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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bmalavan on github.
  • I am bmalavan ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDdOcZJNw6Ss1x-sEjNyyNEPfWVhaLCxhAgHM6JOTVhygo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

The code below shows how to encrypt and then decrypt some plaintext into a cyphertext using
KMS's Encrypt/Decrypt functions and secretbox (
The plaintext message is sealed into a secretbox using a key that is generated by kmsClient.GenerateDataKey().
Note that this procedure reuquires that a master key would *already exist in KMS* and that its arn/alias is specified.
The aws library assumes that the proper credentials can be found in the shared file (~/.aws/credentials)
and opts for the 'default' role.
Once sealed, the cyphertext is then unboxed, again by first getting the key from kms (kmsClient.Decrypt),