A dashing widget that displays tickets for Freshdesk.com
- Displays unassigned tickets subject and time.
- Displays Ticket counts assigned to Agents.
- Time for each ticket changes color depending on age.
Add the widget HTML to your dashboard
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
<div data-id="freshdesk" data-view="Freshdesk" data-title="Freshdesk Tickets"></div>
Create a directory called freshdesk under widgets and copy freshdesk.coffeescript, freshdesk.html, freshdesk.scss into the directory.
Copy freshdesk.rb into your jobs folder.
Modify the
in the freshdesk.rb file. -
Add freshdesk-background.png to the assets/images folder.
I can not get this to display information. i think Freshdesk changed their API is there any way you could check and see if that has affected this widget?