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bmatheny /
Last active September 18, 2022 19:33 — forked from KEINOS/
A Bash script to install Ruby 2.6.8 on the Raspberry Pi OS
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installs Ruby 2.6.8 using rbenv/ruby-build on the Raspberry Pi OS
# Run from the web:
# bash <(curl -sL
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Welcome message
bmatheny / compliments.json
Last active December 4, 2023 00:16 — forked from E3V3A/compliments.json
MagicMirror compliments file
"anytime" : [
"I'm lucky to be your mirror!",
"The Force is strong with you",
"If I could high five you... I would!",
"On a scale from 1 to 10, you're an 15!",
"Being awesome is hard, but you'll manage",
"I could just hang here all day!",
"Looking good!",
"May the Force be with you",
bmatheny / gist:4d9b5fab37ba588af312
Created November 16, 2014 15:40
usb overdrive spotify config
-- previous track
on is_running(appName)
tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end is_running
if is_running("Spotify") then
tell application "Spotify"
previous track
end tell
package com.tumblr.fibr.service.filter
import com.tumblr.fibr.config.FilterConfig
import com.tumblr.fibr.tsdb.{TsdbRequest, TsdbResponse}
import{Cache, CacheBuilder}
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.util.Future
import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, TimeUnit}
% pry
[1] pry(main)> puts "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!
=> nil
[2] pry(main)> name = "Cecilia"
=> "Cecilia"
[3] pry(main)> puts "Hello, #{names}"
NameError: undefined local variable or method `names' for main:Object
from (pry):3:in `__pry__'
[4] pry(main)> wtf?
bmatheny / gist:5060520
Last active December 14, 2015 08:49 — forked from jasoncodes/gist:1223731
# Run this script to install ruby 1.9.2-p290 under rbenv
brew update
brew install rbenv ruby-build rbenv-vars readline
if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]; then
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
bmatheny / production.conf
Created November 1, 2012 16:38
Bare minimum collins config
include "validations.conf"
collins_conf_dir = "/Users/bmatheny/Downloads/collins/conf"
# Secret key
# ~~~~~
# The secret key is used to secure cryptographics functions.
# If you deploy your application to several instances be sure to use the same
# key!
bmatheny / vim.rb
Created September 23, 2012 16:10 — forked from vesln/vim.rb
Vim Formula with Ruby & Python support for OS X
require 'formula'
class Vim < Formula
homepage ''
version '7.3.666'
url '', :revision => '1e22adc6176e'
head ''
def ruby_bin
bmatheny / gist:3722111
Created September 14, 2012 14:10


  • !$ - Last argument of previous command


  • CMD-shift-H - Paste history
  • CMD-; - Start typing word, will use history and show top 20 choices


bmatheny / gist:2785402
Created May 25, 2012 02:18
Sample Heapster Config
# foo init.d script.
# All java services require the same directory structure:
# /usr/local/$APP_NAME
# /var/log/$APP_NAME
# /var/run/$APP_NAME