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Created December 27, 2012 04:26
Generate dotmap tiles
/* I, Brandon Martin-Anderson, release this into the public domain or whatever. */
BufferedReader reader;
double ll, bb, rr, tt;
float A = 1000.0;
GlobalMercator proj = new GlobalMercator();
class PersonPoint {
double x, y;
String quadnode;
PersonPoint(String row) {
String[] fields = split(row, ",");
this.x = Double.parseDouble(fields[0])/A;
this.y = Double.parseDouble(fields[1])/A;
this.quadnode = fields[2];
void draw(PGraphics pg) {
pg.point((float)this.x, (float)this.y);
ArrayList people;
float pointWeight(int level) {
switch(level) {
case 4:
return 0.05333;
case 5:
return 0.08;
case 6:
return 0.12;
case 7:
return 0.18;
case 8:
return 0.27;
case 9:
return 0.405;
case 10:
return 0.6075;
case 11:
return 0.91125;
case 12:
return 1.366875;
case 13:
return 2.0503125;
case 14:
return 3.07546875;
case 15:
return 4.61320312;
case 16:
return 6.9198046;
case 17:
return 10.37970;
return 0.0;
void setup() {
size(512, 512, P2D);
String[] zoomlevels = loadStrings("zoomlevel");
for ( int i=0; i<zoomlevels.length; i++ ) {
int level = int(zoomlevels[i]);
println( "loading..." );
reader = createReader("people.csv");
try {
String line;
String quadkey = "";
PGraphics pg = null;
PVector tms_tile = null;
int rown = 0;
while (true) {
line = reader.readLine();
if (line==null || line.length()==0) {
println( "file done" );
rown += 1;
if( rown%100000==0 ){
println( rown );
String[] fields = split(line, ",");
float px = float(fields[0])/A;
float py = float(fields[1])/A;
String newQuadkey = fields[2].substring(0, level);
// //only print out this quad:
// if( !newQuadkey.substring(0,12).equals("032010110132") ){
// continue;
// }
if ( !newQuadkey.equals( quadkey ) ) {
//finish up the last tile
if (pg!=null) {
PVector gtile = proj.GoogleTile((int)tms_tile.x, (int)tms_tile.y, level); "tiles/"+level+"/"+int(gtile.x)+"/"+int(gtile.y)+".png" );
println( "done" );
quadkey = newQuadkey;
PVector google_tile = proj.QuadKeyToTileXY( newQuadkey );
tms_tile = proj.GoogleTile( (int)google_tile.x, (int)google_tile.y, level );
println( level+" "+tms_tile.x+" "+tms_tile.y );
pg = createGraphics(512, 512, P2D);
PVector[] bounds = proj.TileBounds( (int)tms_tile.x, (int)tms_tile.y, level );
float tile_ll = bounds[0].x/A;
float tile_bb = bounds[0].y/A;
float tile_rr = bounds[1].x/A;
float tile_tt = bounds[1].y/A;
double xscale = width/(tile_rr-tile_ll);
double yscale = width/(tile_tt-tile_bb);
float scale = min((float)xscale, (float)yscale);
pg.scale(scale, -scale);
pg.translate(-(float)tile_ll, -(float)tile_tt);
pg.point(px, py);
if (pg!=null) {
PVector gtile = proj.GoogleTile((int)tms_tile.x, (int)tms_tile.y, level); "tiles/"+level+"/"+int(gtile.x)+"/"+int(gtile.y)+".png" );
println( "done" );
catch (IOException e) {
void draw() {
/* I, Brandon Martin-Anderson, release this into the public domain or whatever, unless I'm not allowed to, because it's actually a Java port of something I found here: */
class GlobalMercator {
// TMS Global Mercator Profile
// ---------------------------
// Functions necessary for generation of tiles in Spherical Mercator projection,
// EPSG:900913 (EPSG:gOOglE, Google Maps Global Mercator), EPSG:3785, OSGEO:41001.
// Such tiles are compatible with Google Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps,
// UK Ordnance Survey OpenSpace API, ...
// and you can overlay them on top of base maps of those web mapping applications.
// Pixel and tile coordinates are in TMS notation (origin [0,0] in bottom-left).
// What coordinate conversions do we need for TMS Global Mercator tiles::
// LatLon <-> Meters <-> Pixels <-> Tile
// WGS84 coordinates Spherical Mercator Pixels in pyramid Tiles in pyramid
// lat/lon XY in metres XY pixels Z zoom XYZ from TMS
// EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913
// .----. --------- -- TMS
// / \ <-> | | <-> /----/ <-> Google
// \ / | | /--------/ QuadTree
// ----- --------- /------------/
// KML, public WebMapService Web Clients TileMapService
// What is the coordinate extent of Earth in EPSG:900913?
// [-20037508.342789244, -20037508.342789244, 20037508.342789244, 20037508.342789244]
// Constant 20037508.342789244 comes from the circumference of the Earth in meters,
// which is 40 thousand kilometers, the coordinate origin is in the middle of extent.
// In fact you can calculate the constant as: 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / 2.0
// $ echo 180 85 | gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:900913
// Polar areas with abs(latitude) bigger then 85.05112878 are clipped off.
// What are zoom level constants (pixels/meter) for pyramid with EPSG:900913?
// whole region is on top of pyramid (zoom=0) covered by 256x256 pixels tile,
// every lower zoom level resolution is always divided by two
// initialResolution = 20037508.342789244 * 2 / 256 = 156543.03392804062
// What is the difference between TMS and Google Maps/QuadTree tile name convention?
// The tile raster itself is the same (equal extent, projection, pixel size),
// there is just different identification of the same raster tile.
// Tiles in TMS are counted from [0,0] in the bottom-left corner, id is XYZ.
// Google placed the origin [0,0] to the top-left corner, reference is XYZ.
// Microsoft is referencing tiles by a QuadTree name, defined on the website:
// The lat/lon coordinates are using WGS84 datum, yeh?
// Yes, all lat/lon we are mentioning should use WGS84 Geodetic Datum.
// Well, the web clients like Google Maps are projecting those coordinates by
// Spherical Mercator, so in fact lat/lon coordinates on sphere are treated as if
// the were on the WGS84 ellipsoid.
// From MSDN documentation:
// To simplify the calculations, we use the spherical form of projection, not
// the ellipsoidal form. Since the projection is used only for map display,
// and not for displaying numeric coordinates, we don't need the extra precision
// of an ellipsoidal projection. The spherical projection causes approximately
// 0.33 percent scale distortion in the Y direction, which is not visually noticable.
// How do I create a raster in EPSG:900913 and convert coordinates with PROJ.4?
// You can use standard GIS tools like gdalwarp, cs2cs or gdaltransform.
// All of the tools supports -t_srs 'epsg:900913'.
// For other GIS programs check the exact definition of the projection:
// More info at
// The same projection is degined as EPSG:3785. WKT definition is in the official
// EPSG database.
// Proj4 Text:
// +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0
// +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs
// Human readable WKT format of EPGS:900913:
// PROJCS["Google Maps Global Mercator",
// GEOGCS["WGS 84",
// DATUM["WGS_1984",
// SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016,
// AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
// AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
// PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
// UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
// AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],
// PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP"],
// PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],
// PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],
// PARAMETER["false_easting",0],
// PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
// UNIT["metre",1,
// AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]
int tileSize=256;
float initialResolution;
float originShift;
GlobalMercator() {
//Initialize the TMS Global Mercator pyramid"
this.initialResolution = 2 * PI * 6378137 / this.tileSize;
//156543.03392804062 for tileSize 256 pixels
this.originShift = 2 * PI * 6378137 / 2.0;
PVector LatLonToMeters(float lat, float lon ) {
//"Converts given lat/lon in WGS84 Datum to XY in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913"
float mx = lon * this.originShift / 180.0;
float my = log( tan((90 + lat) * PI / 360.0 )) / (PI / 180.0);
my = my * this.originShift / 180.0;
return new PVector(mx, my);
PVector MetersToLatLon(float mx, float my ) {
//"Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum"
float lon = (mx / this.originShift) * 180.0;
float lat = (my / this.originShift) * 180.0;
lat = 180 / PI * (2 * atan( exp( lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return new PVector(lat, lon);
PVector PixelsToMeters(float px, float py, int zoom) {
//"Converts pixel coordinates in given zoom level of pyramid to EPSG:900913"
float res = this.Resolution( zoom );
float mx = px * res - this.originShift;
float my = py * res - this.originShift;
return new PVector(mx, my);
PVector MetersToPixels(float mx, float my, int zoom) {
//"Converts EPSG:900913 to pyramid pixel coordinates in given zoom level"
float res = this.Resolution( zoom );
float px = (mx + this.originShift) / res;
float py = (my + this.originShift) / res;
return new PVector( px, py );
PVector PixelsToTile( float px, float py) {
//"Returns a tile covering region in given pixel coordinates"
int tx = int( ceil( px / float(this.tileSize) ) - 1 );
int ty = int( ceil( py / float(this.tileSize) ) - 1 );
return new PVector(tx, ty);
PVector PixelsToRaster(float px, float py, int zoom) {
//"Move the origin of pixel coordinates to top-left corner"
int mapSize = this.tileSize << zoom;
return new PVector( px, mapSize - py );
PVector MetersToTile(float mx, float my, int zoom) {
//"Returns tile for given mercator coordinates"
PVector pp = this.MetersToPixels( mx, my, zoom);
return this.PixelsToTile( pp.x, pp.y );
PVector[] TileBounds(int tx, int ty, int zoom) {
//"Returns bounds of the given tile in EPSG:900913 coordinates"
PVector ll = this.PixelsToMeters( tx*this.tileSize, ty*this.tileSize, zoom );
PVector ur = this.PixelsToMeters( (tx+1)*this.tileSize, (ty+1)*this.tileSize, zoom );
PVector[] ret = new PVector[2];
return ret;
// def TileLatLonBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom ):
// "Returns bounds of the given tile in latutude/longitude using WGS84 datum"
// bounds = self.TileBounds( tx, ty, zoom)
// minLat, minLon = self.MetersToLatLon(bounds[0], bounds[1])
// maxLat, maxLon = self.MetersToLatLon(bounds[2], bounds[3])
// return ( minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon )
float Resolution( int zoom ) {
//"Resolution (meters/pixel) for given zoom level (measured at Equator)"
//# return (2 * math.pi * 6378137) / (self.tileSize * 2**zoom)
return this.initialResolution / (pow(2, zoom));
// def ZoomForPixelSize(self, pixelSize ):
// "Maximal scaledown zoom of the pyramid closest to the pixelSize."
// for i in range(30):
// if pixelSize > self.Resolution(i):
// return i-1 if i!=0 else 0 # We don't want to scale up
PVector GoogleTile(int tx, int ty, int zoom) {
//"Converts TMS tile coordinates to Google Tile coordinates"
// coordinate origin is moved from bottom-left to top-left corner of the extent
return new PVector(tx, (pow(2, zoom) - 1) - ty);
// def QuadTree(self, tx, ty, zoom ):
// "Converts TMS tile coordinates to Microsoft QuadTree"
// quadKey = ""
// ty = (2**zoom - 1) - ty
// for i in range(zoom, 0, -1):
// digit = 0
// mask = 1 << (i-1)
// if (tx & mask) != 0:
// digit += 1
// if (ty & mask) != 0:
// digit += 2
// quadKey += str(digit)
// return quadKey
PVector QuadKeyToTileXY(String quadKey)
int tileX;
int tileY;
int levelOfDetail;
tileX = tileY = 0;
levelOfDetail = quadKey.length();
for (int i = levelOfDetail; i > 0; i--)
int mask = 1 << (i - 1);
switch (quadKey.charAt(levelOfDetail - i))
case '0':
case '1':
tileX |= mask;
case '2':
tileY |= mask;
case '3':
tileX |= mask;
tileY |= mask;
return new PVector(tileX,tileY,levelOfDetail);
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meetar commented Jan 3, 2013

Hi, me again! Can you post an example of your "zoomlevel" file?

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Presumably his zoomlevel file looks something like:


loadStrings loads one line per file into a Strings array; level is used as int level = int(zoomlevels[i]);, and is used in 'substring' later to pull out the first n bytes of the quadkey.

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