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Last active August 23, 2017 23:09
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  • Save bmikkelsen22/8510c05a0dec4de1001b10f99074aace to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import * as Chrome from 'chrome-debugging-client';
import { DOM, Emulation, Network, Page, Runtime, DOMSnapshot } from 'chrome-debugging-client/dist/protocol/tot';
import * as fs from 'fs';
const pageWidth = 640;
async function takeScreenshot(session: Chrome.ISession) {
const process = await session.spawnBrowser('exact', {
additionalArguments: ['--headless', '--hide-scrollbars', '--disable-gpu'],
windowSize: { width: pageWidth, height: 1000 },
executablePath: '/opt/google/chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta'
const client = session.createAPIClient('localhost', process.remoteDebuggingPort);
async function createActiveTab(client: Chrome.IAPIClient) {
const tab = await client.newTab();
await client.activateTab(;
return tab;
const tab = await createActiveTab(client);
const debuggerClient = await session.openDebuggingProtocol(tab.webSocketDebuggerUrl);
const page = new Page(debuggerClient);
const dom = new DOM(debuggerClient);
const domSnapshot = new DOMSnapshot(debuggerClient);
const emulation = new Emulation(debuggerClient);
const runtime = new Runtime(debuggerClient);
await page.enable();
await dom.enable();
await runtime.enable();
let url = '';
await page.navigate({ url: url });
await new Promise(r => {
setTimeout(() => r(), 2000);
// full page
const snapshot = await domSnapshot.getSnapshot({computedStyleWhitelist: []});
const groupNodeIndex = snapshot.domNodes.findIndex(node => {
if (node.attributes) {
const className = node.attributes.find(nv => === 'class');
return className ? className.value === 'grouping' : false;
return false;
const groupLayout = snapshot.layoutTreeNodes.find(n => n.domNodeIndex === groupNodeIndex);
let pageHeight = groupLayout.boundingBox.height;
await emulation.setVisibleSize({ width: pageWidth, height: pageHeight });
// passage
const passageNodeIndex = snapshot.domNodes.findIndex(node => {
if (node.attributes) {
const className = node.attributes.find(nv => === 'class');
return className ? className.value.includes('thePassage') : false;
return false;
const passageLayout = snapshot.layoutTreeNodes.find(n => n.domNodeIndex === passageNodeIndex);
let passageRect: Page.Viewport = {
x: 200,
y: 500,
width: 200,
height: 200,
scale: 1
const screenshot = await page.captureScreenshot({ clip: passageRect });
const buffer = new Buffer(, 'base64');
fs.writeFile('passage.png', buffer, 'base64', (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Screenshot saved.');
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