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Last active August 23, 2021 15:44
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Attempting to generalize rtauto - now with moduels
(* Attempting to generalize the Gallina side of rtauto over the logic *)
(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * Copyright INRIA, CNRS and contributors *)
(* <O___,, * (see version control and CREDITS file for authors & dates) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
Require Export List.
Require Export Bintree.
Require Import Bool BinPos.
Ltac clean:=try (simpl;congruence).
Inductive form:Set:=
Atom : positive -> form
| Arrow : form -> form -> form
| Bot
| Conjunct : form -> form -> form
| Disjunct : form -> form -> form.
Notation "[ n ]":=(Atom n).
Notation "A =>> B":= (Arrow A B) (at level 59, right associativity).
Notation "#" := Bot.
Notation "A //\\ B" := (Conjunct A B) (at level 57, left associativity).
Notation "A \\// B" := (Disjunct A B) (at level 58, left associativity).
Definition ctx := Store form.
Fixpoint pos_eq (m n:positive) {struct m} :bool :=
match m with
xI mm => match n with xI nn => pos_eq mm nn | _ => false end
| xO mm => match n with xO nn => pos_eq mm nn | _ => false end
| xH => match n with xH => true | _ => false end
Theorem pos_eq_refl : forall m n, pos_eq m n = true -> m = n.
induction m;simpl;destruct n;congruence ||
(intro e;apply f_equal;auto).
Fixpoint form_eq (p q:form) {struct p} :bool :=
match p with
Atom m => match q with Atom n => pos_eq m n | _ => false end
| Arrow p1 p2 =>
match q with
Arrow q1 q2 => form_eq p1 q1 && form_eq p2 q2
| _ => false end
| Bot => match q with Bot => true | _ => false end
| Conjunct p1 p2 =>
match q with
Conjunct q1 q2 => form_eq p1 q1 && form_eq p2 q2
| _ => false
| Disjunct p1 p2 =>
match q with
Disjunct q1 q2 => form_eq p1 q1 && form_eq p2 q2
| _ => false
Theorem form_eq_refl: forall p q, form_eq p q = true -> p = q.
induction p;destruct q;simpl;clean.
intro h;generalize (pos_eq_refl _ _ h);congruence.
case_eq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
intros e1 e2;generalize (IHp1 _ e1) (IHp2 _ e2);congruence.
case_eq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
intros e1 e2;generalize (IHp1 _ e1) (IHp2 _ e2);congruence.
case_eq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
intros e1 e2;generalize (IHp1 _ e1) (IHp2 _ e2);congruence.
Arguments form_eq_refl [p q] _.
Inductive proof:Set :=
Ax : positive -> proof
| I_Arrow : proof -> proof
| E_Arrow : positive -> positive -> proof -> proof
| D_Arrow : positive -> proof -> proof -> proof
| E_False : positive -> proof
| I_And: proof -> proof -> proof
| E_And: positive -> proof -> proof
| D_And: positive -> proof -> proof
| I_Or_l: proof -> proof
| I_Or_r: proof -> proof
| E_Or: positive -> proof -> proof -> proof
| D_Or: positive -> proof -> proof
| Cut: form -> proof -> proof -> proof.
Notation "hyps \ A" := (push A hyps) (at level 72,left associativity).
Fixpoint check_proof (hyps:ctx) (gl:form) (P:proof) {struct P}: bool :=
match P with
Ax i =>
match get i hyps with
PSome F => form_eq F gl
| _ => false
| I_Arrow p =>
match gl with
A =>> B => check_proof (hyps \ A) B p
| _ => false
| E_Arrow i j p =>
match get i hyps,get j hyps with
PSome A,PSome (B =>>C) =>
form_eq A B && check_proof (hyps \ C) (gl) p
| _,_ => false
| D_Arrow i p1 p2 =>
match get i hyps with
PSome ((A =>>B)=>>C) =>
(check_proof ( hyps \ B =>> C \ A) B p1) && (check_proof (hyps \ C) gl p2)
| _ => false
| E_False i =>
match get i hyps with
PSome # => true
| _ => false
| I_And p1 p2 =>
match gl with
A //\\ B =>
check_proof hyps A p1 && check_proof hyps B p2
| _ => false
| E_And i p =>
match get i hyps with
PSome (A //\\ B) => check_proof (hyps \ A \ B) gl p
| _=> false
| D_And i p =>
match get i hyps with
PSome (A //\\ B =>> C) => check_proof (hyps \ A=>>B=>>C) gl p
| _=> false
| I_Or_l p =>
match gl with
(A \\// B) => check_proof hyps A p
| _ => false
| I_Or_r p =>
match gl with
(A \\// B) => check_proof hyps B p
| _ => false
| E_Or i p1 p2 =>
match get i hyps with
PSome (A \\// B) =>
check_proof (hyps \ A) gl p1 && check_proof (hyps \ B) gl p2
| _=> false
| D_Or i p =>
match get i hyps with
PSome (A \\// B =>> C) =>
(check_proof (hyps \ A=>>C \ B=>>C) gl p)
| _=> false
| Cut A p1 p2 =>
check_proof hyps A p1 && check_proof (hyps \ A) gl p2
Declare Scope Sem_scope.
Delimit Scope Sem_scope with sem.
Module Type RtautoLogic.
Parameter Sem : Type.
Parameter (STrue SFalse: Sem) (Simp Sand Sor : Sem -> Sem -> Sem).
Parameter holds : Sem -> Prop.
Bind Scope Sem_scope with Sem.
Notation "|- F" := (holds F) (at level 200): type_scope.
Infix "->" := Simp : Sem_scope.
Infix "/\" := Sand : Sem_scope.
Infix "\/" := Sor : Sem_scope.
Axiom AxK: forall {A B}, |- A -> B -> A.
Axiom AxS: forall {A B C}, |- (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C).
Axiom MP : forall {A B}, (|- A -> B) -> (|- A) -> (|- B).
Axiom AxEF: forall {A}, |- SFalse -> A.
Axiom AxAndI: forall {A B}, |- A -> B -> A /\ B.
Axiom AxAndEL: forall {A B}, |- A /\ B -> A.
Axiom AxAndER: forall {A B}, |- A /\ B -> B.
Axiom AxOrIL: forall {A B}, |- A -> A \/ B.
Axiom AxOrIR: forall {A B}, |- B -> A \/ B.
Axiom AxOrE: forall {A B C}, |- A \/ B -> (A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> C.
End RtautoLogic.
Module Type Classic.
Open RtautoLogic.
Axiom AxDNE: forall {A}, |- ((A -> SFalse) -> SFalse) -> A.
Lemma LmEF: forall {A}, |- SFalse -> A.
intro A.
apply (compose AxDNE), AxK.
Definition DNot (A:Sem): Sem := A -> SFalse.
Definition DOr (A B:Sem): Sem := DNot A -> B.
Definition DAnd (A B:Sem): Sem := DNot (DOr (DNot A) (DNot B)).
Lemma LmDNI: forall {A}, |- A -> ((A -> SFalse) -> SFalse).
intro A.
(* fun a f => f a
fun a => (S I) (K a)
S (K (S I)) K *)
exact (MP (MP AxS (MP AxK (MP AxS LmI))) AxK).
Lemma DAndI: forall {A B}, |- A -> B -> DAnd A B.
intros A B.
unfold DAnd. unfold DNot at 1, DOr. unfold DNot at 3.
(* [a b f] => f (LMDNI a) b
[a b] => C(CI(LMDNI a))b
[a] => C((CI)(LMDNI a))
refine (MP (MP LmB LmC) _).
refine (MP (MP LmB (MP LmC LmI)) LmDNI).
Module RtautoSound(L:RtautoLogic).
Import L.
Section with_env.
Variable env:Store Sem.
Fixpoint interp_form (f:form): Sem :=
match f with
[n]=> match get n env with PNone => STrue | PSome P => P end
| A =>> B => (interp_form A) -> (interp_form B)
| # => SFalse
| A //\\ B => (interp_form A) /\ (interp_form B)
| A \\// B => (interp_form A) \/ (interp_form B)
Notation "[[ A ]]" := (interp_form A) : Sem_scope.
Fixpoint interp_ctx (hyps:ctx) (F:Full hyps) (G:Sem) {struct F} : Sem :=
match F with
F_empty => G
| F_push H hyps0 F0 => interp_ctx hyps0 F0 ([[H]] -> G)
Ltac wipe := intros;simpl;constructor.
Definition LmI: forall {A}, |- A -> A :=
(* (fun a => a) == (fun a => K a (K a)) == S K K *)
fun A => MP (MP AxS AxK) (@AxK _ A).
(* Bxyz =x(yz) "right" *)
Lemma LmB: forall {A B C}, (|- (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C).
intros A B C.
(* fun x y z => x (y z)
fun x y => S (K x) y
fun x => S (K x)
S (K S) K *)
exact (MP (MP AxS (MP AxK AxS)) AxK).
(* Cxyz = xzy "left" *)
Lemma LmC: forall {A B C}, (|- (A -> B -> C) -> B -> A -> C).
intros A B C.
(* fun x y z => x z y
fun x y => (S x) (K y)
fun x => B (S x) K -- or fun x => S(K(Sx))K
S(fun x => B(Sx))(KK)
exact (MP (MP AxS (MP (MP LmB LmB) AxS)) (MP AxK AxK)).
(* B'Pxyz =Px(yz) "right over a direction string" *)
Lemma LmB': forall {A B C D},
|- (B -> C -> D) -> B -> (A -> C) -> A -> D.
(* fun p x y z => px(yz)
fun p x y => B(px)y
fun p x => B(px)
fun p => BBp
refine (MP LmB LmB).
(* C'Pxyz =P(xz)y "left over a direction string" *)
Lemma LmC': forall {A B C D},
|- (B -> C -> D) -> (A -> B) -> C -> A -> D.
(* fun p x y z => p(xz)y
fun p x y => C(Bpx)y
@(@(p,@(x z)),y)
fun p x => C(Bpx)
@[C](@[B](p,x),o) ??
fun p => BC(Bp)
[x] @[C](@[B](p,x),o)
refine (MP (MP LmB (MP LmB LmC)) LmB).
Lemma LmAndE: forall {A B C}, |- A /\ B -> (A -> B -> C) -> C.
(* fun p f => f (andEL p) (andER p)
fun p => C(CI(andEL p)) (andER p)
refine (MP (MP AxS _) AxAndER).
refine (MP (MP LmB LmC) _).
refine (MP (MP LmB (MP LmC LmI)) AxAndEL).
Definition compose: forall {A B C}, (|- B -> C) -> (|- A -> B) -> (|- A -> C) :=
(* (fun a => f (g a)) == S (K f) g *)
fun A B C f g => MP (MP AxS (MP AxK f)) g.
Lemma compose0 :
forall hyps F (A:Sem),
|- A -> interp_ctx hyps F A.
induction F; intro A; simpl.
- apply LmI.
- apply (compose (IHF ([[a]] -> A)%sem)).
exact AxK.
Lemma composeApp :
forall hyps F (A B:Sem),
|- interp_ctx hyps F (A -> B) -> interp_ctx hyps F A -> interp_ctx hyps F B.
induction F; intros A B; simpl.
- apply LmI.
- apply (compose (IHF ([[a]]->A) ([[a]]->B)))%sem.
apply (MP (IHF _ _)).
apply (MP (compose0 _ _ _)).
exact AxS.
Lemma under_hyps:
forall (hyps:ctx) F (A B G:Sem),
(|- interp_ctx hyps F B -> G) ->
|- (A -> B) -> interp_ctx hyps F A -> G.
induction F; simpl; intros A B G H.
- exact (MP AxS (MP AxK H)).
- apply (compose (IHF _ _ _ H)).
exact (MP (MP AxS (MP AxK AxS)) AxK).
Lemma under_hyps':
forall (hyps:ctx) F (A B G:Sem),
(|- interp_ctx hyps F B -> G) ->
|- interp_ctx hyps F (A -> B) -> interp_ctx hyps F A -> G.
pose proof (composeApp hyps F A B) as Comp.
refine (compose _ Comp).
refine (MP AxS (MP AxK H)).
Lemma compose1 :
forall hyps F (A B:Sem),
|- (A -> B) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F B).
apply under_hyps, LmI.
Lemma compose1' :
forall hyps F (A B:Sem),
(|- (A -> B)) ->
(|-interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
(|-interp_ctx hyps F B).
exact (MP (MP (compose1 _ _ A B) H) H0).
Theorem compose2 :
forall hyps F (A B C:Sem),
|- (A -> B -> C) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F B) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F C).
apply under_hyps, composeApp.
Theorem compose3 :
forall hyps F (A B C D:Sem),
|- (A -> B -> C -> D) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F B) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F C) ->
(interp_ctx hyps F D).
apply under_hyps, under_hyps', composeApp.
Lemma drop_interp:
forall hyps F (A:Sem),
(|- A) ->
|- interp_ctx hyps F A.
exact (MP (compose0 _ _ _) H).
Theorem compose2' :
forall hyps F (A B C:Sem),
(|- (A -> B -> C)) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F B) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F C).
pose proof (compose2 hyps F A B C).
eauto using MP.
Theorem compose3' :
forall hyps F (A B C D:Sem),
(|- (A -> B -> C -> D)) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F B) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F C) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F D).
pose proof (compose3 hyps F A B C D).
eauto using MP.
Lemma composeApp' :
forall hyps F (A B:Sem),
(|- interp_ctx hyps F (A -> B)) ->
(|- interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
|- interp_ctx hyps F B.
intros ? ? A B HF HA.
exact (MP (MP (composeApp hyps F A B) HF) HA).
Lemma interpK :
forall hyps F (A B:Sem),
(|- interp_ctx hyps F A) ->
|- interp_ctx hyps F (B -> A).
intros until B.
apply MP.
apply (MP (compose1 _ _ _ _)).
apply AxK.
Lemma weaken : forall hyps F f G,
(interp_ctx hyps F G) ->
(interp_ctx (hyps\f) (F_push f hyps F) G).
induction F;simpl;intros;auto.
apply compose1 with ([[a]]-> G);auto.
Theorem project_In : forall hyps F g,
In g hyps F ->
|- interp_ctx hyps F [[g]].
induction F;simpl.
intros g H;destruct H.
solve[subst;apply drop_interp, LmI].
apply interpK;auto.
Theorem project : forall hyps F p g,
get p hyps = PSome g->
|- interp_ctx hyps F [[g]].
intros hyps F p g e. apply project_In.
apply get_In with p;assumption.
Arguments project [hyps] F [p g] _.
Theorem interp_proof:
forall p hyps F gl,
check_proof hyps gl p = true -> |- interp_ctx hyps F [[gl]].
induction p; intros hyps F gl.
- (* Axiom *)
simpl;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
intros f nth_f e;rewrite <- (form_eq_refl e).
apply project with p;trivial.
- (* Arrow_Intro *)
destruct gl; clean.
simpl; intros.
change (|- interp_ctx (hyps\gl1) (F_push gl1 hyps F) [[gl2]]).
apply IHp; try constructor; trivial.
- (* Arrow_Elim *)
simpl check_proof; case_eq (get p hyps); clean.
intros f ef; case_eq (get p0 hyps); clean.
intros f0 ef0; destruct f0; clean.
case_eq (form_eq f f0_1); clean.
simpl; intros e check_p1.
generalize (project F ef) (project F ef0)
(IHp (hyps \ f0_2) (F_push f0_2 hyps F) gl check_p1);
clear check_p1 IHp p p0 p1 ef ef0.
apply form_eq_refl in e;subst f.
repeat match goal with
| [H : (|- interp_ctx ?Hyps ?F (_ -> ?G)) |- (|- interp_ctx ?Hyps ?F ?G)] =>
apply (composeApp' Hyps F _ _ H)
- (* Arrow_Destruct *)
simpl; case_eq (get p1 hyps); clean.
intros f ef; destruct f; clean.
destruct f1; clean.
case_eq (check_proof (hyps \ f1_2 =>> f2 \ f1_1) f1_2 p2); clean.
intros check_p1 check_p2.
generalize (project F ef)
(IHp1 (hyps \ f1_2 =>> f2 \ f1_1)
(F_push f1_1 (hyps \ f1_2 =>> f2)
(F_push (f1_2 =>> f2) hyps F)) f1_2 check_p1)
(IHp2 (hyps \ f2) (F_push f2 hyps F) gl check_p2).
repeat match goal with
| [H : (|- interp_ctx ?Hyps ?F (_ -> ?G)) |- (|- interp_ctx ?Hyps ?F ?G)] =>
apply (composeApp' Hyps F _ _ H)
revert H. apply compose1'.
apply (MP (MP LmC LmB)), AxK.
- (* False_Elim *)
simpl; case_eq (get p hyps); clean.
intros f ef; destruct f; clean.
intros _; generalize (project F ef).
apply compose1'. apply AxEF.
- (* And_Intro *)
simpl; destruct gl; clean.
case_eq (check_proof hyps gl1 p1); clean.
intros Hp1 Hp2;generalize (IHp1 hyps F gl1 Hp1) (IHp2 hyps F gl2 Hp2).
apply compose2'. apply AxAndI.
- (* And_Elim *)
simpl; case_eq (get p hyps); clean.
intros f ef; destruct f; clean.
intro check_p;
generalize (project F ef)
(IHp (hyps \ f1 \ f2) (F_push f2 (hyps \ f1) (F_push f1 hyps F)) gl check_p).
apply compose2'.
apply LmAndE.
- (* And_Destruct*)
simpl; case_eq (get p hyps); clean.
intros f ef; destruct f; clean.
destruct f1; clean.
intro H;
generalize (project F ef)
(IHp (hyps \ f1_1 =>> f1_2 =>> f2)
(F_push (f1_1 =>> f1_2 =>> f2) hyps F) gl H);
clear H; simpl.
apply compose2'.
(* (A/\B->C) -> ((A->B->C) -> D) -> D
x f => f (?? x)
x => C I (?? x)
B (C I) ??
refine (MP (MP LmB (MP LmC LmI)) _).
(* (A/\B->C) -> A -> B -> C
f a b => f (andI a b)
f a => B f (andI a)
f => (B'B) f andI
refine (MP (MP LmC (MP LmB' LmB)) AxAndI).
- (* Or_Intro_left *)
destruct gl; clean.
intro Hp; generalize (IHp hyps F gl1 Hp).
apply compose1'; simpl.
apply AxOrIL.
- (* Or_Intro_right *)
destruct gl; clean.
intro Hp; generalize (IHp hyps F gl2 Hp).
apply compose1'; simpl.
apply AxOrIR.
- (* Or_elim *)
simpl; case_eq (get p1 hyps); clean.
intros f ef; destruct f; clean.
case_eq (check_proof (hyps \ f1) gl p2); clean.
intros check_p1 check_p2;
generalize (project F ef)
(IHp1 (hyps \ f1) (F_push f1 hyps F) gl check_p1)
(IHp2 (hyps \ f2) (F_push f2 hyps F) gl check_p2);
simpl; apply compose3'.
apply AxOrE.
- (* Or_Destruct *)
simpl; case_eq (get p hyps); clean.
intros f ef; destruct f; clean.
destruct f1; clean.
intro check_p0;
generalize (project F ef)
(IHp (hyps \ f1_1 =>> f2 \ f1_2 =>> f2)
(F_push (f1_2 =>> f2) (hyps \ f1_1 =>> f2)
(F_push (f1_1 =>> f2) hyps F)) gl check_p0);
apply compose2'.
(* (A \/ B -> C) -> ((A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> D) -> D
x f => (f (??1 x)) (??2 x)
x => C (C I (??1 x)) (??2 x)
S(BC(B(CI)??1))??2 *)
x f => (f (Bx orIL) (Bx orIR))
x => C ((C I) (Bx orIL)) (B x orIR)
S (BC (B(CI)(CB orIL))) (CB orIR)
refine (MP (MP AxS (MP (MP LmB LmC) (MP (MP LmB (MP LmC LmI)) _))) _).
refine (MP (MP LmC LmB) AxOrIL).
refine (MP (MP LmC LmB) AxOrIR).
- (* Cut *)
simpl; case_eq (check_proof hyps f p1); clean.
intros check_p1 check_p2;
generalize (IHp1 hyps F f check_p1)
(IHp2 (hyps\f) (F_push f hyps F) gl check_p2);
intros Ha Himp.
revert Himp Ha. apply compose2', LmI.
Theorem Reflect: forall gl prf, if check_proof empty gl prf then (|- [[gl]]) else True.
intros gl prf;case_eq (check_proof empty gl prf);intro check_prf.
change (|- interp_ctx empty F_empty [[gl]]) ;
apply interp_proof with prf;assumption.
End with_env.
End RtautoSound.
Module RtautoProp <: RtautoLogic.
Definition Sem := Prop.
Definition STrue := True.
Definition SFalse := False.
Definition Simp := Basics.impl.
Definition Sand := and.
Definition Sor := or.
Definition holds (p:Sem) := p.
Definition AxK (A B:Prop) : holds (A -> B -> A) := fun a b => a.
Definition AxS (A B C:Prop) : holds ((A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C) := fun x y z => (x z (y z)).
Definition MP (A B:Prop): holds (A -> B) -> holds A -> holds B := fun f x => f x.
Definition AxEF (A:Prop) : holds (False -> A) := False_ind A.
Definition AxAndI := conj.
Definition AxAndEL := proj1.
Definition AxAndER := proj2.
Definition AxOrIL := or_introl.
Definition AxOrIR := or_intror.
Definition AxOrE (A B C:Prop) := fun p f g => @or_ind A B C f g p.
End RtautoProp.
Module R := RtautoSound RtautoProp.
(* A small example *)
Parameters A B C D:Prop.
Theorem toto:A /\ (B \/ C) -> (A /\ B) \/ (A /\ C).
exact (Reflect (empty \ A \ B \ C)
([1] //\\ ([2] \\// [3]) =>> [1] //\\ [2] \\// [1] //\\ [3])
(I_Arrow (E_And 1 (E_Or 3
(I_Or_l (I_And (Ax 2) (Ax 4)))
(I_Or_r (I_And (Ax 2) (Ax 4))))))).
Print toto.
Register R.Reflect as plugins.rtauto.Reflect.
Register Atom as plugins.rtauto.Atom.
Register Arrow as plugins.rtauto.Arrow.
Register Bot as plugins.rtauto.Bot.
Register Conjunct as plugins.rtauto.Conjunct.
Register Disjunct as plugins.rtauto.Disjunct.
Register Ax as plugins.rtauto.Ax.
Register I_Arrow as plugins.rtauto.I_Arrow.
Register E_Arrow as plugins.rtauto.E_Arrow.
Register D_Arrow as plugins.rtauto.D_Arrow.
Register E_False as plugins.rtauto.E_False.
Register I_And as plugins.rtauto.I_And.
Register E_And as plugins.rtauto.E_And.
Register D_And as plugins.rtauto.D_And.
Register I_Or_l as plugins.rtauto.I_Or_l.
Register I_Or_r as plugins.rtauto.I_Or_r.
Register E_Or as plugins.rtauto.E_Or.
Register D_Or as plugins.rtauto.D_Or.
Parameters A B C D:Prop.
Theorem toto:A /\ (B \/ C) -> (A /\ B) \/ (A /\ C).
exact (R.Reflect (empty \ A \ B \ C)
([1] //\\ ([2] \\// [3]) =>> [1] //\\ [2] \\// [1] //\\ [3])
(I_Arrow (E_And 1 (E_Or 3
(I_Or_l (I_And (Ax 2) (Ax 4)))
(I_Or_r (I_And (Ax 2) (Ax 4))))))).
Print toto.
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