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Created January 30, 2017 02:21
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CareerFoundry Ex. 1.8
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<h1>Brian Mikol</h1>
<p><strong>Product Manager, Marketer,</strong> and soon-to-be <strong>Full-Stack Web Developer</strong>.</p>
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<h2>Portfolio Concept</h2>
<li>2+ years providing product management, marketing, and user experience consulting services to a wide variety of clients.</li>
<li>2.5 years Product Manager at Ingenio; 4 years Marketing before that.</li>
<li>All predicated by acheivements in Marketing and Sales at various Bay Area B2C companies.</li>
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<h2>Project Goals</h2>
<p>Stay on track, even if I&rsquo;m starting a little late.</p>
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<h2>Course Goals</h2>
<p>In taking this course, I&rsquo;m looking to augment my technical skillset to either further my career in Product Management or pivot closer to the code as a web developer. Assuming the pivot, ideally I would like to hire on as an entry level developer before considering freelance opportunities.</p>
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