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Last active April 2, 2022 12:23
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This document covers all resources covered in the manuscript "Virtual Curriculum and Educational Resources for Computational Proteomics" by Mesuere et al.


Molecular Biology

Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life

Molecular Biology of the Cell

Immunology: the immune system in health and disease

Computer Science - the basics

Learn to Program: The Fundamentals

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

R programming

RStudio tutorials

R for data science

  • Book by Hadley Wickham based on the tidyverse packages
  • Great start for beginning programmers who want to learn R
  • Additional focus on data visualisation
  • Available for free online:

Python for Data Science

  • Online edX course:
  • Data science using Python
  • Covers Jupyter Notebooks, NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib and many other tools
  • The first few lectures can be skipped if you already have python experience
  • 8-10 hours per week, for 10 weeks

Computer Science - advanced topics

Algorithmic Design and Techniques

Data Structures

Graph Algorithms

  • Online edX course:
  • Rather advanced course on graph algorithms
  • Requires basic knowledge of algorithms and data structures, but not of graph theory
  • Covers topics such as shortest path calculations, connectedness checks, minimal spanning trees, ...
  • 8-10 hours per week, for 6 weeks

Cytoscape tutorial

Machine Learning Fundamentals


Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty

Introduction to Probability and Data

Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python

Biostatistics for Big Data Applications

Mass Spectrometry

The Basics of Mass Spectrometry Series

Mass spectrometry basics


Quantitative Biology Workshop

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science

Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics

Computational Proteomics

Bioinformatics for Proteomics

  • Online tutorial from the CompOmics group:
  • The basic steps to analyze mass spectrometry data
  • Covers identifying peptides, proteins and their modifications, annotating the data with existing biological knowledge, sharing the data using online repositories, and different techniques for quantifying peptides and proteins

Computation and statistics for mass spectrometry and proteomics

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