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Created September 9, 2011 16:21
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CS - rspecs
Calvin-imac:countrystone $ rspec spec
No DRb server is running. Running in local process instead ...
cleaning out account types
Seeding account types...
1) CustomerLocation validations
Failure/Error: it {Factory(:customer_location).should validate_uniqueness_of(:name).scoped_to([:customer_id])}
Expected errors to include "has already been taken" when name is set to "[DEFAULT] LNJPDS", got no errors
# ./spec/models/customer_location_spec.rb:47:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) InventoryAdjustment callback methods .set_default_entered_date should not set default date set
Validation failed: Inventory postings must contain at least one posting.
# ./spec/models/inventory_adjustment_spec.rb:41:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
3) InventoryAdjustment callback methods .set_default_entered_date should set default date if not set
Validation failed: Inventory postings must contain at least one posting.
# ./spec/models/inventory_adjustment_spec.rb:48:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
4) InventoryItem associations
Failure/Error: it { should have_many(:baggings) }
Expected InventoryItem to have a has_many association called baggings (no association called baggings)
# ./spec/models/inventory_item_spec.rb:79:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
5) InventoryProduction instance methods .pct_variance
Failure/Error: @ip.pct_variance.should > 0
expected: > 0
got: #<BigDecimal:11195c0b0,'-0.17E0',9(27)>
# ./spec/models/inventory_production_spec.rb:407:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
6) Load validations should validate booked fields when booked and cancelled
Failure/Error: @load.booked?.should be_true
expected false to be true
# ./spec/models/load_spec.rb:64:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
7) Load callbacks should fill in booked_at/cancelled_at on booking/cancellation
Failure/Error: be_true
expected false to be true
# ./spec/models/load_spec.rb:86:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
8) SalesOrder callback methods should set the sales order's total_price without discount before validation
Failure/Error: so = Factory(:sales_order, :discount => nil, :total_price => 0)
undefined method `discount=' for #<SalesOrder:0x00000111bbf280>
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:93:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
9) SalesOrder callback methods should set the sales order's total_price total with discount before validation
Failure/Error: so = Factory(:sales_order, :discount => Factory(:discount, :value => 0.5), :total_price => 0)
undefined method `discount=' for #<SalesOrder:0x00000111b345b8>
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:103:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
10) SalesOrder instance methods .on_time? should return true if payment_date is neither late nor early
Failure/Error: so.on_time?( == true
expected: true
got: false (using ==)
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:502:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
11) SalesOrder class methods #good_orders should only return orders within the weight AND pallet range
Failure/Error: SalesOrder.good_orders.collect { |so| }.should =~ [,]
expected collection contained: [5960, 5961]
actual collection contained: []
the missing elements were: [5960, 5961]
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:751:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
1020/1020: 100% |==========================================| Time: 00:04:40
SharedMailer add some examples to (or delete) /Users/bmishkin/develop/countrystone/spec/mailers/shared_mailer_spec.rb
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/mailers/shared_mailer_spec.rb:4
ShouldReverseAccountPostings after_destroy .rollback_accounting should reverse any credits/debits applied to sales order transactions
# No reason given
# ./spec/mixins/should_reverse_account_postings_spec.rb:38
AccountPosting instance functions .bank_account_related? should return true if a posting is for a checking account
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/account_posting_spec.rb:88
ImportCompId add some examples to (or delete) /Users/bmishkin/develop/countrystone/spec/models/import_comp_id_spec.rb
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/models/import_comp_id_spec.rb:16
IncomingPayment instance methods single customer per payment logic has_single_customer? should return false if the payment is received from a non-default customer location & the receivable customer locations don't match
# this method was trying to do too much
# ./spec/models/incoming_payment_spec.rb:143
PrintRecord add some examples to (or delete) /Users/bmishkin/develop/countrystone/spec/models/print_record_spec.rb
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/models/print_record_spec.rb:16
PurchaseOrder class methods batch purchase orders #batch_create should create n number of purchase orders from a given recurring order
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/purchase_order_spec.rb:299
Reconciliation class methods #account_postings should return unreconciled account postings with optional date range & bank account
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/reconciliation_spec.rb:51
SalesOrderItem class methods #get_customer_zone_unit_price should the price for an item + customer + date
# ./spec/models/sales_order_item_spec.rb:102
SalesOrder instance methods.build_transactions accounting should increase corporation's Accounts Receivable account for the order amount
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:615
SalesOrder instance methods.build_transactions accounting should increase each inventory item's Income Account by the total line amount
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:619
SalesOrder instance methods.build_transactions accounting should decrease each inventory item's Finished Goods Account by the total line amount
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:625
SalesOrder instance methods.build_transactions accounting should decrease each inventory item's Cost of Sale Account by the total line amount
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:631
SalesOrder instance methods.build_transactions accounting should increase corporation's Accounts Receivable account for the order amount
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/sales_order_spec.rb:638
Finished in 280.97 seconds
1020 examples, 11 failures, 14 pending
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