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Created February 18, 2022 22:17
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Why does the example from "How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc" fail with regular apply?
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
The first example from the paper
"How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc",
don't work as expected with the non-ssreflect apply.
(* The example works over separation logic heaps
but details are not needed so just declare
everything as axioms. *)
Parameters heap ptr : Type.
(elem : ptr -> forall [A:Type], A -> heap)
(sep : heap -> heap -> heap)
(def : heap -> Prop).
(def_left : forall h1 h2, def (sep h1 h2) -> def h1)
(def_right : forall h1 h2, def (sep h1 h2) -> def h2).
(* Concretely define the goal predicate, to be more sure
the part of the code building proofs is correct.
[in_dom x h] stands for $x \elem dom h$ in the paper.
Inductive in_dom (x:ptr) : heap -> Prop :=
| in_here : forall [A] (v:A), in_dom x (elem x v)
| in_left : forall h1 h2, in_dom x h1 -> in_dom x (sep h1 h2)
| in_right : forall h1 h2, in_dom x h2 -> in_dom x (sep h1 h2).
(* Now all the canonical structure stuff, exactly following the paper *)
Structure tagged_heap := Tag {untag : heap}.
Definition right_tag h := Tag h.
Definition left_tag h := right_tag h.
Canonical found_tag h := left_tag h.
Definition spec x (h : tagged_heap)
:= def (untag h) -> in_dom x (untag h).
Structure find x := Find { heap_of : tagged_heap; _ : spec x heap_of }.
Lemma found_pf A x (v:A) : spec x (found_tag (elem x v)).
intro. apply in_here.
Canonical found_struct A x (v:A) :=
@Find x (found_tag (elem x v)) (@found_pf A x v).
Lemma left_pf x h (f:find x):
spec x (left_tag (sep (untag (heap_of f)) h)).
destruct f as [hl sl].
intros d%def_left.
apply in_left, sl, d.
Canonical left_struct x h (f : find x) :=
@Find x (left_tag (sep (untag (heap_of f)) h)) (@left_pf x h f).
Lemma right_pf x h (f:find x):
spec x (right_tag (sep h (untag (heap_of f)))).
destruct f as [hr sr].
intros d%def_right.
apply in_right, sr, d.
Canonical right_struct x h (f : find x) :=
@Find x (right_tag (sep h (untag (heap_of f)))) (@right_pf x h f).
Lemma indom (x:ptr) (f : find x):
def (untag (heap_of f)) -> in_dom x (untag (heap_of f)).
destruct f as [? s]. apply s.
Example ex1 A (x1 x2 : ptr) (v1 v2 : A) (h1 h2 : heap)
(h:= sep h1 (sep (elem x1 1) (elem x2 3))):
def h -> in_dom x2 h.
intro d.
(* regular apply fails, saying <<Unable to unify "x1" with "x2".>> *)
Fail apply indom.
(* but ssreflect's apply: works *)
Require Import ssreflect.
apply: indom.
exact d.
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