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Last active November 30, 2020 17:46
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A simple HA-DEC Coordinate frame with atropy v4.2
A HA-DEC frame to work in astropy 4.2
import astropy.units as u
import erfa
from astropy.coordinates import representation as r
from astropy.coordinates.attributes import (TimeAttribute,
from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import BaseCoordinateFrame, RepresentationMapping
from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.utils import atciqz, aticq
from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.utils import (
get_jd12, get_cip, prepare_earth_position_vel, get_polar_motion
from astropy.coordinates.representation import (SphericalRepresentation,
class HaDec(BaseCoordinateFrame):
frame_specific_representation_info = {
r.SphericalRepresentation: [
RepresentationMapping('lon', 'ha'),
RepresentationMapping('lat', 'dec')
default_representation = r.SphericalRepresentation
default_differential = r.SphericalCosLatDifferential
obstime = TimeAttribute(default=None)
location = EarthLocationAttribute(default=None)
pressure = QuantityAttribute(default=0, unit=u.hPa)
temperature = QuantityAttribute(default=0, unit=u.deg_C)
relative_humidity = QuantityAttribute(default=0, unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled)
obswl = QuantityAttribute(default=1 * u.micron, unit=u.micron)
def icrs_to_hadec(icrs_coo, hadec_frame):
Convert to hadec coordinates from ICRS and a AltAz frame.
:param icrs_coo: Original IRCS coordinate.
:param hadec_frame: HaDec frame with location, obstime, and any other info see AltAz documentation
:return: HaDec
>>> import skyconv_hadec
>>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, TETE, ICRS, AltAz, SkyCoord
>>> from astropy.time import Time as AstroTime
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> t = AstroTime('2020-11-27 19:12:16.894431')
>>> earth_location = EarthLocation(lat=38.9369 * u.deg, lon=-95.242 * u.deg, height=266.0 * u.m)
>>> pressure = 98170.13549857 * u.Pa
>>> # East horizon object
>>> icrs = ICRS(ra=344.0516042 * u.deg, dec=3.9267833 * u.deg) # ngc7422
>>> hadec = skyconv_hadec.icrs_to_hadec(icrs, skyconv_hadec.HaDec(obstime=t, location=earth_location, pressure=pressure, obswl=540 * u.nm, temperature=20 * u.deg_C, relative_humidity=0.35))
>>> hadec.ha.deg, hadec.dec.deg
(275.7578128072564, 4.108663110053187)
# last commit d2c37f3
# if the data are UnitSphericalRepresentation, we can skip the distance calculations
is_unitspherical = (isinstance(, UnitSphericalRepresentation) or
icrs_coo.cartesian.x.unit ==
# first set up the astrometry context for ICRS<->AltAz
# astrom = erfa_astrom.get().apco(altaz_frame)
astrom = apco(hadec_frame)
# correct for parallax to find BCRS direction from observer (as in erfa.pmpx)
if is_unitspherical:
srepr = icrs_coo.spherical
observer_icrs = CartesianRepresentation(astrom['eb'],, xyz_axis=-1, copy=False)
srepr = (icrs_coo.cartesian - observer_icrs).represent_as(
# convert to topocentric CIRS
cirs_ra, cirs_dec = atciqz(srepr, astrom)
# now perform AltAz conversion
az, zen, ha, odec, ora = erfa.atioq(cirs_ra, cirs_dec, astrom)
odec = odec << u.radian
if is_unitspherical:
aa_srepr = UnitSphericalRepresentation(ha << u.radian, odec << u.radian, copy=False)
aa_srepr = SphericalRepresentation(ha << u.radian, odec << u.radian, srepr.distance, copy=False)
# hadec_frame = HaDec(obstime=hadec_frame.obstime, location=hadec_frame.location, pressure=hadec_frame.pressure,
# temperature=hadec_frame.temperature, relative_humidity=hadec_frame.relative_humidity,
# obswl=hadec_frame.obswl)
return hadec_frame.realize_frame(aa_srepr)
def hadec_to_icrs(hadec_coo, icrs_frame):
Convert to ICRS coordinates from HaDec coordinate.
:param hadec_coo: Original HaDec coordinate.
:param icrs_frame: IRCS frame
:return: IRCS
>>> import skyconv_hadec
>>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, TETE, ICRS, AltAz, SkyCoord
>>> from astropy.time import Time as AstroTime
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> t = AstroTime('2020-11-27 19:12:16.894431')
>>> earth_location = EarthLocation(lat=38.9369 * u.deg, lon=-95.242 * u.deg, height=266.0 * u.m)
>>> pressure = 98170.13549857 * u.Pa
>>> # East horizon object
>>> icrs = ICRS(ra=344.0516042 * u.deg, dec=3.9267833 * u.deg) # ngc7422
>>> hadec = skyconv_hadec.icrs_to_hadec(icrs, skyconv_hadec.HaDec(obstime=t, location=earth_location, pressure=pressure, obswl=540 * u.nm, temperature=20 * u.deg_C, relative_humidity=0.35))
>>> hadec.ha.deg, hadec.dec.deg
(275.7578128072564, 4.108663110053187)
>>> icrs2 = skyconv_hadec.hadec_to_icrs(hadec, ICRS())
>>> icrs2.ra.deg, icrs2.dec.deg
(344.0516175128818, 3.9267726237749687)
# last commit d2c37f3
# if the data are UnitSphericalRepresentation, we can skip the distance calculations
is_unitspherical = (isinstance(, UnitSphericalRepresentation) or
hadec_coo.cartesian.x.unit ==
usrepr = hadec_coo.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation)
ha = usrepr.lon.to_value(u.radian)
odec =
# first set up the astrometry context for ICRS<->CIRS at the altaz_coo time
astrom = apco(hadec_coo)
# Topocentric CIRS
cirs_ra, cirs_dec = erfa.atoiq('H', ha, odec, astrom) << u.radian
if is_unitspherical:
srepr = SphericalRepresentation(cirs_ra, cirs_dec, 1, copy=False)
srepr = SphericalRepresentation(lon=cirs_ra, lat=cirs_dec,
distance=hadec_coo.distance, copy=False)
# BCRS (Astrometric) direction to source
bcrs_ra, bcrs_dec = aticq(srepr, astrom) << u.radian
# Correct for parallax to get ICRS representation
if is_unitspherical:
icrs_srepr = UnitSphericalRepresentation(bcrs_ra, bcrs_dec, copy=False)
icrs_srepr = SphericalRepresentation(lon=bcrs_ra, lat=bcrs_dec,
distance=hadec_coo.distance, copy=False)
observer_icrs = CartesianRepresentation(astrom['eb'],, xyz_axis=-1, copy=False)
newrepr = icrs_srepr.to_cartesian() + observer_icrs
icrs_srepr = newrepr.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation)
return icrs_frame.realize_frame(icrs_srepr)
def apco(frame_or_coord):
Wrapper for ``erfa.apco``, used in conversions AltAz <-> ICRS and CIRS <-> ICRS
frame_or_coord: ``astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`` or ``astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord``
Frame or coordinate instance in the corresponding frame
for which to calculate the calculate the astrom values.
For this function, an AltAz or CIRS frame is expected.
# Also from master
# 4.3dev last commit 82a3ef4
lon, lat, height = frame_or_coord.location.to_geodetic('WGS84')
obstime = frame_or_coord.obstime
jd1_tt, jd2_tt = get_jd12(obstime, 'tt')
xp, yp = get_polar_motion(obstime)
sp = erfa.sp00(jd1_tt, jd2_tt)
x, y, s = get_cip(jd1_tt, jd2_tt)
era = erfa.era00(*get_jd12(obstime, 'ut1'))
earth_pv, earth_heliocentric = prepare_earth_position_vel(obstime)
# refraction constants
if hasattr(frame_or_coord, 'pressure'):
# this is an AltAz like frame. Calculate refraction
refa, refb = erfa.refco(
# This is not an AltAz frame, so don't bother computing refraction
refa, refb = 0.0, 0.0
return erfa.apco(
jd1_tt, jd2_tt, earth_pv, earth_heliocentric, x, y, s, era,
xp, yp, sp, refa, refb
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