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Created October 3, 2014 23:20
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# This module is a JSMinimizer
# It will take any file and strip away all
# comments, and whitespace characters.
# This has only been tested for JS scripts,
# all other file types have not been verified
# to work as expected.
# Author: MikeWest
# Needs to be updated so that spaces that need to exist aren't stripped away
# This will require the recognition of which tokens need to be separated from
# eachother. I.e. var from name
from string import whitespace
from sys import *;
jsKeywords = ["function", "var", "const", "return", "import"]
def isTokenJSKeyword(sToken):
for iKeyword in jsKeywords:
if sToken.count(iKeyword) > 0:
return True;
return False;
# Given a string remove all whitespace from it and
# return the whitespace-stripped version
# Current algorithm builds a list of all the non-whitespace
# runs then returns the join of that list. There is probably
# a more efficient algorithm, but this way will work for now
def removewhitespace(sLine):
iLineBeg = 0
stripped = []
for iCurr in range(0,len(sLine)):
if sLine[iCurr] != " " and whitespace.find(sLine[iCurr]) >= 0:
if iCurr > iLineBeg:
token = sLine[iLineBeg:iCurr];
#if isTokenJSKeyword(token):
# stripped.append(" ")
iLineBeg = iCurr+1
# If no whitespace appears on the line then return input line
if iLineBeg == 0:
return sLine
return "".join(stripped)
# Make sure the user gave us an input and output file
if len(argv) < 3:
print "Usage: minimizer infile outfile\n"
# Remember the first element of argv is the scripts name
inFile = argv[1]
outFile = argv[2]
inHandle = open(inFile, "r")
# Lets strip away all JS comments, single, and multi-line
# Only type of comment left to purge is the multi-line comment block
# that appears only on one line
minimizedLns = []
bMultiCommentBlock = False # True, if were in a multi-line comment block, False otherwise
lines = inHandle.readlines()
for line in lines:
processed = line
if bMultiCommentBlock:
iMultiEnd = processed.find(MULTILINE_COMMENT_END)
if iMultiEnd >= 0:
processed = processed[(iMultiEnd+2):-1]
bMultiCommentBlock = False
iSingle = processed.find(SINGLE_COMMENT)
if iSingle > 0:
processed = processed[0:(iSingle)]
elif iSingle == 0:
iMultiStart = processed.find(MULTILINE_COMMENT_START)
if iMultiStart > 0:
processed = processed[0:(iMultiStart)]
bMultiCommentBlock = True
elif iMultiStart == 0:
bMultiCommentBlock = True
# Now strip all whitespace
processed = removewhitespace(processed)
# If no empty then dont bother adding to our list
if processed != "":
newcontents = ''.join(minimizedLns)
outHandle = open(outFile, "w");
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