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Created September 16, 2014 04:21
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Credit Card Validation
toDigits :: Integer -> [Integer]
toDigits 0 = []
toDigits x = toDigits (div x 10) ++ [(mod x 10)]
toDigitsRev :: Integer -> [Integer]
toDigitsRev 0 = []
toDigitsRev x = (mod x 10) : toDigitsRev (div x 10)
doubleEveryOther :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
doubleEveryOther = (reverse . (zipWith ($) (cycle [id, (*2)])) . reverse)
sumDigits :: [Integer] -> Integer
sumDigits xs = sum (concatMap toDigits xs)
validate :: Integer -> Bool
validate x = (mod ((sumDigits . doubleEveryOther . toDigits) x) 10) == 0
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This is one way to avoid double-reverse; due to the right-associative nature of foldr, the initial argument will pair with the rightmost element of the list. We can pair each argument with an extra value (isomorphic to Boolean, if you don't want to create a new type for it) to keep track of whether we should double or not. At the end of the recursion, simply discard the parity value.

data Parity = Even | Odd
            deriving (Eq, Show)

doubleEveryOther = snd . foldr place init
    init = (Even, [])
    place x (Even, xs) = (Odd , x:xs)
    place x (Odd,  xs) = (Even, (x*2):xs)

You can write it a bit more succinctly, but I prefer clarity over succinctness when they conflict.

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