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Last active May 2, 2018 02:41
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(ns gadget
(:require [datomic.api :as d]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint pp]]
[clojure.inspector :as i :refer [inspect-tree]])
(:import (javax.swing.tree TreeModel)
(javax.swing JTree JScrollPane JFrame)))
(defn rev-attrs
"Finds reverse relationships for a datomic.query.EntityMap"
(let [attrs (d/q '[:find [?i ...]
:in $ ?target
[_ ?a ?target]
[?a :db/ident ?i]]
(.db e) (:db/id e))]
(map #(keyword (namespace %) (str \_ (name %))) attrs)))
(defn with-rev-attrs [e]
"Makes datomic.query.EntityMaps include reverse references
(first tier only to avoid an infinite loop)"
(proxy [clojure.lang.Seqable] []
(seq [] (concat (seq e)
(map (fn [k]
;; not creating MapEntry directly here
(first {k (k e)}))
(rev-attrs e))))))
(defn all-data
"Adds reverse attributes if `data` is an EntityMap"
(if (instance? datomic.query.EntityMap data)
(with-rev-attrs data)
(defn tree-model [data]
(proxy [TreeModel] []
(getRoot [] (all-data data))
(addTreeModelListener [treeModelListener])
(getChild [parent index]
(i/get-child (all-data parent) index))
(getChildCount [parent]
(i/get-child-count (all-data parent)))
(isLeaf [node]
(i/is-leaf node))
(valueForPathChanged [path newValue])
(getIndexOfChild [parent child]
(removeTreeModelListener [treeModelListener])))
(defn inspect-entity-tree
"creates a graphical (Swing) inspector on the supplied hierarchical data"
(doto (JFrame. "Clojure Inspector")
(.add (JScrollPane. (JTree. (tree-model data))))
(.setSize 400 600)
(.setVisible true)))
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