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Last active August 17, 2017 17:59
A helper script to produce a Pulp blog post and written email from sprint demo data.
import argparse
import csv
Make a Python 3 virtualenv and install requests and PyYAML
pyvenv sprint_demos
source sprint_demos/bin/activate
Run the script using the Python3 interpreter
The data is expected to be in a filename <sprint>.csv
It is expected to have a format like this:
State of Pulp,mhrivnak,0:15
Community Update,bmbouter,4:32
Debian Content Support for Pulp 2,misa,7:42,2.14
Napoleon style docstrings,asmacdo,11:48,3.0
Docs building check for pull requests on github,bizhang,13:59
Generate random SECRET_KEY for Django as part of setup workflow,bizhang,15:21,3.0
Asynchronous updates of importer,dkliban,16:14,3.0
File importer using the ChangeSet provided by the plugin API,jortel,19:40,3.0
Side by side Pulp2/Pulp3 dev installs,asmacdo,33:38
Note the optional fourth argument with the version of Pulp affected.
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process sprint demo data.')
parser.add_argument('--sprint', help='the number of the sprint')
parser.add_argument('--author', default='Brian Bouterse', help='the number of the sprint')
return parser.parse_args()
class Demo(object):
def __init__(self, title, nick, min, sec, version=None):
self.title = title
self.nick = nick
self.min = min
self.sec = sec
self.version = version
def time(self):
return '{min}m{sec}s'.format(min=self.min, sec=self.sec)
def version_str(self):
if self.version is None:
return ''
return ' ({version})'.format(version=self.version)
def main():
args = parse_args()
youtube_slug, demos = parse_data(args)
display_youtube_description(args, youtube_slug, demos)
display_blog_post(args, youtube_slug, demos)
display_pulp_list_email(args, youtube_slug, demos)
def parse_data(args):
demos = []
filename = '{num}.csv'.format(num=args.sprint)
with open(filename, newline='') as csvfile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
youtube_link = None
for row in spamreader:
if youtube_link is None:
youtube_link = row[0]
min, sec = row[2].split(':')
demo_kwargs = {'version': row[3]}
except IndexError:
demo_kwargs = {}
demos.append(Demo(row[0], row[1], min, sec, **demo_kwargs))
youtube_slug = youtube_link.split('?v=')[1]
return (youtube_slug, demos)
def display_youtube_description(args, youtube_slug, demos):
-------------------- youtube comments ---------------------
for demo in demos:
print('{min}:{sec} {title} ({nick}){version_str}\n'.format(min=demo.min, sec=demo.sec, title=demo.title, nick=demo.nick, version_str=demo.version_str))
def display_pulp_list_email(args, youtube_slug, demos):
-------------------- email ---------------------
This was recorded today, and the video is available on the Pulp YouTube Channel [0] and on the Pulp blog [1].
Sections from the demo:
for demo in demos:
print('* {title} ({nick}){version_str} -{youtube_slug}&t={time}\n'.format(
title=demo.title, nick=demo.nick, youtube_slug=youtube_slug, time=demo.time, version_str=demo.version_str
You can find the presenter IRC nicknames in the links above along with the version numbers they are being released in. You can ask questions via the mailing list or come chat on IRC.
[1]: """)
def display_blog_post(args, youtube_slug, demos):
-------------------- blog ---------------------
title: Sprint {sprint} Demo
author: {author}
- demo
The Sprint {sprint} Demo is available on the [Pulp YouTube Channel]( See the agenda below.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="{youtube_slug}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
""".format(youtube_slug=youtube_slug, sprint=args.sprint,
for demo in demos:
print("""[{title} ({nick}){version_str}]({youtube_slug}&t={time})
""".format(title=demo.title, nick=demo.nick, youtube_slug=youtube_slug, time=demo.time, version_str=demo.version_str))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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