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Created May 7, 2020 11:36
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Fable MVU reducer
module Util.MVU
open Fable.Core
open Fable.React
type Dispatch<'msg> = 'msg -> unit
type Sub<'msg> = Dispatch<'msg> -> unit
type Cmd<'msg> = Sub<'msg> list
module Cmd =
let fromAsync (operation: Async<'msg>): Cmd<'msg> =
let delayedCmd (dispatch: Dispatch<'msg>) =
let delayedDispatch =
async {
let! msg = operation
dispatch msg
Async.StartImmediate delayedDispatch
[ delayedCmd ]
let none: Cmd<'msg> = []
let log value: Cmd<'msg> =
[ fun (dispatch: 'msg -> unit) -> JS.console.log value ]
let ofMsg msg: Cmd<'msg> =
[ fun (dispatch: Dispatch<'msg>) -> dispatch msg ]
React hook that allows using MVU inside of a functional React component.
It takes a typical MVU update function which maps a message + previous state
to a next state * command tuple.
let useUpdate
(update: 'msg -> 'state -> ('state * Cmd<'msg>))
((initialState, initialCmd): 'state * Cmd<'msg>)
let state = Hooks.useState initialState
// JS.console.log ("initialState:", initialState, state.current)
let stateRef = Hooks.useRef JS.undefined
stateRef.current <- state.current
let queue = Hooks.useRef<'msg array> [||]
let flushTimeout = Hooks.useRef<int> JS.undefined
let rec runCmd cmd =
cmd |> List.iter (fun sub -> sub dispatch)
// flush all msg in the queue, update state
// and issue commands
and flushQueue () =
// JS.console.log "----flushing----------------------------------------"
let mutable curState = stateRef.current
for msg in queue.current do
let nextState, cmd = update msg curState
curState <- nextState
runCmd cmd
queue.current <- [||]
//JS.console.log ("curState:", curState)
//JS.console.log "----flushed----------------------------------------"
state.update curState
and dispatch (msg: 'msg) =
// add msg to the queue
queue.current <- Array.append queue.current [| msg |]
// debounce the flush timeout
JS.clearTimeout flushTimeout.current
// schedule queue flush
flushTimeout.current <- JS.setTimeout flushQueue 0
// run initial cmd
Hooks.useEffect ((fun () -> runCmd initialCmd), [||])
state.current, dispatch
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