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Created February 9, 2019 21:29
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  • Save blurrryy/a52ff7d3dd18257bc040e04e93dbb54f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetKeyDelay, 10, 10
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
SendMode Input
Gui, New
Gui, shelp:Default
Gui, Add, Edit, xm w300 ReadOnly -Wrap vCtrl_Title
Gui, Add, Edit, xm w300 ReadOnly -Wrap vDebug
Gui, Show, NoActivate, Stealth Helper
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, MainLoop Running
Loop {
Gui, shelp:Default
WinGetActiveTitle, t1
if(t1 = "Legends of Aria") {
PixelGetColor, failedToHideCol, 862, 909
GuiControl,, Debug, % failedToHideCol
if(failedToHideCol = 0x000001)
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, Too Soon to Hide
PixelGetColor, stealthBuffCol, 966, 13
if (stealthBuffCol != 0x9F2D96)
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, Executing Hiding
;Hotkey für Hiding = 2
Send, {2 down}
Sleep 60
Send, {2 up}
Sleep 1000
PixelGetColor, stealthBuffCol, 966, 13
if (stealthBuffCol = 0x9F2D96)
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, Successfully Hidden
Loop {
PixelGetColor, stealthBuffCol, 966, 13
if (stealthBuffCol != 0x9F2D96)
Random, rand, 1,4
Random, timer, 500,100
if(rand = 1)
key = w
if(rand = 2)
key = s
if(rand = 3)
key = a
if(rand = 4)
key = d
Send, {%key% down}
Sleep %timer%
Send, {%key% up}
Sleep 60
else {
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, Failed to Hide
Random, rand, 1,4
Random, timer, 1500,2500
if(rand = 1)
key = w
if(rand = 2)
key = s
if(rand = 3)
key = a
if(rand = 4)
key = d
Send, {%key% down}
Sleep %timer%
Send, {%key% up}
Sleep 60
Sleep 600
Sleep 850
Gui, shelp:Default
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, Pause
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