commented Mar 11, 2023

Here is an updated version of the script, which will also install any required packages in order to generate configuration file:

#!/usr/env/bin bash


check_if_connected() {
    if [ -n "$(nordvpn status | grep "Status: Connected")" ]; then
        return 0
        return 1

# Check whether jq package is installed
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then

# Check whether wireguard package is installed
if ! command -v wg &> /dev/null; then

# Check if curl package is installed
if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then

# Check if nordvpn package is installed
if ! command -v nordvpn &> /dev/null; then

# Install missing packages required to generate the configuration file
if [ ${#required_packages[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
    sudo apt install -y "${required_packages[@]}"

if ! check_if_connected; then
    nordvpn connect

interface_name=$(sudo wg show | grep interface | cut -d " " -f 2)
private_key=$(sudo wg show $interface_name private-key | cut -d " " -f 2)
my_address=$(ip -f inet addr show $interface_name | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d "/" -f 1)

api_response=$(curl -s "\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1")
host=$(jq -r '.[]|.hostname' <<< $api_response)
ip=$(jq -r '.[]|.station' <<< $api_response)
city=$(jq -r '.[]|(.locations|.[]|.country|' <<< $api_response)
country=$(jq -r '.[]|(.locations|.[]|.country|.name)' <<< $api_response)
server_public_key=$(jq -r '.[]|(.technologies|.[].metadata|.[].value)' <<< $api_response)

server_identifier=$(echo $host | cut -d "." -f 1)

    echo "# Configuration for $host ($ip) in $city, $country"
    echo "[Interface]"
    echo "Address = $my_address"
    echo "PrivateKey = $private_key"
    echo ""
    echo "[Peer]"
    echo "PublicKey = $server_public_key"
    echo "AllowedIPs ="
    echo "Endpoint = $host:51820"
} > "$configuration_file"

if check_if_connected; then
    nordvpn disconnect

It will also automatically connect to NordVPN and then disconnect after configuration file is generated.

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helipos commented Apr 29, 2023

nordvpn login --legacy

This options looks like it has been removed at least in Nordvpn 3.16.2

To get around that.

linux# nordvpn login
Follow the link on a web browser somwhere,
login and cancel the popup link
copy the link address for the "continue" link

linux#nordvpn login --callback "PASTE THAT CONTINUE LINK HERE"

You should now be logged on.

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I could not get the web browser login to work method to work no matter what variations I tried. The only method I managed to get working was the one mentioned by @g-a-c

nordvpn login --token
Go to and click on NordVPN.
Scroll down until you see the Access token tab. Click on Generate new token.

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rausb commented Oct 10, 2023

Learn here how to login NordVPN via command line, you can now generate login tokens in your account overview

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what about on android?

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onxb commented Nov 5, 2023

I have successfully authenticated via the token ( via Docker Ubuntu VM) however running "nordvpn connect" quickly errors out with
"Connection failed. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact our customer support."
Any suggestions while I wait for the support team to reply?

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Does anyone know how to fetch the server details on a specific country/city?

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@ kinhsman, just connect to the specific country, city or server first then get the details as in the script.
for example nordvpn connect dallas you can also run commands to get valid names for countries or cities

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lluked commented Dec 15, 2023

I was looking for a fast way to update config with little input so I created a docker compose project based off of this,

All that is needed is a NordVPN Token, once run the config is outputted to the output folder.

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has anyone had any luck with the script posted by dsvf lately? I just tried it and it doesn't seem to pull the privatekey info and if I manually check the public key it doesn't match what is in the config file that the script pulls.

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For anyone interested in a way to get the private key on MacOS, this video shows how to do it simply by opening the KeyChain Access program and getting it from there! Takes about 1 minute :)

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For anyone interested in a way to get the private key on MacOS, this video shows how to do it simply by opening the KeyChain Access program and getting it from there! Takes about 1 minute :)

I’m gonna say they killed this off. I tried it a couple of times on Ventura and can’t pull the info needed

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I’m gonna say they killed this off. I tried it a couple of times on Ventura and can’t pull the info needed

I'm on the most updated MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1 and it worked fine. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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vgyarfas commented Feb 8, 2024

For anyone interested in a way to get the private key on MacOS, this video shows how to do it simply by opening the KeyChain Access program and getting it from there! Takes about 1 minute :)

I’m gonna say they killed this off. I tried it a couple of times on Ventura and can’t pull the info needed

This only works if you download the app from the Mac App Store and NOT directly from the NordVPN website. Struggled with this a little bit myself.

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This only works if you download the app from the Mac App Store and NOT directly from the NordVPN website. Struggled with this a little bit myself.

Good to know. I don't remember downloading it from the Mac App Store, but it's definitely possible I did. Hope it's still able to help someone else in the future though!

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ghost commented Feb 10, 2024

Does this work for Raspberry Pi OS?

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dz-c0d3r commented Feb 28, 2024

I update the script to get all configs for a specific city and technology.


my_interface=$(sudo wg show | grep interface | cut -d" " -f2)
my_privkey=$(sudo wg show $my_interface private-key)
my_ip=$(ip -f inet addr show $my_interface | awk '/inet/ {print $2}')

servers=$(curl --silent "" | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.locations[] == "Paris") | select(.technologies[] | .name == "Wireguard") | select(.status == "online") | "(.hostname) (.station) ((.locations|.[]|.country| ((.locations|.[]|.country|.name)) ((.technologies|.[].metadata|.[].value))"')

echo "$servers" | while read -r server_info; do
read -r host ip city country serv_pubkey <<<"$server_info"
sid=$(echo $host | cut -d. -f1)
echo "Server: $host ($ip) has pubkey $serv_pubkey"

echo "writing config to $fn"
    echo "#config for nordvpn server $sid"
    echo "[Interface]"
    echo "Address = $my_ip"
    echo "PrivateKey = $my_privkey"
    echo ""
    echo "[Peer]"
    echo "PublicKey = $serv_pubkey"
    echo "AllowedIPs ="
    echo "Endpoint = $host:51820"
} > "$fn"

echo ""
echo "Content of $fn:"
cat "$fn"
echo "----------------------------------------"


Enjoy it <3

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macnug commented Mar 3, 2024

I did run the script, but my fritzbox show error:

"Unfortunately, it was not possible to apply your settings.
Imported configuration file of WireGuard remote site triggered a key conflict with existing connections. Click on 'Close' to go to the WireGuard overview and set up the WireGuard connection again".

I did try delete all the other wireguard connections but now i have:

"Unfortunately, your settings could not be applied correctly.
Click "Close" to access the WireGuard overview and re-establish the WireGuard connection."

Any suggestion?

Thank you very much!

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dumbasPL commented Mar 5, 2024

alternative way without downloading their software (needs curl and jq):

  1. go to and create an access token
  2. get your private key
curl -s -u token:<ACCESS_TOKEN> | jq -r .nordlynx_private_key
  1. get server info
curl -s "\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1" | jq -r '.[]|.hostname, .station, (.locations|.[]|.country|, (.locations|.[]|.country|.name), (.technologies|.[].metadata|.[].value), .load'
  1. create config:
PrivateKey = <PRIVATE_KEY> # from step 2
Address = # this IP is always the same
DNS = # your favorite DNS server

PublicKey = <PUBLIC_KEY> # from step 3
AllowedIPs =, ::/0 # route everything
Endpoint = <ENDPOINT>:51820 # endpoint or IP from step 3, the port is always the same

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mzdial commented Mar 6, 2024

Works perfectly for me. Thanks so much for posting this!

alternative way without downloading their software (needs curl and jq):


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Works perfectly for me. Thanks so much for posting this!

did you use it by any chance in a fritzbox router?

HI I did run the script, but my fritzbox show error:

"Unfortunately, it was not possible to apply your settings. Imported configuration file of WireGuard remote site triggered a key conflict with existing connections. Click on 'Close' to go to the WireGuard overview and set up the WireGuard connection again".

I did try delete all the other wireguard connections but now i have:

"Unfortunately, your settings could not be applied correctly. Click "Close" to access the WireGuard overview and re-establish the WireGuard connection."

Any suggestion?

Thank you very much!

no suggestions, did you fix it? cause I am trying the same, and i get all the keys, the endpoint IP for a turkey-server, but the wireguard vpn won't work, so I guess its a fritzbox problem?

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macnug commented Mar 9, 2024

—snip—- let’s keep this readable

no suggestions, did you fix it? cause I am trying the same, and i get all the keys, the endpoint IP for a turkey-server, but the wireguard vpn won't work, so I guess its a fritzbox problem?

I did try but i figured out that frtitzbox need to have also DHCP ip modification. I don't want to modify the fixed ips of 50 devices, so i don't know how to proceed

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J-K3X4 commented Mar 9, 2024

—snip—- let’s keep this readable

I did try but i figured out that frtitzbox need to have also DHCP ip modification. I don't want to modify the fixed ips of 50 devices, so i don't know how to proceed

Maybe this is for other post but just one question, have you been able to load conf file on a fritzbox? For me it has been impossible.

However, I have tested to load this conf file on a standard wireguard client and it works perfectly.

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macnug commented Mar 9, 2024

—snip—- let’s keep this readable

No i get error as soon as i press "OK"
The procedure tells me there are issues on ip conflict:

" 7590
VPN (WireGuard®)
Purtroppo non è stato possibile applicare correttamente le vostre impostazioni.
La stazione remota WireGuard configurata causa un conflitto di rete.
Cliccate su "Chiudi" per accedere alla panoramica di WireGuard® e ristabilire la connessione WireGuard®."

Sorry the message is in italian, but as you can see it doesn't work on fritzbox

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dvcrn commented Mar 17, 2024

Hey all, I hacked together a little CLI inspired by the guide here, that extracts the WG privatekey from macOS keychain, then calls the NordVPN API to fetch server information, and outputs ready to use .conf files

It can either generate for a specific country (--country DE) or all countries (--all-countries). You can also specify to generate multiple configs for a specific country (--country DE --amount 3 --outdir out/)

I wanted something that allows me to quickly regenerate configs with whatever NordVPN recommends as server, and make managing those files a bit easier.

It's only tested on macOS, but in theory, if you know your private key already (following the guide here), you should be able to use it under linux as well, by directly specifying --pk foobar.

(Specifying --nordvpn-accountid will make it go into keychain mode, so it'll try to extract the credentials from macOS keychain)

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