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Last active July 22, 2020 01:41
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bash script to alert via pushover if disk free percentage falls before a certain amount on a particular device [change DevMon var to a different variable to use something different]. Tested on readynas 516
#! /usr/bin/env bash
let notify=75
let criticalnotify=91
let doAct=0
let percval=`df -h | grep -i $DevMon | awk '{ print +$5 }'`
echo percval = $percval
echo notify = $notify
##check for critical warning -- can be disabled by making $criticalnotify a crazy number
if [ $percval -ge $criticalnotify ]; then
echo "we should notify as CRITICAL as $percval is gte than $criticalnotify"
let doAct=2
#critical notify
echo "Sending Pushover using curl with $sSev"
curl -s \
-F "token=<API-Token-APP>" \
-F "user=<API-Token-User>" \
-F "title=DiskFree Alert sev: $sSev" \
-F "priority=$doAct" \
-F "retry=180" \
-F "priority=$doAct" \
-F "retry=180" \
-F "sound=siren" \
-F "expire=3620" \
-F "message=DiskFree Perc: $percval" \ > /dev/null
### handle warning level -- seperated to allow different alerting sources or actions
elif [ $percval -ge $notify ]; then
echo "we should notify as $percval is gte than $notify"
let doAct=1
echo no notification needed $percval less than $notify
echo doAct = $doAct
echo "magic severity = $sSev ... DOACT = $doAct"
if [ $sSev == "WARN" ] ; then
echo "normal severity messsge going out"
echo "Sending Pushover using curl with $sSev"
curl -s \
-F "token=<API-Token-APP>" \
-F "user=<API-Token-User" \
-F "title=DiskFree Alert sev: $sSev" \
-F "priority=$doAct" \
-F "message=DiskFree Perc: $percval" \ > /dev/null
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