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Last active January 6, 2020 23:14
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A set of Javascript helper functions that trivialize a lot of tedious things, like cacheing and cache busting :P
* Storage API helper method that sets a key/value in specified storage API with
* an optional cache duration in minutes
* @private
* @sauce
* @param {object} StorageAPI Storage API object to use for .getItem() calls
* @param {string} key A DOMString containing the name of the key you want to create/update
* @param {any} value The value you want to give the key you are creating/updating
* @param {integer} durationInMinutes The time in minutes the item should be valid for, used for passively expiring cache
* @return {any} The initial value data
function _setItem(StorageAPI, key, value, durationInMinutes=-1) {
const MINUTES = 1000 * 60
// if durationInMinutes is greater than 0 minutes, calc the expiration time in microseconds
let expires = durationInMinutes > 0
? new Date().getTime() + (Math.abs(durationInMinutes) * MINUTES)
: null
// NOTE: this uses ES6 Object property shorthand, modify as necessary
// @sauce:
let data = JSON.stringify({
StorageAPI.setItem(key, data)
return value
* Storage API helper method to verify item cache before returning the desired data
* @private
* @sauce
* @param {object} StorageAPI Storage API object to use for .getItem() calls
* @param {string} key A DOMString containing the name of the key you want to create/update
* @return {boolean} false If the storage item does not exist, or is expired, returns false
* @return {any} value If the storage item exists and is not expired, returns the stored data
function _getItem(StorageAPI, key) {
let data = JSON.parse(StorageAPI.getItem(key))
// check if storage key value exists
if (!data) {
return false
// check if storage key is expired
if (data.expires && data.expires < new Date().getTime()) {
return false
return data.value
* Alias of storage.removeItem method
* @private
* @sauce
* @param {object} StorageAPI The storage API object to be used (eg: localStorage, sessionStorage)
* @param {string} key A DOMString containing the name of the key you want to delete
* @return {boolean} Returns true or false if the item was successfully deleted
function _deleteItem(StorageAPI, key) {
return StorageAPI.getItem(key) ? true : false
* Storage aliases of StorageAPI.setItem() with optional cache duration in minutes
* @param {string} key A DOMString containing the name of the key you want to create/update
* @param {any} value The value you want to give the key you are creating/updating
* @param {integer} durationInMinutes An Integer of time in minutes you wish this value to be valid for
* @return {any} The initial value data
export function lsSetItem(key, value, durationInMinutes = 0) { return _setItem(localStorage, key, value, durationInMinutes) }
export function ssSetItem(key, value, durationInMinutes = 0) { return _setItem(sessionStorage, key, value, durationInMinutes) }
* Storage aliases of StorageAPI.getItem()
* @param {string} key A DOMString containing the name of the key you want to recall
* @return {any} The initial value data
export function lsGetItem(key) { return _getItem(localStorage, key) }
export function ssGetItem(key) { return _getItem(sessionStorage, key) }
* Storage aliases of StorageAPI.removeItem()
* @param {string} key A DOMString containing the name of the key you want to delete
* @return {boolean} True if the deletion was successful
export function lsDeleteItem(key) { return _deleteItem(localStorage, key) }
export function ssDeleteItem(key) { return _deleteItem(sessionStorage, key) }
// todos should be an array of objects
let todos = fetchTodos();
async function fetchTodos(refresh = false) {
const lsLabel = 'todos'
const ttl = 60 // time-to-live in minutes
let todos = lsGetItem(lsLabel)
// if cache doesn't exist OR user forces the refresh
if (!todos || refresh) {
const res = await fetch('/api/todos')
todos = await res.json()
todos = lsSetItem(lsLabel,, ttl);
return todos
import axios from 'axios'
import { lsGetItem, lsSetItem } from './path/to/storage.helpers.js'
let store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
isLoadingTodos: false,
todos: [],
mutations: {
SET_TODOS(state, todos) {
state.todos = todos
IS_LOADING_TODOS(state, update) {
state.isLoadingTodos = todos
actions: {
async fetchTodos({ commit }, options) {
const lsLabel = 'todos'
const opts = Object.assign({}, {
refresh: false
}, options)
// set loading state to true
commit('IS_LOADING_TODOS', true)
// query the todos API route
let todos = lsGetItem(lsLabel)
if (!todos || opts.refresh) {
let res = await axios.get('/api/todos')
todos = lsSetItem(lsLabel,, 60) // cache result for 60 minutes
commit('IS_LOADING_TODOS', false)
commit('SET_TODOS', todos)
getters: {
getTodos(state) {
return state.todos
getIncompletedTodos(state) {
return state.todos.filter(todo => !todo.done)
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