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Last active December 28, 2015 03:29
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trait Generator[+T] {
self =>
def generate: T
def map[S](f: T => S): Generator[S] = new Generator[S] {
def generate = f.apply(self.generate)
def flatMap[S](f: T => Generator[S]): Generator[S] = new Generator[S] {
def generate = f.apply(self.generate).generate
val integers = new Generator[Int] {
def generate = scala.util.Random.nextInt()
val booleans = >= 0)
// -- properties
// From the assignment.
property("min1") = forAll { a: Int =>
val h = insert(a, empty)
findMin(h) == a
// If you insert any two elements into an empty heap, finding the minimum of the resulting heap should get the smallest of the two elements back.
property("min2") = forAll { a: Int, b: Int =>
if (a > b) findMin(insert(a, insert(b, empty))) == b
else findMin(insert(a, insert(b, empty))) == a
// If you insert an element into an empty heap, then delete the minimum, the resulting heap should be empty.
property("empty1") = forAll { a: Int =>
deleteMin(insert(a, empty)).isEmpty
// Given any heap, you should get a sorted sequence of elements when continually finding and deleting minima. (Hint: recursion and helper functions are your friends.)
def compareTo(h: H, a: A): Boolean = {
if (h.isEmpty) true
else if (findMin(h) < a) false
else compareTo(deleteMin(h), findMin(h))
property("sorted1") = forAll { h: H =>
compareTo(deleteMin(h), findMin(h))
// Finding a minimum of the melding of any two heaps should return a minimum of one or the other.
property("meld1") = forAll { h1: H, h2: H =>
if (findMin(h1) < findMin(h2)) findMin(meld(h1, h2)) == findMin(h1)
else findMin(meld(h1, h2)) == findMin(h2)
// Delete a minimum from an empty heap should return an empty heap.
property("delete1") = forAll {
// -- heap generator
def heaps: Generator[H] = for {
isFull <- booleans
heap <- if (isFull) empty else insert(integers.generate, heaps)
} yield heap
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