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Forked from ethpran/config.edn
Last active May 12, 2023 16:59
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clj-kondo hook for mount/defstate
{:linters {:mount/defstate {:level :warning}}
:hooks {:analyze-call {mount.core/defstate hooks.defstate/defstate}}}
(ns hooks.defstate
(:require [clj-kondo.hooks-api :as api]))
(defn defstate [{:keys [:node]}]
(let [[_defstate n & args] (:children node)
[_doc args] (if (string? (api/sexpr (first args)))
[(first args) (rest args)]
[nil args])
m (when-let [m (first (:meta n))]
(api/sexpr m))
m (if (map? m) m {})
ks (cond-> (take 1 args)
(> (count args) 2) (conj (nth args 2)))
invalid-key (first (remove (comp (partial contains? #{:start :stop}) api/sexpr) ks))]
{:message (str "lifecycle functions can only contain `:start` and `:stop`. illegal function found: " (api/sexpr invalid-key))
:type :mount/defstate
:row (:row (meta invalid-key))
:col (:col (meta invalid-key))})
(not (contains? (set (map api/sexpr ks)) :start))
(throw (ex-info "lifecycle functions must include `:start`" {}))
((complement contains?) #{2 4} (count args))
(throw (ex-info "lifecycle functions must consist of no more than 2 pair forms: `:start` and `:stop`" {}))
(and (contains? m :on-reload) (not (contains? #{:noop :stop} (:on-reload m))))
{:message "metadata `:on-reload` key can only have value of `noop` or `stop`"
:type :mount/defstate
:row (:row (meta n))
:col (:col (meta n))})
{:node (api/list-node
(api/token-node 'fn*)
(api/vector-node [n])
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