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Last active October 8, 2017 23:18
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const { task, join, junction } = require('bionode-watermill')
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs')
const multiInput = (target, params) => {
return task({
params: params,
output: '*.ids.txt',
name: `Generate IDs file for ${target}`
}, ({ params }) => `echo '${params.join('\n')}' > ${target}.ids.txt`)
const getMetadataFromNcbi = (cmds, description) => {
return task({
input: '*.ids.txt',
output: '*.metadata.json',
name: description
}, ({ input }) => `
cat ${input} | ${cmds} | jq '.' > ${input.replace(/\.ids.txt/, '.metadata.json')}
const getReadsMetadataFromSraIds = getMetadataFromNcbi(
`xargs -L 1 bionode-ncbi search sra`,
'Get reads metadata from NCBI, including all sequencing runs accessions'
const getRefGenomeMetadataFromSraIds = getMetadataFromNcbi(
`xargs -L 1 bionode-ncbi search sra | \
jq -r '@text "\\(.expxml.Organism.taxid)[taxid]"' | uniq | \
xargs -L 1 bionode-ncbi search assembly`,
'Get reference genome metadata from NCBI'
const generateNcbiRefGenomeUrlFromNcbiMetadata = task({
input: '*.metadata.json',
output: '*.urls.txt',
name: 'From accessions in a file, generate ENA download URLs for FASTQ'
}, ({ input }) => `
cat ${input} | \
jq -r '@text "\\(.ftppath_refseq)/\\(.assemblyaccession)_\\(.assemblyname)_genomic.fna.gz"'
> ${input.replace(/\.metadata.json/, '.urls.txt')}
const generateEnaFastqUrlsFromRunsInNcbiMetadata = task({
// NCBI SRAs takes longer to download and extract, so we use ENA
input: '*.metadata.json',
output: '*.urls.txt',
name: 'From Runs accessions in a file, generate ENA download URLs for FASTQ'
}, ({ input }) => `
cat ${input} | jq -r '.runs.Run[] | .acc' | bash -c 'while read acc; do
if [ \${#acc} == 9 ] ; then
dir2=$(printf %03d \${acc:9:3})/
done' > ${input.replace(/\.metadata.json/, '.urls.txt')}
const downloadUrls = task({
input: '*.urls.txt',
output: '**/*.fastq.gz',
name: 'Download URLs in input file using wget'
}, ({ input }) => `cat ${input} | xargs wget -r`)
const solenopsisInput = multiInput('solenopsis', [279040, 280098])
const pipeline = join(
join(getRefGenomeMetadataFromSraIds, generateNcbiRefGenomeUrlFromNcbiMetadata),
join(getReadsMetadataFromSraIds, generateEnaFastqUrlsFromRunsInNcbiMetadata)
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thejmazz commented Oct 8, 2017

backslash missing at end of line 41

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