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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Console algebra
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Main where
import Data.Functor
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
-- | finally tagless encoding of a simple algebra representing
-- interaction with a console device
class ConsoleAction f where
readLine :: f (Maybe String)
putLine :: String -> f ()
instance ConsoleAction IO where
readLine = mfilter (not . null) . Just <$> getLine
putLine = putStrLn
-- | A console interpreter where all lines are read from a predefined input
newtype CannedInput a =
CannedInput { runCannedInput :: StateT [String] (Writer [String]) a }
deriving (Monad, (MonadState [String]), (MonadWriter [String]))
runCanned :: CannedInput () -> String -> String
runCanned action =
unlines . snd . runWriter . runStateT (runCannedInput action) . lines
instance ConsoleAction CannedInput where
readLine = do
input <- get
case input of
x:xs -> put xs >> return (Just x)
_ -> return Nothing
putLine line = tell [line]
greet :: (Monad f, ConsoleAction f) => f ()
greet = do
putLine "Hello! What's your name?"
name <- readLine
case name of
Just n -> putLine $ "Hello, " ++ n
Nothing -> putLine "Oh, you're quiet, aren't you."
cannedMain :: String
cannedMain = runCanned greet "Ben"
main :: IO ()
main = greet
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