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Created August 31, 2013 17:25
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(ns rbl.utils.async
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer :all]))
(defmacro sleep
([ms & stop-channels]
(let [to (list 'timeout ms)]
`(alts! ~(into [to] stop-channels))))
`(<! (timeout ~ms))))
(defn ref->chan
"Watches the given reference (atom, ref, agent) and publishes the new values to a channel which is returns"
(ref->chan reference (chan)))
([reference ref-chan]
(add-watch reference nil (fn [_ref _key _old new-value] (go (>! ref-chan new-value))))
(defmacro gox
"Like go, but if body raises an exception, then the exception, rather than nil, is put on the returned channel."
[& body]
`(go (try ~@body (catch Exception e# e#))))
(defmacro threadx
"Like thread, but if body raises an exception, then the exception, rather than nil, is put on the returned channel."
[& body]
`(thread (try ~@body (catch Exception e# e#))))
(defmacro <!gox
"Takes the return value of the go body as if by <!, or throws any exception thrown by the body. Must be called inside a (go ...) block."
[& body]
`(let [resp# (<! (gox ~@body))]
(if (instance? Exception resp#)
(throw resp#)
(defmacro <!!gox
"Takes the return value of the go body as if by <!!, or throws any exception thrown by the body."
[& body]
`(let [resp# (<!! (gox ~@body))]
(if (instance? Exception resp#)
(throw resp#)
(defmacro <!threadx
"Takes the return value of the thread body as if by <!, or throws any exception thrown by the body. Must be called inside a (go ...) block."
[& body]
`(let [resp# (<! (threadx ~@body))]
(if (instance? Exception resp#)
(throw resp#)
(defmacro <!!threadx
"Takes the return value of the thread body as if by <!!, or throws any exception thrown by the body."
[& body]
`(let [resp# (<!! (threadx ~@body))]
(if (instance? Exception resp#)
(throw resp#)
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