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Created December 29, 2011 23:46
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A set of functions for mIRC
; Add this script to remote.ini in the mIRC script editor, or load it as a remote script.
; These functions only run if the channel is on a server, and you are a mod in that channel.
; You also need JSON and SQLite plugins for mIRC, both of which should be loaded as remote scripts:
on *:START:{
; shorten db
set %db $sqlite_open(sqlite.db)
if (!%db) {
echo [DB] Failed to connect to DB: %sqlite_errstr
else {
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "shorten" ("url" VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE, "target" VARCHAR, "updated" INTEGER)
echo [DB] Connected to DB.
; spam
hmake spam 10
hadd spam dshini http:\/\/(?:www\.)?dshini\.net\/de\/spage\/
hadd spam ihatelola http:\/\/(?:www\.)?ihatelola\.com\/\?id=
hadd spam ultras http:\/\/(?:www\.)?ultrasonline2?\.com
hadd spam mspoints http:\/\/(?:www\.)?mspointscodes\.com\/\?i=
hadd spam joliecindy http:\/\/(?:www\.)?joliecindy\.com\/\?id=
echo [SPAM] Created spam hash.
; spam links
ON *:TEXT:**:*: spam dshini $1-
ON *:TEXT:**:*: spam ihatelola $1-
ON *:TEXT:*ultrasonline*.com*:*: spam ultras $1-
ON *:TEXT:**:*: spam mspoints $1-
ON *:TEXT:**:*: spam joliecindy $1-
; youtube
ON *:TEXT:**:*: youtube $1-
ON *:TEXT:**:*: youtube $1-
; Justin
ON *:TEXT:**/b/*:*: justin $1-
ON *:TEXT:**/b/*:*: justin $1-
; shorten links
ON *:TEXT:**:*: shorten bitly http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/([A-Za-z0-9]+) $1-
ON *:TEXT:**:*: shorten TinyURL http:\/\/(?:www\.)?tinyurl\.com\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) $1-
ON *:TEXT:**:*: shorten http:\/\/(?:www\.)?is\.gd\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) $1-
; $is_justin_serv => bool
; Returns whether you're on the Justin server
alias is_justin_serv return $iif($server ==, $true, $false)
; $is_justin_mod => bool
; Returns whether you're an op in the current channel
alias is_justin_mod return $iif(($is_justin_serv) && ($me isop $chan), $true, $false)
alias youtube {
if (!$is_justin_mod) halt
if (!$regex($1-,/(youtube\.com\/watch\?(?:[^ ]+&)?v=|\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)) halt
echo jtv $time $+ : $1-
var %j = $json.enc( $+ $regml(2) $+ ?v=2&alt=jsonc)
if ($json(%j,error,code)) {
var %out = [YT] $json(%j,error,code) $json(%j,error,message)
msg $chan %out
echo jtv %out
var %out = [YT] $json(%j,data,uploader) $+ : " $+ $json(%j,data,title) $+ "
msg $chan %out
echo jtv %out
alias justin {
if (!$is_justin_mod) halt
if (!$regex($1-,/(justin|twitch)\.tv\/([\w_-]+)\/b\/(\d+)/)) halt
echo jtv $time $+ : $1-
var %j = $json.enc( $+ $regml(3) $+ .json)
var %t = $json(%j,0,title)
if (%t) %t = " $+ %t $+ "
else %t = Untitled
var %out = [JTV] %t [DL] $json(%j,0,video_file_url)
msg $chan %out
echo jtv %out
alias spam {
if (!$is_justin_mod) return 0
if ($1 == all) {
var %i = 1, %ct = $hget(spam,0).Item
while (%i <= %ct) {
if ($regex($2-,/ $+ $hget(spam,%i).Data $+ /i)) {
echo $time $+ : $1-
ban $hget(spam,%i).Item
return 1
inc %i
elseif ($regex($2-,/ $+ $hget(spam,$1) $+ /i)) {
echo $time $+ : $1-
ban $1
return 1
return 0
alias shorten {
var %u, %q, %o
if (!%db) { return }
if (!$is_justin_mod) halt
if (!$regex($3-,/( $+ $2 $+ )/)) halt
%o = $regml(1)
echo $time $+ : $1-
; try to find it in the db first
%q = SELECT * FROM shorten WHERE url=' $+ $sqlite_escape_string(%o) $+ '
var %r = $sqlite_query(%db,%q)
if (!%r) {
echo 4 -a Error: %sqlite_errstr
if ($sqlite_num_rows(%r)) {
sqlite_fetch_row %r row
var %ud = $ctime - 600
echo Updated $hget(row,updated) & 10 mins ago is %ud
if ($hget(row,updated) < %ud) {
%q = DELETE FROM shorten WHERE url=' $+ $sqlite_escape_string(%o) $+ '
sqlite_exec %db %q
echo Deleted %o
else {
%u = $hget(row,target)
echo Found %o > %u in DB
sqlite_free %r
; use the api
if (!%u) {
var %j = $+ $json.enccomponent(%o) $+ &format=json
var %u = $json(%j,long-url)
echo Found %j > %u from API
%q = INSERT INTO shorten (url, target, updated) VALUES (' $+ $sqlite_escape_string(%o) $+ ',' $+ $sqlite_escape_string(%u) $+ ', $ctime $+ )
sqlite_exec %db %q
echo Inserted %o
if ($spam(all,%u)) halt
msg $chan $chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93) $iif(%u == %o,Invalid URL,%u)
alias ban {
if (!$is_justin_mod) halt
echo jtv .ban $nick
msg $chan .ban $nick
msg $chan $iif($1,$chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93)) $random_select(g'day mate,take it,wtf man,see ya nerd,this $nick kid)
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