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Last active October 22, 2019 04:05
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Imp verification example in Coq
Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import imp.
Local Open Scope Z.
Import List.ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list.
Local Open Scope string.
(** An execution trace is a sequence of zero or more steps.
We will take the reflexive-transitive closure of the step
relation using the library type clos_refl_trans_1n *)
Import Relation_Operators.
(** Execution tests can be written as a theorem claiming that
an initial state reaches an expected final state *)
Lemma test_execution :
clos_refl_trans_1n _ step_p (sum_pgm 100,[]) (pgm nil skip,[("sum",5050);("n",0)]).
Time repeat (eapply rt1n_trans;[once solve[repeat econstructor]|];simpl).
apply rt1n_refl.
Time Qed.
(** The final state can also be filled in by the search.
This statement uses a sort of existential quantification over the
final environment e2 *)
Lemma test_execution2 :
{e2:Env | clos_refl_trans_1n _ step_p (sum_pgm 100,[]) (pgm nil skip,e2)}.
Time repeat (eapply rt1n_trans;[once solve[repeat econstructor]|simpl]).
apply rt1n_refl.
Time Defined.
(** The final environment can be extracted from this trace *)
Eval simpl in proj1_sig test_execution2.
(* Based on the imp example in coind,
extracted to a single-file.
(* Developed with Coq 8.9.1 *)
Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import List.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Open Scope Z.
Import List.ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list.
Local Open Scope string.
(** * The syntax of IMP programs *)
Inductive AExp :=
| var : string -> AExp
| con : Z -> AExp
| div : AExp -> AExp -> AExp
| plus : AExp -> AExp -> AExp
Inductive BExp :=
| bcon : bool -> BExp
| le : AExp -> AExp -> BExp
| not : BExp -> BExp
| and : BExp -> BExp -> BExp
Inductive Stmt :=
| assign : string -> AExp -> Stmt
| cond : BExp -> Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt
| while : BExp -> Stmt -> Stmt
| seq : Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt
| skip : Stmt
Inductive Pgm :=
pgm : list string -> Stmt -> Pgm.
(** Here is the sum program *)
Definition sum_pgm N : Pgm :=
pgm ["n"; "sum"]
(seq (assign "n" (con N))
(seq (assign "sum" (con 0))
(while (not (le (var "n") (con 0)))
(seq (assign "sum" (plus (var "sum") (var "n")))
(assign "n" (plus (var "n") (con (-1)))))))).
(** * The semantics of IMP programs *)
Definition Env := list (string * Z).
Definition empty_env : Env := [].
Fixpoint get x (env:Env) :=
match env with
| [] => None
| (x',v)::env' =>
if string_dec x x' then Some v else get x env'
Fixpoint set x v (env:Env) :=
match env with
| [] => []
| (x',v')::env' =>
if string_dec x x' then (x,v)::env' else (x',v')::set x v env'
(* "simpl" should reduce set if concrete values are given for both variables *)
(* ** These "step" types together define single execution steps *)
Inductive step_e : (AExp * Env) -> (AExp * Env) -> Prop :=
| step_var: forall v x env, get v env = Some x ->
step_e (var v, env) (con x, env)
| step_plus: forall x y env,
step_e (plus (con x) (con y), env) (con (Z.add x y), env)
| step_div: forall x y env,
y <> 0%Z ->
step_e (div (con x) (con y), env) (con (Z.div x y), env)
| cong_plus_r: forall e1 e2 e2' env env',
step_e (e2, env) (e2', env') ->
step_e (plus e1 e2, env) (plus e1 e2', env')
| cong_plus_l: forall e2 e1 e1' env env',
step_e (e1, env) (e1', env') ->
step_e (plus e1 e2, env) (plus e1' e2, env')
| cong_div_r: forall e1 e2 e2' env env',
step_e (e2, env) (e2', env') ->
step_e (div e1 e2, env) (div e1 e2', env')
| cong_div_l: forall e2 e1 e1' env env',
step_e (e1, env) (e1', env') ->
step_e (div e1 e2, env) (div e1' e2, env')
(* These abbreviations capture the pattern of the congruence rules *)
Notation cong_l op R1 R2 :=
(forall a env a' env', R1 (a,env) (a',env') ->
forall b, R2 (op a b, env) (op a' b, env')).
Notation cong_r op nf R1 R2 :=
(forall b env b' env', R1 (b,env) (b',env') ->
forall a, R2 (op (nf a) b, env) (op (nf a) b', env')).
Notation cong_1 op R1 R2 :=
(forall a env a' env', R1 (a,env) (a',env') -> R2 (op a, env) (op a', env')).
Inductive step_b : (BExp * Env) -> (BExp * Env) -> Prop :=
| eval_le : forall v1 v2 env,
step_b (le (con v1) (con v2), env) (bcon (Z.leb v1 v2), env)
| eval_not : forall b env,
step_b (not (bcon b), env) (bcon (negb b), env)
| eval_and : forall b e env,
step_b (and (bcon b) e, env) (if b then e else bcon false, env)
| cong_le_r : cong_r le con step_e step_b
| cong_le_l : cong_l le step_e step_b
| cong_not : cong_1 not step_b step_b
| cong_and : cong_l and step_b step_b
Inductive step_s : (Stmt * Env) -> (Stmt * Env) -> Prop :=
| exec_assign : forall x v v0 env, get x env = Some v0 ->
step_s (assign x (con v),env) (skip, set x v env)
| cong_assign : forall x,
cong_1 (assign x) step_e step_s
| exec_seq : forall s env,
step_s (seq skip s,env) (s,env)
| cong_seq : cong_l seq step_s step_s
| exec_cond : forall b s1 s2 env,
step_s (cond (bcon b) s1 s2, env) (if b then s1 else s2, env)
| cong_cond : forall b b' env env' s1 s2, step_b (b,env) (b',env') ->
step_s (cond b s1 s2,env) (cond b' s1 s2,env')
| exec_while : forall b s env,
step_s (while b s,env) (cond b (seq s (while b s)) skip, env)
Inductive step_p : (Pgm * Env) -> (Pgm * Env) -> Prop :=
| exec_init: forall x xs s env,
step_p (pgm (x::xs) s,env) (pgm xs s, (x,0)::env)
| exec_body: forall s env s' env',
step_s (s, env) (s', env') ->
step_p (pgm nil s, env) (pgm nil s', env')
(** Now we verify the program *)
Require Import proof_system.
(** The claim about the loop says that running the loop in any enviroment
with a non-negative n finishes with n set to zero, and sum increased
from it's original value by the sum of numbers 0+1+...+n.
Inductive sum_spec : Spec (Pgm * Env) :=
| sum_claim: forall n, 0 <= n ->
(pgm ["n"; "sum"]
(seq (assign "n" (con n))
(seq (assign "sum" (con 0))
(while (not (le (var "n") (con 0)))
(seq (assign "sum" (plus (var "sum") (var "n")))
(assign "n" (plus (var "n") (con (-1))))))))
(fun cfg' => cfg' = (pgm [] skip, [("sum",((n + 1) * n)/2);("n",0)]))
| sum_loop_claim : forall env n, get "n" env = Some n -> 0 <= n ->
forall s, get "sum" env = Some s ->
(pgm []
(while (not (le (var "n") (con 0)))
(seq (assign "sum" (plus (var "sum") (var "n")))
(assign "n" (plus (var "n") (con (-1))))))
(fun cfg' => fst cfg' = pgm [] skip /\
snd cfg' = set "n" 0 (set "sum" (s + ((n + 1) * n)/2) env)).
(* Some lemmas about enviroment stuff *)
Ltac env_ind_tac env :=
induction env as [|[]];try reflexivity;simpl;
repeat match goal with
| [ |- context [string_dec ?a ?b]] => destruct (string_dec a b);simpl;try congruence
Lemma env_set_id: forall x v env,
get x env = Some v ->
set x v env = env.
env_ind_tac env.
intro. f_equal. tauto.
Lemma env_set_eq:
forall x v1 v2 env,
set x v1 (set x v2 env) = set x v1 env.
Proof. env_ind_tac env. Qed.
Lemma env_set_ne_comm:
forall x1 x2, x1 <> x2 ->
forall v1 v2 env,
set x1 v1 (set x2 v2 env) = set x2 v2 (set x1 v1 env).
Proof. env_ind_tac env. Qed.
Lemma env_set_set: forall x1 x2 v1 v2 env,
set x1 v1 (set x2 v2 env) =
if string_dec x1 x2
then set x1 v1 env
else set x2 v2 (set x1 v1 env).
Proof. env_ind_tac env. Qed.
Definition env_has x env: bool :=
match get x env with
| Some _ => true
| None => false
Lemma env_has_get x v env:
get x env = Some v ->
env_has x env = true.
unfold env_has;intros ->;reflexivity.
Lemma env_get_set x x' v env:
get x (set x' v env) =
if string_dec x x'
then if env_has x env then Some v else None
else get x env.
Proof. unfold env_has; env_ind_tac env. Qed.
Lemma env_has_set x x' v env:
env_has x (set x' v env) = env_has x env.
unfold env_has.
rewrite env_get_set.
unfold env_has.
destruct (string_dec x x');[|reflexivity].
destruct (get x env);reflexivity.
Ltac step_tac :=
match goal with
| [ |- step_p _ _] => econstructor;step_tac
| [ |- step_s _ _] => econstructor;step_tac
| [ |- step_b _ _] => econstructor;step_tac
| [ |- step_e _ _] => econstructor;step_tac
| [ |- get _ _ = _] => rewrite ?env_get_set;(reflexivity || eassumption)
Ltac run := repeat first[
eapply dtrans;[constructor|]
|eapply ddone;simpl;split;[reflexivity|]
|eapply dstep;[step_tac|]].
Require Import Recdef.
Function sum_to (n:Z) { wf (fun x y => 0 <= x < y) n } : Z :=
if Z_lt_ge_dec 0 n then n + sum_to (n - 1) else 0.
exact (Z.lt_wf 0).
Lemma sum_algebra: forall s n, 0 < n ->
s + n + (n + -1 + 1) * (n + -1) / 2
= s + (n + 1) * n / 2.
intros s n H.
rewrite <- Z.add_assoc.
rewrite <- Z.add_assoc, Z.add_0_r.
rewrite <- Z.div_add_l by omega.
rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r, Z.mul_add_distr_l.
Lemma sum_ok : sound step_p sum_spec.
apply proved_sound;destruct 1.
{ (* Overall claim, easily proved with loop claim *)
eapply sstep;[solve[step_tac]|].
run;[reflexivity || assumption ..|].
destruct k';simpl.
destruct 1 as [-> ->].
apply ddone.
eapply sstep;[solve[step_tac]|].
destruct (Z.leb_spec n 0);simpl.
(* when n = 0, loop exits.
To conclude, need to prove that the initial
environment env is an acceptable result *)
replace n with 0 in H |- * by auto with zarith.
rewrite (env_set_id "sum") by (rewrite H1;f_equal;auto with zarith).
rewrite (env_set_id "n") by assumption.
(* when n > 0, execution goes through the loop body,
then sum_loop_claim is applied by transitivity,
which takes us to a state satisfying the goal *)
{ rewrite env_get_set, ?env_has_set.
erewrite env_has_get by eassumption;reflexivity. }
{ rewrite !env_get_set.
erewrite env_has_get by eassumption;reflexivity. }
destruct k';simpl;intros [-> ->].
rewrite (env_set_set "sum" "n"). simpl.
rewrite 2 env_set_eq.
apply sum_algebra.
This file contains the main soundness proof allowing
the reachability logic proof strategy to be used in Coq.
'reaches x P' holds
if any execution path from configuration x is either infinite or
reaches a configuration satisfying P.
'reaches' is shown to be the greatest fixpoint of the 'step' function.
'stable_sound' is plain coinduction theorem for 'reaches' and 'step',
'proved_sound' is the generalized coinduction theorem also allowing
the "proof" rules defined in 'trans'.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section relations.
Variables (cfg : Type) (cstep : cfg -> cfg -> Prop).
Definition Spec : Type := cfg -> (cfg -> Prop) -> Prop.
(* Soundness *)
CoInductive reaches (k : cfg) (P : cfg -> Prop) : Prop :=
(* reaches : Spec, but defining k and P as parameters
gives a cleaner definition and induction principle. *)
| rdone : P k -> reaches k P
| rstep : forall k', cstep k k' -> reaches k' P -> reaches k P.
Definition sound (Rules : Spec) : Prop :=
forall x P, Rules x P -> reaches x P.
Inductive step (X : Spec) (k : cfg) (P : cfg -> Prop) : Prop :=
(* step : Spec -> Spec *)
| sdone : P k -> step X k P
| sstep : forall k', cstep k k' -> X k' P -> step X k P.
Lemma reaches_stable :
(forall x P, reaches x P -> step reaches x P).
Proof. destruct 1;econstructor;eassumption. Qed.
CoFixpoint stable_sound (Rules : Spec)
(Hstable : forall x P, Rules x P -> step Rules x P)
: sound Rules :=
fun x P H =>
match Hstable _ _ H with
| sdone _ _ _ pf => rdone _ _ pf
| sstep _ _ Hstep H' =>
rstep Hstep (stable_sound Hstable _ _ H')
Inductive derived (X : Spec) k P : Prop :=
| dclaim : X k P -> derived X k P
| ddone : P k -> derived X k P
| dstep : forall k', cstep k k' -> derived X k' P -> derived X k P
| dtrans' : forall Q, derived X k Q -> (forall k', Q k' -> derived X k' P)
-> derived X k P
| dproved : reaches k P -> derived X k P.
Inductive trans (X : Spec) (k : cfg) (P : cfg -> Prop) : Prop :=
(* trans : Spec -> Spec *)
| ddone : P k -> trans X k P
| dtrans' : forall Q, trans X k Q -> (forall k', Q k' -> trans X k' P) -> trans X k P
| drule : X k P -> trans X k P
| dstep : forall k', cstep k k' -> trans X k' P -> trans X k P
| dvalid : reaches k P -> trans X k P
Definition dtrans_valid (X : Spec) (k : cfg) (P Q : cfg -> Prop)
(rule : reaches k Q) (rest : forall k', Q k' -> trans X k' P) : trans X k P :=
@dtrans' X k P Q (dvalid _ rule) rest.
Definition dtrans (X : Spec) (k : cfg) (P Q : cfg -> Prop)
(rule : X k Q) (rest : forall k', Q k' -> trans X k' P) : trans X k P :=
@dtrans' X k P Q (drule _ _ _ rule) rest.
Lemma trans_stable (Rules : Spec) :
(forall x P, Rules x P -> step (trans Rules) x P)
-> (forall x P, trans Rules x P -> step (trans Rules) x P).
induction 2;eauto using step.
destruct IHtrans; eauto using step, dtrans'.
destruct H0; eauto using step,dvalid.
Lemma proved_sound (Rules : Spec) :
(forall x P, Rules x P -> step (trans Rules) x P)
-> sound Rules.
unfold sound.
intros H x P R.
eapply stable_sound.
apply trans_stable. eassumption.
apply drule. assumption.
End relations.
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