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parallelizing the "sequential", Alexei A. Efros and Willian T. Freeman's image quilting algorithm
from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
import cv2 as cv
from .utils.generate import * # from
# -- NOTE -- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
# This implementation improves vanilla (a.k.a. sequential) image quilting speed via parallelization.
# The following is a reference to the source implementation contained in the quilting folder:
# And the original algorithm paper:
# Conceptually, parallelization is done by creating a horizontal and vertical stripes in the shape of a cross
# dividing the image into 4 sections that can be generated independently.
# Additionally, each section's rows can also be "generated in parallel" ( clarifications below in 2.2 ).
# The operations are as follows:
# 1.
# 2 stripes for each direction are generated, all in parallel (if enough cores available).
# 1 vertical and 1 horizontal stripes are created with inverted images, in order to re-use the original
# implementation methods without any additional modifications.
# 2.1
# The 4 separate sections are generated at the same time, using the required inversions,
# and then flipped at the end so that all can be stitched together
# 2.2
# An OPTIONAL parallelization step is implemented, but improvement is not significant.
# ( also, can be worse in small generations, with a low number of patches or small source image )
# While generating each section, instead of generating each row sequentially, multiple rows "can run in parallel" in
# alternating fashion. The modulo of the row number is run by the job with that number, e.g.: if using two jobs,
# one runs the odd rows and another the even rows.
# The algorithm is still sequential in nature, this is not some "modern" variant of the algorithm,
# but it does not require a row to be completely filled in order to compute some of the next row's patches.
# 3.
# Stitching is straightforward, and only needs to take into account the removal
# of the shared components belonging to the initially generated stripes.
# region methods extracted from the source of the referenced implementation for re-usability
def fill_column(image, initial_block, overlap, nH, tolerance):
blocksize = initial_block.shape[0]
textureMap = np.zeros(
((blocksize + nH * (blocksize - overlap)), blocksize, image.shape[2]))
textureMap[:blocksize, :blocksize, :] = initial_block
for i, blkIdx in enumerate(range((blocksize - overlap), textureMap.shape[0] - overlap, (blocksize - overlap))):
refBlock = textureMap[(blkIdx - blocksize + overlap):(blkIdx + overlap), :blocksize]
patchBlock = findPatchVertical(refBlock, image, blocksize, overlap, tolerance)
minCutPatch = getMinCutPatchVertical(refBlock, patchBlock, blocksize, overlap)
textureMap[blkIdx:(blkIdx + blocksize), :blocksize] = minCutPatch
return textureMap
def fill_row(image, initial_block, overlap, nW, tolerance):
blocksize = initial_block.shape[0]
textureMap = np.zeros(
(blocksize, (blocksize + nW * (blocksize - overlap)), image.shape[2]))
textureMap[:blocksize, :blocksize, :] = initial_block
for i, blkIdx in enumerate(range((blocksize - overlap), textureMap.shape[1] - overlap, (blocksize - overlap))):
refBlock = textureMap[:blocksize, (blkIdx - blocksize + overlap):(blkIdx + overlap)]
patchBlock = findPatchHorizontal(refBlock, image, blocksize, overlap, tolerance)
minCutPatch = getMinCutPatchHorizontal(refBlock, patchBlock, blocksize, overlap)
textureMap[:blocksize, (blkIdx):(blkIdx + blocksize)] = minCutPatch
return textureMap
def fill_quad(nH, nW, blocksize, overlap, textureMap, image, tolerance):
for i in range(1, nH + 1):
for j in range(1, nW + 1):
blkIndexI = i * (blocksize - overlap)
blkIndexJ = j * (blocksize - overlap)
refBlockLeft = textureMap[(blkIndexI):(blkIndexI + blocksize),
(blkIndexJ - blocksize + overlap):(blkIndexJ + overlap)]
refBlockTop = textureMap[(blkIndexI - blocksize + overlap):(blkIndexI + overlap),
(blkIndexJ):(blkIndexJ + blocksize)]
patchBlock = findPatchBoth(refBlockLeft, refBlockTop, image, blocksize, overlap, tolerance)
minCutPatch = getMinCutPatchBoth(refBlockLeft, refBlockTop, patchBlock, blocksize, overlap)
textureMap[(blkIndexI):(blkIndexI + blocksize), (blkIndexJ):(blkIndexJ + blocksize)] = minCutPatch
print("{} out of {} rows complete...".format(i + 1, nH + 1))
return textureMap
# endregion
def generateTextureMap_p(image, blocksize, overlap, outH, outW, tolerance, nps):
@param nps: number of parallel stripes; tells how many jobs to use for each of the 4 sections.
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# Starting index and block
H, W = image.shape[:2]
randH = np.random.randint(H - blocksize)
randW = np.random.randint(W - blocksize)
startBlock = image[randH:randH + blocksize, randW:randW + blocksize]
# horizontal inverted
hi_startBlock = cv.flip(startBlock, 1)
hi_image = cv.flip(image, 1) # in retrospective, should have used np; but other nodes use cv, so makes no diff.
# vertical inverted
vi_startBlock = cv.flip(startBlock, 0)
vi_image = cv.flip(image, 0)
# note: inverted both ways is computed later when filling the top-left quadrant/section
# auxiliary variables
quad_row_width = ceil(outW / 2 + blocksize / 2)
quad_column_height = ceil(outH / 2 + blocksize / 2)
qW = int(ceil((quad_row_width - blocksize) * 1.0 / (blocksize - overlap)))
qH = int(ceil((quad_column_height - blocksize) * 1.0 / (blocksize - overlap)))
# generate 2 vertical strips and 2 horizontal strips that will split the generated canvas in half
# the center, where the stripes connect, shares the same tile
args = [
(image, startBlock, overlap, qW, tolerance),
(hi_image, hi_startBlock, overlap, qW, tolerance),
(image, startBlock, overlap, qH, tolerance),
(vi_image, vi_startBlock, overlap, qH, tolerance)
funcs = [fill_row, fill_row, fill_column, fill_column]
stripes = Parallel(n_jobs=4, backend="loky", timeout=None)(
delayed(funcs[i])(*args[i]) for i in range(4))
hs, his, vs, vis = stripes
# generate the 4 sections (quadrants)
args = [
(vis, his, hi_image, qH, qW, overlap, tolerance, nps),
(vis, hs, vi_image, qH, qW, overlap, tolerance, nps),
(vs, hs, image, qH, qW, overlap, tolerance, nps),
(vs, his, hi_image, qH, qW, overlap, tolerance, nps)
funcs = [quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4]
quads = Parallel(n_jobs=4, backend="loky", timeout=None)(
delayed(funcs[i])(*args[i]) for i in range(4))
q1, q2, q3, q4 = quads
texture = np.zeros((q1.shape[0] * 2 - blocksize, q1.shape[1] * 2 - blocksize, image.shape[2]))
bmo = blocksize - overlap
texture[:q1.shape[0] - bmo, :q1.shape[1] - bmo] = q1[:q1.shape[0] - bmo, :q1.shape[1] - bmo]
texture[:q1.shape[0] - bmo, q1.shape[1] - bmo:] = q2[:q1.shape[0] - bmo, overlap:]
texture[q1.shape[0] - bmo:, :q1.shape[1] - bmo] = q4[overlap:, :q1.shape[1] - bmo]
texture[q1.shape[0] - bmo:, q1.shape[1] - bmo:] = q3[overlap:, overlap:]
return texture
def quad1(vis, his, hi_image, nH, nW, overlap, tolerance, p_strips):
:param his: horizontal inverted stripe
:param vis: vertical inverted stripe
vi_hi_s = cv.flip(his, 0) # vertical inversion of the horizontal inverted stripe
hi_vi_s = cv.flip(vis, 1)
vhi_image = cv.flip(hi_image, 0)
if p_strips > 1:
size = vis.shape[0] * his.shape[1] * hi_image.shape[2] * hi_image.dtype.itemsize
shm_text = SharedMemory(create=True, size=size)
texture = np.ndarray((vis.shape[0], his.shape[1], hi_image.shape[2]), dtype=hi_image.dtype, buffer=shm_text.buf)
texture = np.zeros((vis.shape[0], his.shape[1], hi_image.shape[2]))
texture[:vi_hi_s.shape[0], :vi_hi_s.shape[1]] = vi_hi_s[:, :]
texture[vi_hi_s.shape[0]:hi_vi_s.shape[0], :hi_vi_s.shape[1]] = hi_vi_s[vi_hi_s.shape[0]:, :]
if p_strips > 1:
fill_quad_ps(nH, nW, vi_hi_s.shape[0], overlap,, vhi_image, tolerance, p_strips)
texture = fill_quad(nH, nW, vi_hi_s.shape[0], overlap, texture, vhi_image, tolerance)
texture = cv.flip(texture, -1)
if p_strips > 1:
return texture
def quad2(vis, hs, vi_image, nH, nW, overlap, tolerance, p_strips):
vi_hs = cv.flip(hs, 0)
if p_strips > 1:
size = vis.shape[0] * hs.shape[1] * vi_image.shape[2] * vi_image.dtype.itemsize
shm_text = SharedMemory(create=True, size=size)
texture = np.ndarray((vis.shape[0], hs.shape[1], vi_image.shape[2]), dtype=vi_image.dtype, buffer=shm_text.buf)
texture = np.zeros((vis.shape[0], hs.shape[1], vi_image.shape[2]))
texture[:hs.shape[0], :hs.shape[1]] = vi_hs[:, :]
texture[hs.shape[0]:vis.shape[0], :vis.shape[1]] = vis[hs.shape[0]:, :]
if p_strips > 1:
fill_quad_ps(nH, nW, hs.shape[0], overlap,, vi_image, tolerance, p_strips)
texture = fill_quad(nH, nW, hs.shape[0], overlap, texture, vi_image, tolerance)
texture = cv.flip(texture, 0)
if p_strips > 1:
return texture
def quad4(vs, his, hi_image, nH, nW, overlap, tolerance, p_strips):
hi_vs = cv.flip(vs, 1)
if p_strips > 1:
size = vs.shape[0] * his.shape[1] * hi_image.shape[2] * hi_image.dtype.itemsize
shm_text = SharedMemory(create=True, size=size)
texture = np.ndarray((vs.shape[0], his.shape[1], hi_image.shape[2]), dtype=hi_image.dtype, buffer=shm_text.buf)
texture = np.zeros((vs.shape[0], his.shape[1], hi_image.shape[2]))
texture[:his.shape[0], :his.shape[1]] = his[:, :]
texture[his.shape[0]:vs.shape[0], :vs.shape[1]] = hi_vs[his.shape[0]:, :]
if p_strips > 1:
fill_quad_ps(nH, nW, his.shape[0], overlap,, hi_image, tolerance, p_strips)
texture = fill_quad(nH, nW, his.shape[0], overlap, texture, hi_image, tolerance)
texture = cv.flip(texture, 1)
if p_strips > 1:
return texture
def quad3(vs, hs, image, nH, nW, overlap, tolerance, p_strips):
if p_strips > 1:
size = vs.shape[0] * hs.shape[1] * image.shape[2] * image.dtype.itemsize
shm_text = SharedMemory(create=True, size=size)
texture = np.ndarray((vs.shape[0], hs.shape[1], image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype, buffer=shm_text.buf)
texture = np.zeros((vs.shape[0], hs.shape[1], image.shape[2]))
texture[:hs.shape[0], :hs.shape[1]] = hs[:, :]
texture[hs.shape[0]:vs.shape[0], :vs.shape[1]] = vs[hs.shape[0]:, :]
if p_strips > 1:
fill_quad_ps(nH, nW, vs.shape[1], overlap,, image, tolerance, p_strips)
return fill_quad(nH, nW, vs.shape[1], overlap, texture, image, tolerance)
texture = texture.copy()
if p_strips > 1:
return texture
def fill_quad_ps(nH, nW, blocksize, overlap, texture_shared_mem_name, image, tolerance, total_procs):
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
bmo = blocksize - overlap
b_o = ceil(blocksize / (blocksize - overlap))
# note : ShareableList seems to have problems even though there are no concurrent writes to the same position...
# setup shared array to store & check each job row & column
size = 2 * total_procs * np.int32(1).itemsize
shm_coord = SharedMemory(create=True, size=size)
np_coord = np.ndarray((2 * total_procs,), dtype=np.int32, buffer=shm_coord.buf)
for ip in range(total_procs):
np_coord[2 * ip] = 1 + ip
np_coord[2 * ip + 1] = 1
def fill_rows(pid, coord_shared_list_name, texture_shm_name):
shm_coord_ref = SharedMemory(name=coord_shared_list_name)
coord_list = np.ndarray((2 * total_procs,), dtype=np.int32, buffer=shm_coord_ref.buf)
prior_proc_base_index = (pid + total_procs - 1) % total_procs
shm_texture = SharedMemory(name=texture_shm_name)
texture = np.ndarray((blocksize + nH * bmo, blocksize + nW * bmo, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype,
for i in range(1 + pid, nH + 1, total_procs):
coord_list[pid * 2 + 0] = i
for j in range(1, nW + 1):
coord_list[pid * 2 + 1] = j
# if previous row hasn't processed the adjacent section yet wait for it to advance.
# -1 is used to shortcircuit this check when the job on the prior row has completed all rows.
while -1 < coord_list[prior_proc_base_index * 2 + 0] < i and coord_list[
prior_proc_base_index * 2 + 1] - b_o <= j:
# The same as source implementation ( similar to fill_quad )
blkIndexI = i * (blocksize - overlap)
blkIndexJ = j * (blocksize - overlap)
refBlockLeft = texture[(blkIndexI):(blkIndexI + blocksize),
(blkIndexJ - blocksize + overlap):(blkIndexJ + overlap)]
refBlockTop = texture[(blkIndexI - blocksize + overlap):(blkIndexI + overlap),
(blkIndexJ):(blkIndexJ + blocksize)]
patchBlock = findPatchBoth(refBlockLeft, refBlockTop, image, blocksize, overlap, tolerance)
minCutPatch = getMinCutPatchBoth(refBlockLeft, refBlockTop, patchBlock, blocksize, overlap)
texture[(blkIndexI):(blkIndexI + blocksize), (blkIndexJ):(blkIndexJ + blocksize)] = minCutPatch
coord_list[pid * 2 + 0] = -1
Parallel(n_jobs=total_procs, backend="loky", timeout=None)(
delayed(fill_rows)(i,, texture_shared_mem_name) for i in range(total_procs))
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