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Created May 28, 2017 15:13
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Twitter Favorite Bot
var Twitter = require('twitter');
var config = require('./config.js');
var T = new Twitter(config);
// Set up your search parameters
var params = {
q: '#nodejs',
count: 10,
result_type: 'recent',
lang: 'en'
// Initiate your search using the above paramaters
T.get('search/tweets', params, function(err, data, response) {
// If there is no error, proceed
// Loop through the returned tweets
for(let i = 0; i < data.statuses.length; i++){
// Get the tweet Id from the returned data
let id = { id: data.statuses[i].id_str }
// Try to Favorite the selected Tweet'favorites/create', id, function(err, response){
// If the favorite fails, log the error message
// If the favorite is successful, log the url of the tweet
let username = response.user.screen_name;
let tweetId = response.id_str;
console.log('Favorited: ', `${username}/status/${tweetId}`)
} else {
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Instead of for loop you may use async.eachSeries function from async library because you are making asynchronous calls in synchronized block.

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