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Last active December 20, 2015 23:39
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interacting with topographic data in browser console
// In console:
script = document.createElement("script")
script.type = 'text/javascript'
script.src = ""
img = new Image
img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
img.src= ",37.7575,14/500x500.png"
projection = d3.geo.mercator().center([-122.4575, 37.7575]).scale( Math.pow(2, 14) * 256 )
poi = projection.invert([250, 250])
// [-122.46064188701821, 37.75750000000001]
// that was a little off so we translate to center:
poi = projection.invert([250, 250])
// more like it: [-122.45750000000001, 37.75750000000001]
canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
// <canvas>​..
// switch to d3, include both just to show what d3 is doing, remove previous:
canvas ="body").append("canvas").attr("id", "imagedata")
canvas.attr("height", 500).attr("width", 500)
ctx = canvas.node().getContext('2d')
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0)
topography = ctx.getImageData(0,0,500,500)
// ImageData {height: 500, width: 500, data: Uint8ClampedArray[1000000]}
// red value for center pixel:
// 2d array access -> 4 * 250 for x + y * (per row y entries)[250 * 4 + (4 * 500) * 250]
// green value for center pixel:[250 * 4 + (4 * 500) * 250 + 1]
/* Per the encoding, h = r * 255 + g + .01 * b
That means the SRTM1 measurement for Twin Peaks (dark blob in middle) is 274m
vs a known absolute max value of 281m. (there might be a better px too)
Here below is the same type of interface to a nearby point starting with
unprojected longitude and latitude:
topoPx_nearby = projection([-122.45, 37.75])
// That lon/lat pair projected into pixelspace:
// [799.0331097207963, 944.4077101582661] --> oops that is out of bounds, tries:
topoPx_nearer = projection([-122.459, 37.756])
// good: [140.1933780554682, 388.8871734472923][topoPx_nearer[0] * 4 + (4 * 500) * topoPx_nearer[1]]
// undefined oops has to be integer index[Math.floor(topoPx_nearer[0]) * 4 + (4 * 500) * Math.floor(topoPx_nearer[1])]
0[Math.floor(topoPx_nearer[0]) * 4 + (4 * 500) * Math.floor(topoPx_nearer[1]) + 1]
/* So a little ways down the hill the elevation is 0 * 255 + 237 meters
I would love to do a national map like this. I would also like to try to interest the
Mapbox satellite squad in a number of satellite layers like this, for example the
GRACE groundwater dataset
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