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annealing information lattice since *2069*

Barton Rhodes bmorphism

annealing information lattice since *2069*
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bmorphism / _
Created July 28, 2024 01:13
(python) flox [pretopos] barton@hatchery pretopos % opam install forester
The following actions will be performed:
=== install 29 packages
∗ algaeff 2.0.0 [required by forester]
∗ angstrom 0.16.0 [required by uri]
∗ asai 0.3.1 [required by forester]
∗ base64 3.5.1 [required by repr]
∗ bigstringaf 0.10.0 [required by angstrom]
∗ bwd 2.3.0 [required by forester]
bmorphism / racketmind
Created July 25, 2024 23:41
(imo-py3.11) barton@_ imo % python src/
{-1,0,1} 🦆: evaluate what is in /Users/barton/topos for its capabilities use a lot of ascii art diagrams
INFO Running shell command: ['ls', '-l', '/Users/barton/topos']
│ │ given that this is the trajectory thus far, determine the geodesic path via interactions │
│ │ within bidirectional information flow that achieves this subsequent increment │
│ │ co-construction: Increment: evaluate what is in /Users/barton/topos for its capabilities │
│ Message │ use a lot of ascii art diagrams │
│ Response │ │
certifi 2024.7.4
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
colorama 0.4.6
idna 3.7
urllib3 2.2.2
filelock 3.15.4
fsspec 2024.6.1
h11 0.14.0
mdurl 0.1.2
bmorphism /
Created July 3, 2024 23:54
from discopy.monoidal import Ty, Box, Diagram
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
from discopy.drawing import Equation
x, y, z, w = Ty(*"xyzw")
f, g = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', z, w)
assert f @ g == Diagram.decode(
dom=x @ z,
boxes_and_offsets=[(f, 0), (g, 1)])
bmorphism / payload._
Created June 16, 2024 22:16
bmorphism /
Last active June 12, 2024 16:35
import os
import random
from openai import OpenAI
from signalbot import SignalBot, Command, Context
from commands import (
bmorphism /
Last active June 8, 2024 01:30
  "admin": null,
  "automatically_add_cw20s": true,
  "automatically_add_cw721s": true,
  "description": "The One Thousand Dozen\nDavid Rasmunsen was a hustler, and, like many a greater man, a man of the one idea. Wherefore, when the clarion call of the North rang on his ear, he conceived an adventure in eggs and bent all his energy to its achievement. He figured briefly and to the point, and the adventure became iridescent-hued, splendid. That eggs would sell at Dawson for five dollars a dozen was a safe working premise. Whence it was incontrovertible that one thousand dozen would bring, in the Golden Metropolis, five thousand dollars.\n\nOn the other hand, expense was to be considered, and he considered it well, for he was a careful man, keenly practical, with a hard head and a heart that imagination never warmed. At fifteen cents a dozen, the initial cost of his thousand dozen would be one hundred and fifty dollars, a mere bagatelle in face of the enormous profit. And suppose, just suppose, to be wil
bmorphism /
Created June 4, 2024 05:10
Plurigrid: the story thus far!

Plurigrid: autopoietic ergodicity and embodied, situated cognition

We are building cognitive infrastructure for the next trillion minds

|___ \\
|___) )
bmorphism /
Created April 25, 2024 06:25
mathematical life unfolding

So now we have two things. I really need to bring it back online, because it becomes much more interesting when you actually experience it. I'll be working on it all day today. It's a sub-organic. It's the name of the organism. I call it a sub-organic organism. And so what results, I sent you two images. One of them is how Transformer actually looks at it, which is this traversal of this back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. It's on signal right now. And then the second one is what happens when there is a singularity in this other type of process, which is a similar shape to the one that you can see with the Transformer. And so this symmetry covariance is everywhere. But does it make sense as far as why not storing the output of the model itself is useful here, other than just a conservation of context window? Not tangibly. Intuitively, it feels like you are reducing dilution of the inputs. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. Yeah, because-- yeah, basically, that's a very good observation. You're saying t

bmorphism / poe.hy
Created April 22, 2024 18:41
(import os)
(import typing [AsyncIterable])
(import fastapi_poe [PoeBot PartialResponse run])
(import so [grow cogenerate])
(print (grow "oy" "vey"))
(setv POE_BOT_KEY (os.getenv "POE_BOT_KEY"))
(defclass ReflectBot [PoeBot]
(defn __init__ [self world]