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Created April 23, 2012 20:37
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record-class model
TypeFamilies #-}
class Field f where
type FType f :: *
class (Field field) => Has field o where
get :: field -> o -> FType field
data Name = Name
instance Field Name where
type FType Name = String
data Area = Area
instance Field Area where
type FType Area = Float
data AsString = AsString
instance Field AsString where
type FType AsString = String
data Srec = Srec { sn :: String, srepr :: String }
instance Has Name Srec where
get _ s = sn s
instance Has AsString Srec where
get _ s = srepr s
shape name = \self -> Srec
("Shape "++name++" with area "++show (get Area self))
{- inferred type:
shape :: Has Area o => String -> o -> Srec
data SqRec = SqRec {sqn :: String,
sqa :: Float,
sqrepr :: String}
instance Has Name SqRec where
get _ s = sqn s
instance Has Area SqRec where
get _ s = sqa s
instance Has AsString SqRec where
get _ s = sqrepr s
square name side = \self ->
let super = shape name self in
SqRec (get Name super) (side*side) (get AsString super)
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